
  • 【化】limiting diffusion current
  1. 溶解氧对A3钢片腐蚀有较大影响,随着溶解氧浓度的增大,氧的极限扩散电流密度将增大,氧离子化反应的速度也将加快,因而氧去极化腐蚀的速度要随之增大。

    As the dissolved oxygen concentration increases , the limit of oxygen diffusion current density will increase , the reaction rate of oxygen ions will accelerate , and thus the oxygen depolarization rate of corrosion increases . 2 .

  2. 其极限扩散电流密度与本文中定义的碘的未饱和度△m(I2),max成正比,后者是一个与通常所指的碘的不饱和度在意义和数值上都不相同的物理量。

    The diffusion limiting current densities are directly proportional to the △ m_ ( I2 , max ), which is defined as unsaturated extent of iodine , and it is different in the definition and the value from the usual degree of unsaturation of iodine in the electrolyte solution .

  3. 用极限扩散电流技术(LDCT)对竖直管内的液体单相流与气液两相流的传质特性进行了测量,经三传类比由测量结果获得了传热特性。

    The characteristics of mass and heat transfer of single liquid phase and gas-liquid two-phase flow in a vertical tube were studied with limiting diffusion current technique ( LDCT ) and the theory of heat and mass transfer analogue .

  4. 在旋转电极上呈现出明显的极限扩散电流,电化学阻抗谱呈现一个压扁的半圆。

    When the modified electrode is rotating , a distinct limiting diffusion current appears .

  5. 磁场加速铜电极上三价铁离子的阴极扩散过程,随磁场强度增大,阴极极限扩散电流密度增大;

    Magnetic field enhanced the cathodic diffusion of Fe 3 + on copper electrode , and cathodic limiting diffusion current density increased with magnetic field intensity .

  6. 结合极限扩散电流技术和同步数据采集方法,对鼓泡塔结晶器管内可能出现的流动型式及其传递进行了实验研究,发现用拟均相方法处理鼓泡流动将会带来较大误差;

    Combining the limiting diffusion current technique and the synchronous data record method , the hydrodynamics and the transfer of several flow regimes that may occur in this crystallizer is investigated at first .