
  • 网络prestress engineering
  1. 我国钢筋及预应力工程技术现状与发展方向

    Present State and Development Direction of Technology of Reinforcement and Prestress Engineering of China

  2. 新华联商业大厦预应力工程技术要点分析

    Analysis on the Technical Points of the Prestress Engineering of New Hualian Commercial Building

  3. 台州体育场看台18m悬挑斜梁预应力工程施工技术体育场看台施工中的抗裂防渗技术

    Construction Technique of Prestressed Engineering for 18m Inclined Girder in Stand Structure of Taizhou Stadium

  4. 预应力工程中的OVM锚固体系

    OVM Anchorage Device in Prestressed Reinforced Concrete

  5. 真空压浆辅助技术在桥梁预应力工程中的应用

    The Application of Assisted Mud-jack in Void to Prestressed Bridge Engineering

  6. 数字化技术在桥梁预应力工程中的研究

    Study on Digitized Technology for Prestressed Engineering Applied to Bridge Construction

  7. 塑料波纹管在预应力工程中应用隐患及对策

    Hidden Trouble and Countermeasure of Plastic Bellows for Prestressed Concrete Engineering

  8. 大面积预应力工程模板施工技术

    Construction Technology of Large Area Formwork of Prestressed Concrete Structure

  9. 后张有粘结预应力工程施工注意事项

    Attentions on the construction of Post-tensioned Cohesive Prestressed Concrete Structure

  10. 预应力工程施工中有效预应力控制与检测

    The control and test of effective prestress in construction of prestressed works

  11. 超长无黏结预应力工程施工技术及措施

    Construction Technology and Measures of Super-long Unbonded Prestressed Engineering

  12. 某博物馆悬挂结构的预应力工程施工方案设计

    Stretching Scheme Design of a Museum ' Suspended Structure

  13. 某工业厂房预应力工程的的设计与施工

    Some industry workshop pre-stressed project design and construction

  14. 最后,通过进一步地综合分析,得到了一些对后张法预应力工程设计、施工的有益结论。

    Finally , some results useful to post-tensioned prestressing engineering design and construction are obtained .

  15. 预应力工程专项设计施工一体化,有利于预应力工程质量。

    The unification of prestress construction and design is the great importance to improve the quality of prestress projects .

  16. 校园文化的营造&沙县一中校园改扩建及教学主楼设计淮阴工学院教学主楼预应力工程施工中的难点及对策

    The Constructing Of Culture Of Campus Problems and Solutions of Construction of the Prestressed Reinforced Concrete in aBuilding of HuaiYin Institute of Technology

  17. 本实用新型属体外预应力工程技术领域,具体涉及体外索的可更换装置。

    The utility model belongs to the technical field of external pre-stressing engineering , in particular to a replaceable device of external cable .

  18. 在这近些年的时间里,我们相继完成了多个预应力工程,采用预应力混凝土技术已很普遍。

    In the past several years , we have finished dozens of prestressed projects and the technique of prestressed concrete has been widely used .

  19. 本文以梁板式基础转换结构为分析对象,论述了预应力工程检测的作用和意义,围绕预应力作用及结构应力和变形响应的施工期检测技术展开了研究。

    In the thesis , it is discussed the effect of pre-stressed measurement . Based on the beam-slab transfer cadre , much application technological has done on the detection of pre-stressed force and the response test of structural stress and deformation .

  20. 桥梁体外预应力加固工程施工方法

    The Constructional Method to Reinforce Bridge with Outside Prestress

  21. 所有预应力施加工程应由经验丰富的人员进行即时监控。

    All prestressing work shall be under the immediate control of a person experienced in this type of work .

  22. 因此,在现代结构工程,特别是大承载、大跨度、高预应力混凝土工程中将具有很好的经济、技术意义。

    Ceramsite concrete has good economic and technical benefit in modern constructional engineering , especially in the heavy load-bearing , long span and high stressed structure engineering .

  23. 分析总结了目前国内外在预应力锚固工程中的设计、器具及施工现状,提出了存在的问题及发展的趋势。

    The designs , tools and construction status of prestressed anchor projects home and abroad areanalysed and summed up while the present problems and development trend are also pointed out .

  24. 以金华丽水温州高速公路破碎岩质边坡预应力锚固工程为例,对破碎岩质边坡的预应力锚固机制开展系统的数值模拟分析。

    Based on a case of crush rock slope reinforced by prestressed cables in Jinhua Lishui Wenzhou Expressway , the prestressed anchorage mechanism in crush rock slope were systematically analyzed by FEM .

  25. 通过对东南沿海的软土地基中预应力管桩工程施工实例的比较分析,总结了预应力管桩的纠偏和补强原理及方法。

    By comparing and analyzing some case histories of pre-stressed pipe piles in soft soil at southeast coast of China , the principles and methods of rectification and reinforcement are summarized . 3 .

  26. 针对目前后张有粘结预应力混凝土工程普遍采用的水泥基灌浆材料,采用有效的测试方法,对其塑性及硬化阶段的变形行为进行了全过程的试验研究与分析。

    According to cement-base grouting materials commonly adopted in current post-tension cohesive prestressed concrete projects , authors used effective test methods to study and analyze their entire deformation behavior in elastic and hardening stage .

  27. 摘要结合对高层写字楼工程实例,阐述了有粘结预应力在工程中的应用以及施工过程中的要点。

    Abstract : in this article , combinated with the example of high office building , the authors expound the application of prestressing with bond , as well as the essential of construction process .

  28. 预应力在工程上可分为无粘结型和有粘结型两大类,体外预应力结构是无粘结型预应力的一种,是后张预应力结构体系的重要分支之一。

    Prestress on the project can be divided into two types : unbounded and bonded . External prestress , an unbounded prestressed structure , is one of the fundamental branches of post-tensioned prestressed structural system .

  29. 通过对石油大学留学生楼附属用房体外预应力加固工程的介绍,探讨了体外预应力加固方案的设计思路与特点。

    The characteristics and design methods of structure strengthening with external prestressing tendons are discussed on the basis of the introduction of a project at the accessory building for foreign students in the Petroleum University .

  30. 本文以深圳东华大厦无粘结预应力楼面工程为例,阐述目前国内预应力工程专业施工的方式、工艺、流程和组织设计。

    This paper introduces construction method , technology , process and organization design of the specialized prestressed construction in China , on the basis of the unbonded prestressed concrete floor construction of Donghua Building in Shenzhen .