
yù yán zhě
  • prophet;predictor;soothsayer;prognosticator;augur;foretell
  1. ACT的宣传广告称自己为“美国大部分大学广泛认可的入学考试。”SAT的广告说自己是“参加人数最多的考试”,并与高中时期分数相联系,“是大学时期成功最好的预言者”。

    The ACT is advertised as " America 's most widely accepted college entrance exam . " The SAT is advertised as the one " most widely taken " and , high school grades , " the best predictor of college success . "

  2. 美国加州大学洛杉矶分校的生命科学家们有一项新研究,发现催产素受体基因是乐观自信的预言者。

    A new study by UCLA life scientists found that the oxytocin receptor gene is a strong predictor of optimism and self-esteem .

  3. 鹤受了伤,说道:“预言者乌鸦,这一次你的预兆呢?”

    The crane , on being wounded , said ," prophetic crow , where now are your auspices ?"

  4. 动脉粥样硬化的预言者LDL胆固醇脂:来自人类和动物的脂质饮食研究的证据。

    LDL cholesteryl oleate as a predictor for atherosclerosis : evidence from human and animal studies on dietary fat .

  5. 在1987年10月大风暴(theGreatStormofOctober1987)后,尽管灾难预言者宣布英格兰南部的地貌遭遇了灭顶之灾,我仍发现了很多在水平状态下也处变不惊的树。

    In the months after the Great Storm of October 1987 , while doomsayers were announcing the ruination of the landscapes of southern England , I found a legion of trees unfazed by horizontality .

  6. 那些曾取得一些成功的预言者,很快就会背负上人们对他们不切实际的期待,比如依靠数据进行预测的政治和运动分析师纳特缠尔弗(NateSilver)。

    Forecasters with a record of some success - such as data-driven political and sports analyst Nate Silver - soon find themselves saddled with unrealistic expectations .

  7. 派杰(PiperJaffray)分析师吉恩•蒙斯特显然也这样认为,他一直是这方面最直言不讳的预言者之一。

    Piper Jaffray analyst gene Munster certainly does .

  8. 如果研究机构高德纳公司(GartnerGroup)的预言者值得信赖,那么惠普即使是要成为平板电脑市场上的重要一员,希望也很小,更别提赶超大踏步前进的苹果了。

    If the prognosticators at the research outfit Gartner Group are to be believed , HP has little hope of even becoming a major player in the tablet market , much less of leapfrogging apple .

  9. 一些灾难预言者担心,这些黑洞可能会吞没地球,尽管物理学家们说这是不可能的,但他们还是请求联合国停止这个55亿美元的LHC项目。

    Some doomsayers fear those black holes might gobble up Earth physicist say that 's impossible and have petitioned the United Nations to stop the $ 5.5 billion LHC .

  10. 这是预言者Elijah的盛宴,所以对所有以Elijah命名的人来说,今天是一个特别的日子。

    It 's the feast of prophet Elijah . So for people with a name derived from Elijah , it 's their special day .

  11. 744.预言者适当地拨出资金来修理螺旋桨。

    744 . The prophet appropriately appropriated the fund for repairing propeller .

  12. 预言者恳求所有的人变成好人。

    The prophet bid all people to become good persons .

  13. 看看预言者5号是不是在那里建立了新的基地。

    If prophet five has established a new outpost there .

  14. 那些具有想象力的人是预言者和先知。

    The men of vision are the seers and prophets ;

  15. 那些提出应当警惕债务水平上升的有识之士被驳斥为末日预言者。

    Those who cautioned against rising debt levels were dismissed as doom-mongers ;

  16. 最明智的预言者会先把事情弄清楚。

    The wisest prophet makes sure of the event first .

  17. 毁灭的预言者又一次被证明是错误的。

    The prophets of doom were proved wrong again .

  18. 无疑预言者一定见到这影像。

    No doubt the pre-cogs have already seen this .

  19. 但是预言者5号向来很低调。

    But prophet five has always been low profile .

  20. 我们截获了预言者5号的一个电话。

    We intercepted a call from prophet five .

  21. 预言者具有这样心灵的人。

    A person possessed by such a spirit .

  22. 通胀最好的预言者恰恰就是股市。

    The best inflation Oracle : the market .

  23. 种种迹象告诉我作为一名预言者5号新的成员不是你最终的目标。

    Something tells me being prophet five 's newest pawn wasn 't exactly your endgame .

  24. 你竟带预言者来这处。

    You brought a pre-cog here .

  25. 人口普查局在大量西班牙语预言者居住的地区选择了1300万个家庭。

    The Census Bureau chose thirteen million households in areas with large numbers of Spanish speakers .

  26. 法学所殚思竭虑之基本权利与义务,即仅此预言者。

    The primary rights and duties with which jurisprudence busies itself again are nothing but prophecies .

  27. 预言者5号有什么新动向吗?

    Any news of Prophet five ?

  28. 那些悲观的预言者必定感到彻底失望,因为他们的预言全被粉碎。

    It has been a total disappointment to the doomsayers whose predictions have been shattered to pieces .

  29. 灾难预言者坚持认为,政府违约就在眼前:赶紧忏悔和缩减开支吧,否则就太晚了。

    Fiscal default is nigh , insist the doomsayers : repent and retrench before it is too late .

  30. 但是那些说这个世界不能变得更好的悲观主义者和末日预言者们是真的错了。

    But the pessimists and doomsayers who say that the world can 't get better are simply wrong .