
  1. 例如为欧洲的T-Mobile设计的“Pulse”手机,就是全球第一款针对预付费用户的Android手机。

    Designed for T-Mobile in Europe , Huawei 's'Pulse'was the first Android-powered phone for prepaid users in the world .

  2. 论文中Diameter方案是在原有的增值业务支撑体系架构中增加了信用控制服务器,实现智能网预付费用户使用增值业务时的实时计费和信用控制功能。

    In Diameter scheme , credit control server is added in the primary structure of value-added service supporting system , implementing the function of real-time accounting and credit control when pre-paid customer uses value-added service .

  3. 大多数预付费用户在二次购号时也不需要进行实名登记。

    And most are not required to register before buying a new phone number .

  4. 预付费用户多媒体消息业务的实现

    Implementation of Multimedia Message Service of Pre-paid Customer

  5. 预付费用户实现短消息业务的关键技术分析

    Analysis of Key Techniques for the Implementation of Short Message Service for Prepaid Service User

  6. 本文尝试在结算系统中使用内存数据库,对于预付费用户的国际业务实现实时算费和实时结算。

    This article attempts in the settlement system using memory database for prepaid users international business to achieve real-time calculate cost and real time settlement .

  7. 目前电信行业市场需求变化非常快,尤其智能网平台承载着所有预付费用户的业务受理,其中最重要是10010短信受理。

    Currently telecom industry market demand changes very fast , particularly intelligent network platform for all users of bearing the business , the most important is 10010 SMS-accepts business .

  8. 对于信用度高的预付费用户,可以根据信用度的级别给予一定的信用额度,当账户余额为0时,用户仍然可以使用该业务,当继续使用费用大于信用额度时,立即终止业务使用。

    For pre-paid customers with high credit , according to the level of credit given them a certain credit limit , when the account balance is 0 , the user can still use the service until the credit line .

  9. 为预付费移动用户提供拨号上网业务

    Internet Dial up Service for Prepaid Mobile Subscriber

  10. 目前,我国手机用户达4亿之多,其中有一半是中国移动和中国联通的预付费业务用户。

    Currently , half of the country's400 million cell phone users pre-pay for their mobile service provided by China Mobile and China Unicom .

  11. 它们免费发送,无预付费手机用户经常使用这种短信让亲友呼叫他们。

    These are free to send and are often used by people with no prepaid phone credit to ask their friends to call them .

  12. 根据从移动运营商的移动智能网中采集到的真实数据,分析了神州行预付费业务用户通话时长的分布规律。

    According to the real data collected from the mobile intelligent network of mobile operators , the distribution law of call duration of pre-paid service is studied .

  13. 集中抄表终端不具备预付费管理的功能,预付费功能由用户电表实现。

    The centralized reading terminal has no function of advance payment management , and the advance payment function shall be realized by the user ammeter .

  14. 于是我开始研究起各种预付费SIM卡的协议条款,并发现沃达丰向预付费手机用户提供每天最多15兆流量的数据服务,费用大约为每天2美元(超过的流量每兆约收费4美元)。

    So I started digging around the terms and conditions of voice prepaid cards . Vodafone , it turns out , offers prepaid cellphone users up to15 megabytes of data traffic a day for about $ 2 .