
  1. 这是复兴号高寒动车组首次在中国最东端高寒高铁线路试跑。

    It was the first time a Fuxing bullet train has run on China 's easternmost high-speed line , which is located in an extremely cold region .

  2. 据介绍,CR400BF-G型复兴号高寒动车组系在复兴号动车组“金凤凰”的基础上进行了高寒适应性技术提升。CR400BF-G型复兴号高寒动车组具有耐高寒、抗风雪等特点,能够在-40℃的天气下运行。

    The CR400BF-G Fuxing bullet trains are designed to withstand the climate in extremely cold areas that may be hit by blizzards , which can keep out the snow and cold air .

  3. 复兴号列车是对以前的和谐号高速列车的一次重大升级。

    The Fuxing trains are a substantial upgrade on the previous Hexie ( Harmony ) bullet trains .

  4. 接下来,时速250公里的“复兴号”也有望在今年底上线。

    Fuxing bullet train with a speed of 250 km per hour is expected to be launched by the end of this year .

  5. 复兴号列车完全是由中国自主设计制造的,空间更宽敞、更节能、寿命更长、可靠性更高。

    Entirely designed and manufactured in China , the Fuxing train is more spacious and energy-efficient , with longer service life and better reliability .

  6. 2017年9月21日,复兴号子弹头列车在北京和上海之间开始运行时,中国子弹头列车的最高时速上升到了350公里每小时。

    The maximum speed of China 's bullet trains rose to 350 kph , when the Fuxing ( Rejuvenation ) bullet trains started operation between Beijing and Shanghai on September 21 , 2017 .

  7. 据《北京青年报》报道,我国已建成长度超过400米的新一代复兴号列车,这是全球最长的高速列车。

    China has built a new generation of its Fuxing bullet train that is over 400 meters long , making it the longest train of its kind in the world , reports Beijing Youth Daily .

  8. 一队记者踏上中国最新的“复兴号”高速列车,从北京出发前往天津。最新一代的高铁于八月份投入使用,连接了京津冀地区的主要城市。

    The reporters were sent on their trip to Tianjin from Beijing via the new high-speed train known as the " Fuxing . " The latest-generation high-speed train was in August , and now connects the major cities in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei area .

  9. 乐旅在复兴路25号。

    Happy journey is AT25 Fuxing road .

  10. 老西门茶城:上海黄浦区复兴东路1121号,电话:862153865555营业时间:上午9:00-下午9:00

    Laoximen Tea Plaza , 1121 Fuxing Dong Lu , Huangpu District , Shanghai ; + 86 21 5386 5555 ; open daily 9 a.m. - 9 p.m.