
yù jìn
  • Prepreg;preimpregnation;presoak
预浸[yù jìn]
  1. PLC和触摸屏在酚醛预浸布生产线中的应用

    Application of PLC & touchscreen in product line of phenolphthalein preliminary-immerged cloth

  2. 用DMA研究环氧预浸料的等温固化过程

    Dynamic mechanical analysis of isothermal curing of epoxy prepreg

  3. 该工艺采用预浸料铺层、热压罐固化工艺,通过对热缩材料的性能研究,发现可将其作为CFRP管成型的表面辅助均压材料。

    Study showed that the thermal contractible material could be used to improve the surface quality of CFRP tube .

  4. PPS泥浆法预浸技术的研究

    Study on PPS slurry prepregs

  5. 白液预浸KP法浆料可漂性更好,α-纤维素含量容易提高。

    White liquor prepreg KP pulp had a better bleachability and can increase alpha-cellulose content easily .

  6. 本文介绍了一种改进的环氧树脂预浸DMD可溶性树脂含量检测方法。

    This paper introduces an improved test of soluble resin content in epoxy preimpregnated DMD material .

  7. 初步探索了熔融浸渍法制备碳纤维增强PEEK预浸带的制备工艺。

    In this paper , the technology of carbon fiber reinforced PEEK prepreg produced by melt impregnation is investigated .

  8. 将经碳纤维预浸织布加强的PMMA与对照组相比较,弯曲强度显著增加(P<0.01),其强度满足临床需要。

    Comparing the PMMA which had strengthened by pre-submerged carbon fabric weaved cloth with the comparing group the flexure strength and both added obviously , the quantity satisfy the clinic requests .

  9. 通过热失重TGA分析以及考察加工成型过程中工艺参数变化对复合材料介电性能、力学性能的影响,优化了预浸料热压成型工艺条件。

    The prepreg hot pressing condition is optimized by analyzing TGA and studying influence of parameters on dielectric and mechanical properties of composites .

  10. 热熔法预浸料制备工艺研究用少量SIS对EVA热熔胶进行共混改性,再与石蜡、萜烯树脂混熔制成SIS改性热熔胶。

    Study on the technology of hot-melt prepregs A modified hot-melt adhesive was prepared by blending of EVA and SIS and adding paraffin and terpene resin .

  11. 使用PLC对预浸布生产线进行多辊速度控制、干燥塔温度控制、收卷纠偏控制,采用变频器对电机速度进行调节;

    The implement of controlling the speed of multi-roller , temperature of dryness tower , rectify a deviation of furl using PLC on product line of preliminary-immerged cloth are introduced in this paper . The speed of motor can be adjusted by adopting transducer .

  12. 将模拟得到的固化结果与光栅FBG传感器监测试验结果进行对比后发现,不同铺层顺序和不同铺层厚度的预浸料在固化后的变化趋势与试验结果基本一致。

    The simulation results obtained were compared with the test results monitored by FBG sensors , which showed that changing trend of cured prepreg with different stacking sequence and different layer thickness was consistent with test results .

  13. U-3160单向碳纤维织物预浸前的整理改进

    The Finishing Improvements of U-3160 Unidirectional Carbon Fiber Fabric Before Impregnation

  14. 湿气对EN体系的影响用DSC、TBA和重量分析法进行研究。提出了预浸料合适的操作温度、湿度和贮存条件。

    The cured EN resin has excellent mechanical properties The effect of moisture on the EN system is investigated by DSC TBA and gravimetry And a suitable operating temperature , humidity and storage condition for the prepreg is suggested .

  15. 本文利用在线溶液浸渍法制备预浸带,采用原位固结的方式进行连续玻璃纤维增强PEK-C复合材料的缠绕成型工艺研究。

    In this paper , the winding process technology was studied by using in-situ consolidation combined with on-line solution impregnation for glass fiber reinforced PEK-C composite .

  16. 该体系广泛适用于玻璃纤维缠绕、RTM、APG、真空浇注、纤维喷射成型等复合材料生产工艺,通过配方设计还可制备团状或箔式预浸材料使用。

    This system can be used for FW , RTM , APC , Vacuum casting , spray-up processes , after changing the formulation , it can also used for bulk making bulk compounds and prepregs .

