
  • 网络Budget limit;budget ceiling;budget cap
  1. 论公司资本预算限额的项目选择

    On the Selection of Projects for the Budget Limit of Corporate Capital

  2. 国会和总统现在必须把注意力转向来年预算和国债限额一类的问题。

    Congress and the president must now turn their attention to issues like the budget for next year and the debt limit .

  3. 国会已经给政府预算制定了最高限额。

    The Congress has fixed a ceiling to the governmental budget .

  4. 国会和总统现在必须将注意力转移到明年的预算案和债务限额等问题上。

    Congress and the president must now issues like the budget for next year and the debt limit .

  5. 公共理财实践要求政府在当前服务预算、固定最高限额预算和无限制预算三种预算假设理论中做出选择。

    In process of managing public money the government is required to make a choice among three budget hypothesis , which are present service budget , fixed maximum budget and unlimited budget .

  6. 菲利皮尼利用Mint.com为自己的支出做了个预算,他每次花钱接近预算限额或是花得太多超过限额,这个网站都会提醒他,他喜欢这一点。

    Using Mint.com , Mr. Filippini sets a budget for his expenses and likes how the site notifies him whenever he 's getting close to his limit or has gone over it and spent too much .