
  • 网络In a Better World;A Better World
  1. 在更好的世界里,我会请你跳方块舞。

    In a better world , I could ask you to square dance .

  2. 与之形成对比的是,卡耐基基金会在创立伊始就明确要通过捐赠其创始人工业家安德鲁??卡耐基(AndrewCarnegie)巨大财富的剩余来创造一个更好的世界。

    By contrast , the Carnegie Corporation explicitly set out to create a better world by giving away what remained of the great fortune of its industrialist founder , Andrew Carnegie .

  3. 我们只想给他们创建一个更好的世界

    We -- we just want a better world for them .

  4. 这个更好的世界的愿景可以实现吗?

    Can this vision for a better world really be achieved ?

  5. 那就是给我们的孩子留下更好的世界。

    It is about leaving something better for our kids .

  6. 交给我们你们的身体,会有更好的世界等着你们。

    Hand over your flesh , and a new world awaits you .

  7. 什么世界会没有魔法一个更好的世界

    What kind of world is without magic ? A better one .

  8. 他们正尽力创建一个更好的世界。

    They are trying to build a better world .

  9. 但我知道…外面的世界才是更好的世界

    but I know that there 's a world out there that 's better .

  10. 他们呼吁奋斗的机会,去创建更好的世界。

    And they 're calling out for a fighting chance to build a better world .

  11. 我是为了创造一个更好的世界,让他生活得更加快乐。

    I was trying to make a world in which he could live a happier life .

  12. 他以热烈、温柔的爱情,以及到更好的世界的热望,来回忆、纪念她。

    He recalled her memory with ardent , tender love , and hopeful aspiring to the better world .

  13. 他深信2048年的世界将是个对以色列和中东都更好的世界。

    He was convinced that 2048 will be a much better world for Israel and for the Middle East .

  14. 行动主义者透过与罪恶对抗,与不公义争战和建立更好的世界去爱神;

    Activists love God through confronting evil , battling injustice , and working to make the world a better place .

  15. 女性除了在家庭中的作用和责任之外,她们承担着重新建立更好的世界的国际责任。

    In addition to the female function and obligation in families , women share international responsibilities to reconstruct a better world .

  16. 在联合国日,让我们承诺凝聚成一个人类大家庭,为所有人创造一个更好的世界。

    On UN Day , let us pledge to join as one human family to create a better world for all .

  17. 我们相信有一个“更好的世界”,在那里,人们不需要按照设计好的模子来生活,以获得成功。

    We believe in a " better world ," where one doesn 't have to fit a mold to succeed in life .

  18. 他们震撼了更好的世界,因为他们激励了我们的国家向所有人公平和自由的方向前行。

    They shook up the world for the better because they inspired our Nation to march toward justice and freedom for all .

  19. 我将作为一名普通的志愿者,为北京,为奥运,为一个更好的世界尽我所能。

    I 'll act as a common volunteer and do whatever I can for Beijing , for Olympics , for a better world .

  20. 麦柯斯,我们爱你,我们觉得为你和所有的孩子们建立一个更好的世界是我们的责任。

    Max , we love you and feel a great responsibility to leave the world a better place for you and all children .

  21. 赢得这场正在进行的竞赛的结果是为这一代人和子孙后代创造一个更好的世界。

    The prize for winning this ongoing race is nothing less than a better world for this generation and for the generations to come .

  22. 但我们始终相信,每一代都可以创造出一个比上一代更好的世界。

    But we have never lost faith in the capacity of each generation to build a better society than the one it was born into .

  23. 三峡在线认为,这个词的压倒性传播指出大多数人的心态是普遍积极向上的,他们也渴望有一个更好的世界。

    Sanxia Zaixian thinks the overwhelming spread of the phrase indicates the commonly positive mindset of most people and their aspiration and longing for a better world .

  24. 但我知道有一个世界,更好的世界,更好的生活,我希望在那里生活。

    But I know that there 's a world out there , that 's better . That 's better developed . And I wanna live in it .

  25. 我们并不需要魔法来改造世界。我们在内心深处已经拥有了所需的所有力量:我们拥有想象更好的世界的力量。

    We do not need magic to change the world , we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already : we have the power to imagine better .

  26. 但愿上天保佑,那是个更好的世界;因为,说老实话,我认为我难以再和我的教众度过转瞬即逝的另一个年头了!

    Heaven grant it be a better one ; for , in good sooth , I hardly think to tarry with my flock through the flitting seasons of another year !

  27. 正如萨马兰奇先生所说,奥林匹克的精髓不是竞技,奥林匹克的精神是对健康生活的渴望,对一个更好的世界的渴望.

    As Mr.Samaranch has said that the essence of Olympia is not confrontation , rather , the Olympic spirit is the desire for a healthy life , the disire for a better world .

  28. 这是因为你们已经提升了,并且抓住了这个意图想要创造一个更好的世界。当你把你的意识放在你所期待的事情之上的时候,你们将接受自己拥有的非凡力量。

    Because you have risen up and hold the intent to make it a better world , you will accept that you have incredible power when you set your minds on what you want .

  29. 当前的迫切需求是用一个看得见的更好的世界鼓励大众,使他们感觉在环境改变上的举动是正确的和正面的。

    The overwhelming need at the moment is to inspire ordinary people with a vision of a better world , to make them feel that action on climate change is utterly desirable and positive .

  30. 于是他信奉另一个世界,一个更好的世界,而他也大可以把冷山当作这一世界的所在,就像他可以随便想象任何地方一样。

    So he held up to the idea of another world , a better place , and he figured he might as well consider Cold Mountain to be the location of it as anywhere .