
  • 网络graph of function
  1. 一个凹函数的图象总在它的切线的下方。

    The graph of a concave function is always below its tangent .

  2. 一种基于δ函数的图象边缘检测算法

    A δ Function Based Algorithm for Image Edge Detection

  3. 绝对连续函数的图象

    The graph of an absolutely continuous function

  4. 本文用分形插值函数的图象来表示随时间变化很强的交通流的曲线。

    This paper introduces the application of fractal interpolation function graphs to traffic flow curves varing strongly with time .

  5. 径向基函数神经网络的遥感图象分类

    Remote Sensing Image Classification Using Radial Basis Function Neural Network

  6. 模糊逻辑函数的几何建模与图象运算模糊逻辑函数中短语的可消性

    The construction of geometrical models and the calculation of the images on fuzzy logical functions

  7. 针对遥感图象分类的特点,提出了一种径向基函数神经网络的遥感图象分类器。

    In this paper , considering the features of remote sensing images , we proposed a remote sensing image classifier using radial basis function neural network .

  8. 本文首先从代数理论导出一种新的概念:矩阵相似度,由此构造图象的相似性判别函数,从而提出一种基于相似性判别函数的图象特征抽取和识别方法。

    In this paper , we first derive a new algebraic concept : similarity of matrices , establish a similar discrimination function of images , and further present a feature extraction and recognition method based on the similar discrimination function .