
  • 网络prestressed concrete structure;pre-stressed concrete structure
  1. 预应力混凝土结构裂缝成因分析与抗裂措施研究

    Cause Analysis of Prestressed Concrete Structural Cracks and Research on Anti-crack Measures

  2. 但是,适于工程应用的预应力混凝土结构CAD软件在国内还很少。

    However , it is hard for the engineers to find an appropriate software to design the prestressed concrete structures .

  3. 预应力混凝土结构非线性分析中ANSYS的应用

    Application of ANSYS in nonlinear analysis of prestressed concrete structure

  4. 碳纤维增强塑料筋(CFRP筋)是一种强度高、密度小、耐腐蚀性能良好的非金属材料,可以替代预应力混凝土结构中的普通预应力钢筋,有较大的发展前景。

    Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic ( CFRP ) tendon is a non-metal material which has high strength , low density and better corrosion resistant . It can be used in prestressed concrete structure to replace common prestressed reinforcement , so it has a better prospect .

  5. 北京中央电视发射塔的设计塔高为405m,该塔采用预应力混凝土结构,按9度地震设防,结构复杂,工期紧迫,质量要求高,施工难度较大。

    The Central TV Transmission Tower in Beijing with a height of 405m is mainly a prestressed concrete structure designed according to earthquake intensity 9.It has the peculiarities of complexity in structure and extreme difficulty in construction with urgent construction time limit and high construction quality demanded .

  6. 本文对推算混凝土徐变收缩的BP-2模式作了简单介绍,提出了利用BP-2模式和逐步计算的有限单元法计算预应力混凝土结构长期内力和变形的方法以及CRSP计算机程序的简要说明,最后给出计算实例。

    This paper introduces the BP-2 model for predicting creep and shrinkage of concrete , developed by Z. P. Bazant et al . A method for calculating long-term stresses and deformation of prestressed concrete structures and a brief guide of a computer program CRSP is provided .

  7. 大型倒虹吸预应力混凝土结构模型试验研究

    Experimental study on simulated model of large prestressed concrete inverted siphon

  8. 用于预应力混凝土结构有限元分析的等效载荷法

    Equivalent Load Method for Finite Element Analysis of Prestressed Concrete Structures

  9. 后张预应力混凝土结构分析及施工检测评定方法研究

    Study on Post-tensioned Prestressed Concrete Structure and Constitution Examination and Evaluation

  10. 预应力混凝土结构改造加固施工技术

    Construction Technology of Rebuilding and Reinforcement Engineering for Prestressed Concrete Structure

  11. 我国现代预应力混凝土结构体系的发展

    The development of modern prestressed concrete structure system in our country

  12. 一般大气环境下既有预应力混凝土结构的耐久性研究

    Durability analysis of service pre-stressed concrete structure under general atmospheric environment

  13. 部分预应力混凝土结构配筋估算

    Quantity Estimation of Disposed Tendon of Partially Prestressed Concrete Structures

  14. 重庆金汤大厦后张预应力混凝土结构设计

    Design of Post-tensioned Concrete Structure in the Chongqing Jintang Building

  15. 矩阵位移法在杆系预应力混凝土结构中的应用

    Application of matrix displacement method in linkage pretensioning concrete structure

  16. 预应力混凝土结构用钢绞线伸长量测试装置研究

    Testing Device for Elongation Indictor of Stranded Wire in Pre-Stress Concrete Structure

  17. 后张法无粘结预应力混凝土结构施工技术的研究

    Research on Construction Technology of Post-tensioned Unbonded Prestressed Concrete Structure

  18. 预应力混凝土结构总变形计算统一方法

    Unified method of calculating total deflection in prestressed concrete structures

  19. 现浇预应力混凝土结构施工技术与质量控制

    The construction technics and quality-control of cast-in-situ prestressed concrete structure

  20. 预应力混凝土结构承载能力极限状态设计统一公式

    Unified Formula of Prestressed Concrete Structure Design on Bearing Capacity

  21. 高层厂房高效预应力混凝土结构的设计及施工

    Design and construction of high-efficiency prestressed concrete structure of high-rise factory building

  22. 超长预应力混凝土结构温差收缩效应分析中和式超外差接收机

    Analysis of temperature variation and shrinkage effects on ultra-long prestressed concrete structure

  23. 现浇预应力混凝土结构质量问题与防治

    On quality problems of cast-in-place prestressed concrete structure and prevention

  24. 中央电视塔塔身竖向预应力混凝土结构施工

    Vertically prestressed concrete construction for the CCTV transmission tower shaft

  25. 大直径筒仓中无粘结预应力混凝土结构的应用

    Application of unbonded tendons concrete structure to large diameter silos

  26. 预应力混凝土结构中次内力的合理利用

    Reasonable utilization of secondary internal force in prestressed concrete structures

  27. 整个结构采用预应力混凝土结构,外部包钢壳。

    The construction is prestressed concrete and is coated with steel shell .

  28. 体外预应力混凝土结构耐久性问题探讨

    The study on the durability of externally prestressed concrete structure

  29. 火灾下预应力混凝土结构极限承载力计算方法

    Calculation of ultimate bearing capacity for prestressed concrete structure subjected to fire

  30. 预应力混凝土结构的施工检测评定

    Study on Construction Examination and Evaluation of Prestressed Concrete