
  • 网络AUC;Area under the curve;area under curve;AUROC
  1. 肛门括约肌压力(ASP)以每秒收缩曲线下面积来表达。

    Anal sphincter pressure ( ASP ) was described with area under curve ( AUC ) per second .

  2. LSS法估算COPD患者茶碱缓释片单用及联用加替沙星时稳态药-时曲线下面积

    Estimation of the area under curve of steady-state concentrations of theophylline single oral taken and concurrent with gatifloxacin in COPD patients by limited sampling strategy

  3. 脂质体组肝、脾、肺、心的药物浓度&时间曲线下面积增大(P<0.05)。

    And larger area under the curve values in liver , spleen , heart and lung ( P < 0.05 ) .

  4. 血药时曲线下面积为237.88ng·ml~(-1)·h。

    The area under the curve ( AUC ) was 237 . 88 ng / ml-1 · h.

  5. 曲线下面积(AUC)为7354ng·h/ml;

    The area under the curve ( AUC ) was 7354 ng-h / ml.

  6. 结果:一年以后,利妥昔单抗组C肽水平的平均曲线下面积明显高于安慰机组。

    Results At1 year , the mean AUC for the level of C peptide was significantly higher in the rituximab group than in the placebo group .

  7. ROC曲线下面积的ML估计与假设检验

    Maximum likelihood estimation and hypothesis test of areas under receiver operating characteristic ( ROC ) curves

  8. 目的探索ROC曲线下面积与ROC曲线在ND轴上的截距、斜率的关系。

    Objective : To study relationship area under ROC curve with intercept and slope .

  9. 应用ROC曲线下面积对两相关诊断试验进行评价和比较

    Area under ROC curves in evaluation and comparison of two correlated diagnostic tests

  10. 接收者运行特征(ROC)曲线下面积为0.921;并能预示HF患者的预后。

    The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve is 0.921.BNP could predict the prognosis in HF .

  11. ROC曲线下面积:BIS>AEPI>效应室药物浓度。

    The area under ROC curve : BIS index > AEPI > effect-site concentration .

  12. ROC曲线下面积估计的参数法与非参数法的应用研究

    Application of parametric method and non-parametric method in estimation of area under ROC curve

  13. 冠心病组血浆ET与多个胰岛素敏感性指标显著相关,但独立相关的指标只有胰岛素敏感性指数、空腹血胰岛素和(或)C肽曲线下面积。

    In multivariate regression analysis , however , independently correlated factors included insulin sensitivity index , fasting serum insulin and ( or ) area under C peptide curve .

  14. 两ROC曲线下面积的比较采用非参数法检验。

    A nonparametric approach was used to compare the areas under two correlated receiver operating characteristic curves .

  15. PCT、CRP和WBC的ROC曲线下面积分别为0.99、0.62和0.60。

    Area under the ROC curve was 0.99 for procalcitonin , 0.62 for CRP and 0.60 for WBC .

  16. 结果2型糖尿病合并骨质疏松组的C肽释放曲线下面积(AUC)低于未合并骨质疏松组(P<001)。

    Results The area under the connective peptide releasing curre in osteoporosis group was lower than that of non osteoporosis in type 2 diabetes .

  17. FISH曲线下面积在四种诊断方法中为最大,说明综合灵敏度和特异度考虑FISH检测方法优于其他三种检查方法。

    FISH area under the curve for the four largest diagnostic methods , indicating that the sensitivity and specificity to consider comprehensive FISH detection method is better than the other three methods .

  18. LSS法估算肾移植患者口服环孢素的药时曲线下面积

    Estimation of AUC of CsA in Renal Transplant Recipients by LSS

  19. 结果:①直线相关分析表明,AUCglucose(血糖反应曲线下面积)及AUCinsulin均与AI呈显著相关;

    The results showed that both AUC glucose and AUC insulin were significantly correlated with apnea index ( AI ) by Pearson 's test .

  20. 指甲肌酐ROC曲线下面积对急慢性肾衰竭的鉴别诊断

    Assessment of receiver operating characteristic curve on diagnostic value of nail creatinine in acute and chronic renal failure

  21. 吸碘率曲线下面积与Graves病~(131)I治疗效果的观察

    Correlation between the Area Under Thyroid Uptake Curve of ~ ( 131 ) I and the Therapeutic Efficacy of Graves Disease

  22. 药代动力学研究:间质化疗与全身化疗相比较,药物代谢的半衰期显著延长,曲线下面积增加,峰浓度提高,两者相比,结果具有统计学差异,P值均小于0.01。

    Pharmacokinetic study : Interstitial chemotherapy has longer half time , larger area under the curve , higher peak concentration compared with systematic chemotherapy . There were statistical differences of these three pharmacokinetic parameters between the two groups .

  23. 结果在双上、中肺野,软组织图像的曲线下面积大于常规DR胸片;

    Results Az was greater on the soft tissue images than on the regular DR images in the superior lung fields and outer zone of middle lung fields .

  24. iohexol-GFR在ROC曲线下面积平均为0.97。

    The mean area under ROC curve of iohexol-GFR was 0.97 ;

  25. 如果以血清MMP-9水平作为SLE的诊断指标,则ROC曲线下面积为0.984,灵敏度为97.2%;

    The area of ROC curve was 0.984 and the sensitivity was 97.2 % if serum level of MMP-9 was served as diagnostic standard .

  26. 特别是对由求积算法深入地研究,可进行二次NURBS曲线下面积的计算,并导出面积的精确计算公式。

    Especially , a deep research is paid to integral . An algorithm for computing area of regions bounded by quadratic NURBS curves is presented .

  27. 噪声消除加全屏放大技术获得的ROC曲线下面积Az值最大。

    The area beneath the ROC by using the technology of noise-deletion and full-screen is the largest one .

  28. 运用多肿瘤标志物联合检测ROC曲线下面积虽有提高但是不明显。

    Although it is improved for combined detection of ROC curve by different tumor markers , the result is still not obvious .

  29. 血糖和IS曲线下面积、胰岛素敏感性指数(ISI)分别由公式求得;

    The areas under glucose and insulin curve and insulin sensitve index ( ISI ) were derived by the methods of published articles .

  30. 同时检测其敏感度、特异性、预计值和ROC曲线下面积(AUC)。

    Optimum sensitivity , specificity , predictive values and area under the receiver operating characteristic ( ROC ) curve were evaluated .