
  • 网络Expected return;IRR
  1. 就债券的实际回报率等于预期回报率这个意义而言,AAA级债券是无风险债券,这一点不言自明。

    It is a truism that triple A rated bonds are risk free in the sense that the actual return on the bond is the same as the expected return .

  2. 多样化对他们来说很简单,就是在保持预期回报率的同时降低标准差。

    To them , diversification is about nothing more than reducing standard deviation while maintaining expected return .

  3. 针对我们在美国的团队,我们把最低预期回报率(hurdlerate)提高了5%,我们说我们必须实现这一水平的投资回报。

    We went ahead and we also raised the hurdle rate with our teams in the US by 5 per cent and said that we needed to get this return on the investment .

  4. 一个J曲线动力学模型每个投资者都拥有一条无差异曲线来表示他对于预期回报率和标准差的偏好。

    A DYNAMIC MODEL THAT CAN SHOW " J " EFFECT Every investor has a family of indifference curves to represent his preferences for risk and return .

  5. 因此,这些产品的预期回报率在很大程度上取决于投保人的预期寿命。

    Their projected returns therefore rely heavily on life expectancy estimates .

  6. 总体上,年预期回报率为12.5%。

    The overall annual expected gain is 12.5 per cent .

  7. 这些保护型基金的风险低于其它备兑买入基金,但预期回报率也较低。

    These protected funds have lower risk than other covered call funds , and lower expected returns .

  8. 最低预期回报率投资者进行投资要求的最低回报率。

    Hurdle rate the minimum amount of return that a person requires before they will make an investment in something .

  9. 只要我们将预期回报率接近的资产组合起来,投资组合的预期回报率就不会受到多样化的影响。

    As long as we combine assets with similar expected returns , the expected portfolio return will not suffer from diversification .

  10. 融资要求、预期回报率和现金流预测:这些都必须具有吸引力和足够的野心,否则就是浪费时间。

    The funding requirement , the estimated returns , the cash flow projections : these must be attractive and sufficiently ambitious to be worthwhile .

  11. 这也就意味着,尽管多样化投资可以降低投资组合回报率的整体可变性,但却并不一定会减少预期回报率。

    This means that , although diversification reduces the overall variability of the portfolio return , it need not necessarily reduce the expected return .

  12. 从定义上讲,一个投资组合的预期回报率,等于该组合中各个资产的预期回报率的平均值。

    By definition , the expected return on a portfolio is equal to the average of the expected returns of the assets that make up that portfolio .

  13. 基础金融理论告诉我们,公司价值反映的是以投资者预期回报率(资金成本)折现的长期现金流。

    Basic finance theory tells us that a company 's value reflects long-run cash flows discounted to the present at the rate of return that investors expect ( cost of capital ) .

  14. 但是,只要大宗商品的预期回报率不是太低,波动性降低的程度就会远远高于预期回报的降幅,这样做也就值得了。

    As long as the expected return on commodities isn 't too low , however , volatility will come down a lot more than expected return , making it a worthwhile trade-off .

  15. 这意味着消费者行为以及消费模式将发生深刻而持久的变化。这种变化可能产生巨大的通货紧缩效应,并在很长一段时间内将公开资本市场上的利率、债券收益率以及预期回报率压制在一个超低水平。

    That means consumer behaviour and patterns will undergo profound and enduring changes that will prove to be intensely disinflationary and foster a prolonged period of ultra-low interest rates , bond yields and expected returns in the public capital markets .

  16. 苏格兰皇家银行表示:如今,一个典型投资组合的预期回报率较危机前可能已下跌了40%。向一家财富管理公司每年缴纳1%甚至更高的费用,变得越来越不经济。

    In a world where expected returns on a typical investment portfolio may have dropped 40 per cent compared with prior to the crisis , paying 1 per cent or more each year to a wealth manager is increasingly uneconomical , said RBS .

  17. 例如,假设有两种概率相同的结果,其一高于平均值50%,另一低于平均值50%,那么,除非私人投资者的预期回报率高于180%,否则就可预期纳税人会遭受损失。

    For example , if there are two equally probable outcomes , one 50 per cent above the mean and the other 50 per cent below the mean , taxpayers can expect to lose money unless private investors make more than 180 per cent in expectation .

  18. 因此,他们涌入短期国债寻求避风港,期望将来能获得高于预期的回报率。

    So they flock to safety in bills and hope for better gains .

  19. 但投资者迫切想知道,该公司预期的回报率是多少。

    But investors still deserve to know what rate of return the company expects .

  20. 一个原因在于,它使你能够看明白预期内部回报率是如何计算的。

    One reason is to enable you to look through calculations of projected internal rates of return .

  21. 安泰盘实基金的预期年回报率至少为25%,远高于一般信托基金10%到20%的回报率。

    His fund expects to return investors at least 25 % annually , significantly higher than trusts , which typically range between 10 % and 20 % .

  22. 而反倾销等贸易摩擦背景下的投资环境恶化所造成的影响会随着钢铁产业预期投资回报率的下降而更加大。

    The effect caused by deteriorating investment environment in the context of anti-dumping and other trade frictions will be even greater as the rate of return on investment in iron and steel industry is expected to decline .

  23. 你可能认为,这样的最低预期资本回报率并不算高,但已足以使美国新屋开建停止增长,并促使部分有贸易逆差的发展中国家实行紧缩性政策。

    Scarcely a huge hurdle rate for the return on capital , you might think . But already enough to stall the growth of US housing starts , and to tip some developing countries with trade deficits into restrictive policies .

  24. 在这两家公司对未来的预期中,回报率都很高,估值水平都会下降,这都得益于利润的强劲增长。

    So both scenarios draw a future of both big returns and cheapening valuations , all courtesy of strong earnings .

  25. 但预期实际股本回报率(通过股息率和预期股息增长率估算得出)的下降幅度不如实际利率(见图表)。

    But the expected real return on equity ( estimated from the dividend yield plus the expected growth of dividends ) has not fallen by as much ( see charts ) .

  26. 此外,由于他们的财富通常仍与企业捆绑在一起,因此他们预期的投资回报率要远远高于那些致富更早、对资产保值更有兴趣的人。

    On top of this , as they are normally still tied in with their businesses , their investment expectations are for much higher returns than those who have been wealthier for longer and are more interested in preservation .

  27. 相反地,如果管理者追求近期股价最大化,那么就应该基于市场投资者的预期来确定股权回报率。

    On the contrary , if managers want to maximize stock market price in the short run , they should set hurdle rates based on market investors ' expectancy .

  28. 如不能够及时根据环境的变化对项目预期现金流进行调整;难以有效确定贴现率(预期回报率),也没有考虑项目的竞争者,以及外部经济环境因素。

    Because these methods can not adjust expected cash flow in according to the change of environment , and can not determine the discount rate ( anticipated repayment rate ) effectively , also has not considered the competitors , as well as external economy environmental factor .

  29. 要创造价值,企业必须支付给股东超过他们预期所能得到的利润,这只有在预期的投资资本回报率大于投资的资本成本时才能实现。

    To create value , companies must pay more profit to its shareholders than its expectations , which can only be realized when the expected return of invested capital is more than the capital investment .