
  • 网络QRS Complex;complex wave;MMC;PSWCs
  1. 将QRS复合波群与模板队列中的模板集进行相关性匹配,如果匹配均不成功,则建立新的镜像高斯模型。

    If the QRS complex wave fails to match each template in the queue , then mirror Gauss model will be practiced .

  2. 在人的QRS复合波的时域频域分布特征及发生机理问题上曾有过许多争论。

    There was much contention on distributive characteristics and their production mechanism of person ′ s QRS complex in time and frequency domain .

  3. 利用小波级数检测睡眠EEG中的K-复合波

    Detecting of K-Complex from Sleep EEG by Wavelet Series

  4. 实际检测结果表明这种方法能够有效地检出睡眠EEG中的K-复合波。

    Experiments showed that we can detect the K-complexes in the sleep EEG effectively .

  5. EEG需反复检测,方可见周期性尖慢复合波。

    EEG should be made repeatedly so that the periodic sharp wave complexes could be found .

  6. 急性心肌梗塞ST段抬高及M复合波对并发症和预后的估计

    Evaluation of Prediction of Complications and Prognosis in Acute Myocardial Infarction with Elevation of S-T Segment and M-Wave

  7. 自动分析心电监护仪的QRS复合波检出方法

    The QRS Complexes Detector in Automated Analysis of ECG Monitoring

  8. 心电图表现:表现为伴有窄QRS复合波的窦性心动过速。

    The manifestation of ECG : Narrow QRS-complex sinus tachycardia was observed .

  9. 其生理作用是来调节胃肠移行性运动复合波(MMC)。

    Its physiological function is to regulate the composite wave of gastrointestinal transitional movement .

  10. FPGA的超声相控阵系统接收波形合成结构增加三个正弦波可形成一个复合波。

    A novel architecture of receive beamforming for ultrasonic phased array system based on FPGA The addition of three sinewaves results in a composite wave .

  11. 使用复合波诊断以ZnO压敏电阻为主要元件的SPD的故障中电压信号的突变点往往携带SPD运行状态的重要信息。

    Singularities often carry major information in voltage signals in the combination wave detection of SPD .

  12. 本文提出了一种利用小波级数检测睡眠脑电(EEG)中K-复合波的方法。

    A new method to detect the K-complex from the sleep EEG ( electroen cephalogram ) by wavelet series automatically is presented in this paper .

  13. 关于CNV是复合波的直接证明

    Direct proof of CNV as a composite wave

  14. EEG异常:表现为慢波(δ、θ)增多,有痫性波(尖波,棘波,尖慢复合波,棘慢复合波)发放增加。

    The EEG revealed the dysfunction of CNS which was characterized by the increment of 6 and 9 waves and single spikes or spike and wave complexes .

  15. 对使用O型旋转复合波(ORBITALWAVE)波峰焊机,配免清洗助焊剂焊接高密度双面及多层PCB取得的经验,探讨了免洗焊剂、焊料在波峰焊中的正确选择与使用;

    This article describes the experience on the soldering of high density double or multi-layer PCBs using type 0 orbital wave solder machine with Low Residue Flux .

  16. Oddi括约肌运动是一个动态的周期性变化过程并于十二指肠移动性运动复合波密切相关。

    The sphincter of Oddi has a cyclic motility that is closely associated with the duodenal migrating motor complex .

  17. 结论综合利用小波变换不同尺度进行非线性变换所得到的模板可以显著提高QRS复合波的检测率。

    Conclusion QRS detection rate can be greatly improved when specific QRS template is obtained from the nonlinear transformation of the different wavelet scales .

  18. 优选地,用于确定心电图的QRS复合波下的面积大小的装置是可视性的或定量性。

    Preferably , the means for determining the size of the area under the QRS complex of the electrocardiogram is either visual or quantitative .

  19. 心室晚电位(VentricularLatePotential,VLP)是出现在QRS复合波末端并延伸至ST段的高频、低幅、不规则异常心电信号,它与恶性室性心律失常有着密切的联系。

    Ventricular Late Potential ( VLP ), which is high-frequency , low-amplitude and irregular abnormal ECG signal , appears in the terminal portion of the QRS complex and extends to ST segment .

  20. 正常大鼠小肠移行性肌电复合波(MMC)由4个时相组成,即Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ和Ⅳ时相。

    The normal intestinal migrating myoelectric complex ( MMC ) of rats recorded by implanted electrode consists of four phases ( phase ⅰ,ⅱ,ⅲ and ⅳ) .

  21. 采用二进小波变换与斜率和幅度相结合的方法,对小鼠QRS复合波进行检测。

    In this paper , we describe a rat 's QRS complex detector based on the dyadic wavelet transform which associate with the slope and range .

  22. 以小肠移行性肌电复合波(migratingmyoelectriccomplex,MMC)为指标,观察半夏泻心汤对顺铂引起大鼠小肠运动紊乱的调节作用。

    The regulatory effects of Banxia Xiexin Decoction on small intestine motility disorder induced by introvenous injection of cisplatin in rats was studies using the migrating myoelectric complex ( MMC ) .

  23. 目的:研究豚鼠胆囊切除术后胃肠移行性复合波(MMC)是否与胆酸池大小有关。

    AIM : To investigate whether the bile acid pool size after cholecystectomy is correlated to the gastrointestinal migrating myoelectric complex ( MMC ) in guinea pigs .

  24. 实验证明,镜像高斯模型(MGM)还可以有效地刻画其它种类的常见心律失常的QRS复合波群形态。

    It is proved by experiment that mirror Gauss model is able to effectively describe the QRS complex wave shape of other common arrhythmias .

  25. OSAHS患者鼾声的时域曲线表现为多个振幅、间隔不规则的复合波,频域曲线中无明显的基频一谐波结构。

    The snoring spectrum of patients with simple snoring showed distinct fundamental-harmonic structures which were not clear in patients with OSAHS .

  26. 提出了一种在CDMA体制下利用扩频&解扩方法从复合波场中区分单独信号波场的极化信息,从而决定各个信号的各个多径分量的到达方向的方案,并提供了数字实例。

    An approach is adopted employing spreading and de-spreading methods under CDMA format to recover individual wave polarization from a composite wave field , and a numerical example is given which is shown workable .

  27. 介绍了一种使用小波变换对单导联心电信号QRS复合波进行检测的方法。

    In this paper , an algorithm based on wavelet transform ( WT ) has been developed for detecting QRS complexes of signed-lead electrocardiogram ( ECG ) signal .

  28. 并且克服了时域法要求对QRS复合波的起点和终点准确定位不易的缺点,以及频域分析法频率分辨率不足的缺陷。

    The advantage of this method is that it doesn 't require locating accurately the end point of QRS wave of HRECG and overcomes low resolution of frequency-domain analysis .

  29. 介绍了一种基于PLC技术的OCS系统在复合波发生器控制系统中的应用。

    The paper introduces OCS ( Operational controllable station ) system , based on the technology of PLC , which is applied in the control system of the combination wave generator ( CWG ) .

  30. 目的观察肠易激综合征(IBS)患者的胃窦十二指肠移行性复合波(MMC)变化,并分析其与症状之间的关系。

    Objective To investigate the variety of antro duodenal motility in patients with diarrhea or constipation predominant irritable bowel syndrome ( IBS ) and to elucidate the pathophysiology of IBS .