
  • 网络pre-defense;thesis proposal
  1. 预答辩通过后,按《上海大学学位授予工作细则》进行论文答辩。

    Formal thesis defence is held according to " Shanghai University Academic Degree-conferring Detailed Codes " .

  2. 当蔡进行预答辩时,丽贝卡·麦格尔教授质疑了这名学生的穿着问题。

    When Chai went to give her trial run presentation , professor Rebekah Maggor questioned the student 's outfit choice .

  3. 提出重视毕业设计答辩、规范答辩程序以及实施预答辩等相应的改进措施,并在实践中取得了较好的效果。

    The improvement measures such as attaching importance to final project defense , regulating procedure and implement pre-defense have been proposed , which showed preferable effect in practice .

  4. 5月2日,雷蒂亚·蔡在她的班级进行预答辩,主题是“公开演讲:日常生活中行为”,而此次抗议就发生在几天之后。

    The protest came just days after Chai was presenting a trial run of her thesis in her class " Acting in Public : Performance in Everyday Life " on May 2 .