
  1. 曲线与方程若干问题初探

    Approach to a Number of Problems on Curve and Equation

  2. 学生对曲线与方程的理解的障碍主要有以下几点:1、映射是曲线与方程概念中的主要思想,大部分学生没能从映射的观点来理解曲线与方程。

    Most students can not understand the concept of the curve and the equation by the way of the mapping although the mapping is one of the main ideas in mathematics .

  3. 所以,学生对函数及其图象、直线的方程的学习,是学习曲线与方程的基础。

    Therefore , the learning of the function and its image , and the equation of a straight line is the base of the learning of the curves and the equations .

  4. 教材编写:应调整解析几何课程内容的安排顺序和呈现方式,把曲线与方程的概念放到直线与方程的前面。

    Textbook development : to enhance the history content of analytical geometry ; to adjusting the arrange sequence and present approach of analytical geometry content , put the conception of curve and equation in front of the beeline and equation .

  5. 三种土壤不同施肥处理磷的吸附曲线与Langmuir方程均拟合良好,相关系数均达到显著水平。

    P adsorption to soils of the three types under different fertilizer treatments was well fitted to Langmuir equation with strong correlation .

  6. 以改进的西原正夫模型为基础,利用岩石全过程应力-应变曲线与蠕变方程中参数的对应关系,建立参数非线性蠕变模型。

    Based on the modified elastic and visco-elasto-plastic model , the corresponding relationship of complete rock stress-strain curve and creep equation parameters is utilized , and a creep model with non-linear parameters is set up .

  7. 在4种动力学方程中,黄壤的动态等温吸附曲线与双常数方程的相关性最好;

    In the four dynamic equations , the dynamic isothermal adsorption curve for the yellow soil tally well with the two - constant rate equation ;

  8. 沉积物对镉的吸附等温曲线与Langmuir吸附等温方程拟合的相关系数较高,沉积物对镉的吸附等温线较符合Langmuir型。

    The adsorption isotherms of Cd in sediments are calculated using Langmuir adsorption equations , the correlation coefficient is relatively high , The adsorption isotherms conform to Langmuir type . 7 .

  9. 在实验供磷溶液浓度范围内(20~160ppm),五种填料的动态等温吸附曲线与四种动力学方程的吻合性也很好;

    The dynamic isothermal adsorption curves of five fillings also anastomose well with four kinetics equations within experimental phosphor solution concentrations ( 20 ~ 160ppm ) .

  10. 首先提出了两个新的复合材料全寿命范围的E-N曲线方程与S-N曲线方程,与过去的双参数和三参数曲线公式相比,此二方程因均有四个参数而具有更好的物理性质;

    Two new equations of the S N curve equation and the E N curve equation are presented in this paper . These equations are with four parameters , therefore they have better physical properties than those with two or three parameters .

  11. 空间曲线存在定理与黎卡提方程

    The Existence Theorem of Space Curves and Riccati Equation

  12. 吸附动力学实验结果说明吸附过程在1小时内达到平衡,且动力学曲线与假二阶方程有很好的相关性,表明吸附过程存在化学吸附。

    The adsorption kinetics indicate that the absorption process can balance within one hour , and the kinetics curve provide good correlation with the pseudo-second-order model , which indicate the existence of chemical adsorption .

  13. 对圆锥曲线是直线族的包络进行了证明,揭示了圆锥曲线与微分方程的解之间的内在联系。

    Exemplifying the Problem-Solving Techniques for the Sampling Codomain of the Conic ; This article is to illustrate that the conic section is an envelope of family of straight lines , thus we discover the internal relations between the conic section and the solution of differential equation .