
yù chǔ lǐ qì
  • preprocessor
  1. C预处理器对于自己的宏只允许使用有限数目的参数。

    The C preprocessor allows only a fixed number of arguments to its macros .

  2. 记住,预处理器并不了解C语言的任何内容,它只是简单地进行文本替换。

    Remember , the preprocessor knows nothing about the C language and is just doing text substitutions .

  3. 基于FPGA的空域精细可扩展编码预处理器

    Preprocessor for Spatial Fine Granularity Scalable Coding Based on FPGA

  4. 本文阐述了系统的体系结构,说明了索引库、WEB多层次数据库、数据仓库、数据收集器、数据预处理器和综合数据挖掘器等组成部分的基本功能。

    The thesis explains the systematic structures , the basic functions of index storehouse , WEB multi-level databases and other constitutes .

  5. 基于FPGA的SAR预处理器中FIR滤波器的实现

    An Implementation of FIR Filter by FPGA Used on SAR Preprocessing Filter

  6. 配置通常使用C预处理器的宏定义;这样做的合理性在于可以避免任何可能的死代码。

    Configuration is usually done using C preprocessor defines ; the rationale behind that is to avoid dead code whenever possible .

  7. FPGA和CPLD在雷达信号分选预处理器中的应用

    Application of FPGA and CPLD in the Radar-Signal Sorting Processor

  8. 它有一个很棒的特性:你可以向其XML解析器中增加自定义的预处理器。

    One of the nice extras for instance is that you can add custom preprocessors to the XML parser .

  9. 现在,PHP是指:PHP超文本预处理器。

    Today , PHP has come to mean PHP : Hypertext Preprocessor .

  10. 基于VHDL高级综合的条码阅读预处理器的FPGA设计

    FPGA design for a bar code preprocessor based on VHDL high level synthesis

  11. 然后把包传给预处理器进行必要的预处理,如IP分片重组,TCP流重组等。

    Then send packet to preprocessor to make some necessary pre-treatment , such as IP re-segmentation , TCP flow restructuring .

  12. 通过多级B样条插值方法,即先全局计算后局部细化的方法来逐步优化形变结果。代数多级网格预处理器(I)

    By the multilevel B-splines method the global registration is performed and then the result is refined using the local B-splines mesh thus obtaining a better result .

  13. SOPC系统包括控制器、图像预处理器等。

    Image preprocessor and controller are included in the SOPC system .

  14. PHP:HypertextPreprocessor(超文本预处理器,PHP)是一种流行的服务器端脚本语言,用于创建动态Web内容。

    PHP : Hypertext Preprocessor ( PHP ) is a popular server-side scripting language for creating dynamic Web content .

  15. 两个最广泛使用的文本宏系统是C预处理器和M4宏处理器。

    The two most widely used textual macro systems are the C preprocessor and the M4 macro processor .

  16. 例如,一个模型可以就是产生符合J2EE1.4的Web服务构件的预处理器。

    For example , one model may simply be a preprocessor that produces J2EE1.4 compatible web service artifacts .

  17. 更多有关C预处理器宏编程的内容可以在CPP手册中看到(请参阅参考资料一节中的链接)。

    More information about C preprocessor macro programming is available in the CPP manual ( see the Resources section for a link ) .

  18. 解Helmholtz方程的共轭梯度法三角阵预处理器

    A Triangular Matrix Preconditioner of the Conjugate Gradient Method for Solving Helmholtz Equation

  19. 需要通过配置Xcode让预处理器在处理include指令时搜索这个目录。

    Xcode needs to be configured to tell the preprocessor to search this directory when processing # include directives .

  20. 采用超文本预处理器(PHP)语言构建出了改进的OTP身份鉴别系统,并在用户登录系统上进行了应用实现。

    The reformative OTP authentication system by PHP language is created , and applied in user login system .

  21. 分析了三种CNC系统的NC程序编写规则,以基于中间文件的方式实现了通用NC代码预处理器。

    The rules of NC programs in the different three types of CNC systems were analyzed . The general-purpose NC codes preprocessor based on the middle files is introduced .

  22. 对Snort系统的预处理器和检测引擎进行改进,使其适用于本模型。

    Improve the Snort preprocessor system and the detection engine , to make it applicable to the model .

  23. 提出了基于SVM的通用入侵检测系统模型,它主要由审计数据预处理器、支持向量机分类器和决策系统3部分组成。

    The general IDS model based on SVM is brought forward , which comprises three parts : audit data pretreatment processor , SVM assortment machine and decision-making system .

  24. 在C++标签上的General类目中,添加W32作为预处理器定义。

    On the C + + tab , in the General category , add W32 as a preprocessor definition .

  25. 几年前发现这些问题的时候,我第一个反应就是为parse(String)方法编写了一个前期的预处理器。

    On discovering these issues several years ago , my first response was to write what amounted to a front-end preprocessor for the parse ( String ) method .

  26. 整个OMGIDL内容和通过预处理器伪指令传入的所有文件共同组成了命名作用域。

    The contents of an entire OMG IDL file , along with any files brought in through preprocessor directives , form a naming scope .

  27. 采用FPGA设计实现了专用图像预处理器,该图像预处理器能够在图像采集的同时,完成电子稳像等全局图像预处理,有效地提高了信息处理机系统的处理速度。

    FPGA is used to design and realize special image preprocessor , which can accomplish image stabilization and some other global pretreatment during image capturing , which effectively increases the processing speed of the information processor system .

  28. 在发布模式下,通常使用预处理器宏¨CDNDEBUG来编译代码,其效果相当于assert不存在。

    In release mode , when code is typically compiled with the preprocessor macro – DNDEBUG , the effect is as if the assert doesn 't exist .

  29. InfoQ:PHP作为一门语言,在这些年里一直追随优秀的范型而演变,并从一个简单的预处理器演变成了一个强大的OO语言。

    InfoQ : PHP as a language has evolved over the years by following the dominant paradigms and going from a simple preprocessor to a powerful OO language .

  30. 用预处理器将用户作业的并行类分离,并派遣到(PVM)系统中的目标机进行异地编译、加载执行;

    It uses preprocessor to separate the parallel classes from user 's job program and dispatches them to host computers in PVM to compile and run there .