  17. 将FRP预浸料和钢片载体制成双层簧片试样,用振簧仪进行动态力学分析(DMA),从而监测、研究FRP的固化。

    The curing process of FRP prepreg could be readily tested by means of the two-layered reed analysis method ( TRA ) , in which a strip of FRP prepreg was bonded to a thin steel and its DMA was tested with a vibrating reed instrument .

  18. 预浸温度为80℃,时间10min,蒸煮最高温度为168℃,保温时间60min,粗浆得率45.5%,卡伯值26.6,白度21.1%ISO,所制取的红麻浆具有较高的成浆强度。

    The pulp yield is 45.5 % , kappa number is 26.6 and the brightness is 21.1 % ISO . The results showed that the pulp has good strength properties .

  19. 其次,研究了可控交联型聚芳醚酮树脂基复合材料的热塑成型、交联使用的方法。可控交联型聚芳醚酮(CCPAEK)具有良好的溶解性,可以采用溶液法制备预浸料。

    Second , the thermoplastic forming and crosslinking treating processing of the Controllable Crosslinking Poly Aryl Ether Ketone ( CCPAEK ) matrix composites is studied .

  20. 本研究对玻璃纤维-铝合金层板(GLARE)的制备关键工艺参数进行了优化,包括铝合金薄板的底胶含量、预浸料的纤维体积含量、烘干条件和层板压制工艺。

    In this study , Glass-aluminum laminates ( GLARE ) were prepared and the key factors of the preparation process , including content of primer on the aluminum sheets , fiber volume fraction of the prepreg , drying process and pressing process , were optimized .

  21. 本文详细介绍了由国产SW-280A/环氧树脂预浸料、SY-24C胶膜和Nomex纸蜂窝组成的中温材料体系蜂窝夹层结构的力学性能。

    In this paper the mechanical properties of moderate temperature material system made by SW-280A / epoxy resin prepreg , SY-24C adhesive and Nomex honeycomb from the local supplier were studied .

  22. 微波辅助提取茶多酚的最佳工艺为:预浸30min,微波解冻档浸提4min,浸提2次,液固比40,乙醇浓度40%。

    The optimal technology of microwave-aid extract was that : pre-extract for 30 minutes , extract with low for 4 minutes twice , the ratio ethanol to tea power was 40 , and ethanol concentration was 40 % .

  23. 通过摩擦磨损测试考察了纳米氧化铝/环氧树脂复合体系的耐磨性,关节轴承实际运行结果表明,纳米Al203的加入提高了环氧树脂基体预浸料的耐磨性,同时增加了轴承的运转寿命。

    The results of the joint bearing actual running show that : the wear resistance of the prepreg based on epoxy resin were improved by adding nano-alumina , and the operating life of bearings were also increased .

  24. 本文简要介绍了钓鱼竿用大丝束(60K)碳纤维预浸料熔胶膜法浸渍工艺,并着重就影响预浸料质量的几个主要因素进行了讨论。

    The hot-melt impregnation process of large tow carbon fiber ( 60K ) prepreg to prepare fishing rods is briefly introduced in this paper ; in addition , several typical factors which affect the quality of the prepreg are also discussed in detail here .

  25. 用常规预浸料制造复合材料模具技术探索

    The investigation of composite mould manufacturing technique by using normal prepregs

  26. 同时铺放头还具有将预浸纤维束加热的功能。

    Also , the fiber tows are heated in placement head .

  27. 复合材料预浸料自动铺带成型适宜性研究

    Research on Molding Suitability of Prepreg Composites for Automated Tape Performance

  28. 中温固化碳纤维/环氧预浸料研究

    Study on the carbon / epoxy prepreg cured at medium temperature

  29. 碳纤维/环氧预浸布耐折叠性能研究

    Research on folding properties of carbon fiber / epoxy preimpregnated cloth

  30. 热熔预浸料用中温固化环氧树脂体系的制备

    The preparation of MODERATE-TEMPERATURE curing epoxy resins used as hot-melt prepreg