
  1. 讨论了82dtex/68f预取向丝的调试,获取其工业化大生产的工艺参数,掌握其生产经验规律,以保证生产的正常进行。

    The production parameters for the 82dtex / 68f POY are studied in this paper . The optimun process for industrial production is obtained to ensure the normal production .

  2. PTT预取向丝的结构性能及其后加工

    Structural Performance of PTT POY and its Post-processing

  3. 研究了不同含油率对锦纶预取向丝(POY)加工性能的影响。

    This paper discussed the influence of different oil content on nylon POY processing behaviour .

  4. 从原料、纺丝组件、纺丝条件等探讨了166dtex/192f涤纶超细旦预取向丝(POY)的生产工艺。

    The production process of 166 dtex / 192 f ultrafine PET pre-oriented yarn was discussed from the aspects of raw ma - terial , spin pack and spinning conditions .

  5. 含油率对锦纶预取向丝加工性能的影响

    The Influence of Oil Content on Nylon POY Processing Behaviour

  6. 129dtex/96f细旦预取向丝的开发

    Development of 129 dtex / 96 f Fine Denier POY

  7. 120dtex/144f涤纶直纺预取向丝生产工艺探讨

    Discussion on Production Process of 120dtex / 144f PET POY by Direct Spinning

  8. 聚对苯二甲酸乙二酯预取向丝收缩机理研究

    Study on the shrinkage mechanism of poly ( ethylene terephthalate ) pre-oriented yarns

  9. 影响聚酯预取向丝条干不匀率的因素分析

    Analysis of Influence Factors on Polyester POY Unevenness

  10. 研究了预取向丝的主要物性指标和取向结晶性能。

    The main physical testing indexes and oriented crystallization performance of PTT POY were studied .

  11. 分析得出纺丝速度在2800~3200m/min时制得的预取向丝具有适宜于后加工的性能指标。

    It was concluded that the POY produced at the spinning speed range of 2 800 - 3 200 m / min had the performance indexes suitable for post - processing .

  12. 本文还提到,预取向丝的动态力学温度谱的α内耗峰与其储能模量,纤维的力学性质、强度、伸度、屈服应力、初始模量及其他结构参数间有很好的相关性。

    Furthermore , it is stated that the a loss factors of pre-oriented yarns relate well with properties of fibres such as real modulus , strength , elongation , yield stress , initial modulus and other structure parameters .