
fù chóu
  • revenge;vengeance;avenge;retaliate
复仇 [fù chóu]
  • [revenge;avenge] 对仇人进行报复

  • 复仇心理

复仇[fù chóu]
  1. 从各方面看这次犯罪都是复仇行为。

    The crime had revenge stamped all over it .

  2. 人们应该理解他们复仇的愿望是多么强烈。

    People should understand how thirsty for revenge they are .

  3. 几乎没有比复仇更爽的事情了。

    There are few things quite as sweet as revenge .

  4. 她利用媒体帮助自己进行可怕的复仇。

    She uses the media to help her exact a terrible revenge .

  5. 她复仇心切。

    She had a burning desire to wreak revenge .

  6. 他的强烈复仇渴望永远不会影响到她。

    His urge for revenge would never infect her .

  7. 可是,对以前的事记忆犹新的当地人却认为,这是对1961年那起非正义事件的正当复仇。

    But locals with long memories thought this was fair revenge for the injustice of 1961

  8. 他两眼闪现怒火,一心只想复仇。

    There was anger in his eyes and revenge in his heart .

  9. 他发誓要复仇。

    He vowed to avenge himself .

  10. 她用复仇的思想来毒害他的心灵。

    She poisoned his mind with ideas of hate and revenge .

  11. 不要带着怒气上床睡觉……保持清醒计划复仇。

    Never go to bed angry … Stay awake and plot revenge .

  12. 他发誓要向仇敌复仇。

    He swore to revenge himself [ to be revenged ] on his enemy .

  13. 他心中燃烧着急欲复仇的怒火。

    His heart burned with longing for revenge .

  14. 今年4月,《好莱坞报道》爆料,斯佩尔曼正在为漫威工作室创作《美国队长4》。此前,美国队长这个角色一直由克里斯·埃文斯饰演的史蒂夫·罗杰斯担任,他主演了三部单人电影、复仇者系列和其他漫威电影。

    In April , THR broke the news that Spellman is developing the fourth installment other Marvel films .

  15. 几个怪异的中年男人坚信马库斯妻子的死和摩托车帮有关,于是精神不稳定的马库斯决定复仇。

    A bunch of dysfunctional middle-aged16 men are convinced that a biker gang was responsible , so the unstable17 Markus sets about getting his revenge .

  16. 卡玛拉·克汗决定像普通女孩那样继续生活,去上学、去清真寺、继续在网上写她的复仇者联盟同人小说。

    Kamala Khan was determined5 to keep living her life as an ordinary girl — going to school , going to her mosque6 , and writing Avengers fanfic on the Internet .

  17. 不巧的是,她在《复仇者联盟4:终局之战》中已经领了盒饭,但是洛基和幻视都可以死而复生回来拍自己的电视剧,她为什么不能?

    Inconveniently1 , she was killed off in Avengers : Endgame , but Loki and Vision came back from the dead for their own TV series , so why shouldn 't she ?

  18. 当时复仇者们已经分道扬镳,罗曼诺夫也回俄罗斯去和自己仅有的“家人”团聚,也就是她的三个特工同事(分别由蕾切尔·薇姿、大卫·哈伯和弗洛伦丝·皮尤饰演)。

    The Avengers have gone their separate ways , so Romanoff heads to Russia to reunite with the only family she has , three fellow secret agents played by Rachel Weisz , David Harbour and Florence Pugh .

  19. 被全世界识破真实身份后压力山大的彼得到奇异博士的至圣所求助,请教这位在复仇者联盟系列电影中结识的至尊魔法师是否有咒语可以让全世界忘记彼得·帕克和蜘蛛侠是同一个人。

    The stress of the world knowing who he really is sends Peter to Doctor Strange 's Sanctum Sanctorum , where he asks the Sorcerer Supreme ( whom he got to know in the Avengers movies ) if there is a spell he can cast that would make the world forget Peter Parker and Spider-Man are the same person .

  20. 根据BoxOfficeMojo网站上的好评显示,复仇者联盟2012年在国内取得了最高的票房。

    The Avengers was the highest-grossing movie domestically of 2012 , according to the website Box Office Mojo , and was well-reviewed .

  21. 美国陆军的前沿防空系统包括4个主要组成部分:PMS复仇者,这是视线瞄准后卫系统;

    The US Army 's forward-area air-defense system ( FAADS ) comprises four primary elements : PMS Avenger , the line-of-sight rear system ;

  22. 看看今年上映的几部大片,如《复仇者联盟》(TheAvengers)和《饥饿游戏》(TheHungerGames)等,依靠的都不是单打独斗的明星。

    Neither of this year 's biggest domestic hits , ' The Avengers ' and ' The Hunger Games , ' relied on the strength of a sole marquee name .

  23. 我们还没完成因为我们的目标是想见到复仇能叠加更少的层数且不会使DPS柔软。

    We haven 't done that yet because our goal was to see how Venegeance felt at fewer stacks , not to balance ret dps .

  24. 塔西佗(Tacitus古罗马元老院议员、历史学家,公元55-117):人类更愿意报复伤害而不愿报答好意,因为感恩就好比重担,而复仇则快感重重。

    Men are more ready to repay an injury than a benefit , because gratitude is a burden and revenge a pleasure . - - Tacitus

  25. A-12复仇者战斗机,一种速度能达到3马赫的侦查飞机也研发于该区。

    The A-12 Oxcart , a Mach 3 spy plane , was also reportedly developed at Area 51 .

  26. 两年前,哈登曾有很好的机会拿下MVP奖杯。但拉塞尔-威斯布鲁克书写了一个现象级的故事:在凯文-杜兰特离开后,他开启了自己的复仇之旅,成为了自奥斯卡-罗伯特森后第一个场均三双的球员。

    Two years ago , Harden had a strong MVP case , but Russell Westbrook had a phenomenal narrative : the first player to average a triple-double since Oscar Robertson while on a Kevin Durant-departure revenge tour .

  27. 这一集将会很清楚的讲述Klaus和Mikael之间的关系,这位演员之后又说,他扮演的角色被Katherine从沉睡状态中唤醒,再度激起了他复仇的欲望。

    This episode will make it extremely clear what the relationship is between Klaus and Mikael , the actor behind the latter says , adding that his character being freed from his slumber by Katherine has reawakened his hunger for revenge .

  28. 不为复仇,只想讨回公道而自揭伤疤,这种行为是勇敢的,用评论员LibbyPurves的话来说,“西方文明的本质不是仇恨或恐惧,而是希望。”可能,这种希望的本质部分来源于犹太-基督历史。

    To resist simple vengeance , pursue justice and to relive the pain is a brave thing to do and shows in the words of the commentator Libby Purves that " the default setting of Western civilisation is not hatred or fear but hope . " Perhaps , part of that default setting of hope stems from our Judaeo-Christian history .

  29. 儒家孝治对血亲复仇的扬抑

    On Confucian Filial Piety 's Development and Repression of Blood Revenge

  30. 复仇:西方文学的一种叙事模式与文化表述

    One Kind of Narrative Pattern and Cultural Expression in Western Literature