
  • 网络Mold repair;modeling
  1. 基于CAE的虚拟修模在涡轮叶片模具设计中的应用

    The Application of Virtual Modifying Mould Based on CAE in Mould Design of Turbine Blade

  2. 注塑成型CAE技术可以帮助工程师对塑件的注塑成型工艺进行优化,以减少反复试模修模的次数,缩短产品的生产周期。

    Injection molding CAE technology can help engineers to plastics molding process optimization , to reduce repeated the number of mold testing molds , shortened product production cycle .

  3. 由于挤出成型过程的复杂性,使得模具生产周期较长,修模过程中产生了大量的数据,通过对这些数据的收集、分类、分析,然后以大型网络数据库Oracle为后台,建立工程数据库。

    Oracle serves as background in order to build an excellent engineering database . The database is established after collecting and classifying and analyzing the data which is produced during die manufacturing and repairing .

  4. 采用CAE技术对ABS塑料卡板注塑模浇注系统进行模拟分析,优选出侧浇口的浇注系统,避免了频繁的修模工作量。

    It simulated and analyzed the gating system of injection mould for ABS cardboard by means of CAE technology , based on these analyses , a scheme of side gate is determined for gating system to avoid the frequently mould mending .

  5. 经过多个方案的比较,最终得出比较合理的设计方案,采用CAE模拟技术可以减少试模、修模的次数,并缩短模具设计与制造周期,降低生产成本。

    Finally the best project is detained by comparing various ways . Introducing the CAE can reduce the times of molding test and molding mend , shorten the circle of the design and manufacture of mold , and lessen the cost of production .

  6. 对于中小企业来说,应用CAE软件对于提高产品质量、减少试修模费用与时间具有非常重要的意义,企业应用CAE技术势在必行。

    As for the small and medium-sized enterprise that , regarding improves the product quality , the reduction using the CAE software to repair the mold expense and the time has the extremely vital significance , the enterprise applies the CAE technology imperative .

  7. 基于回弹的飞机蒙皮拉形模型面修模技术研究

    Surface Improvement Based on Springback Compensation for Aircraft Skin Stretching Tool

  8. 预紧扁挤压筒内孔变形分析和修模新技术

    Analysis of Inner-hole Deformation for Shrink-fitting Flat Container and a New Technology of Die-repairing

  9. 拉丝模现状、发展趋势及国外修模设备综述

    A review on current status of drawing dies , their development tendency and reconditioning equipment abroad

  10. 另一方面该结构便于修模,易损件更换方便。

    On the other hand , the texture is apt to repair mould and the abrasion is convenient to exchange .

  11. 前飞状态倾转旋翼机气弹稳定性建模基于回弹的飞机蒙皮拉形模型面修模技术研究

    Modeling study on tilt-rotor 's aeroelastic stability in cruise flight Surface Improvement Based on Springback Compensation for Aircraft Skin Stretching Tool

  12. 挤压模具设计需要依赖科学的分析方法而不能单纯依靠经验设计和试模修模。

    The mold design process should depend on scientific analysis method instead of the experience design , mold test and mold repair .

  13. 本文以典型的、难度较大的底版型材GDX11为例,对大型模具的结构参数和尺寸设计进行了深入分析,并对模具材料及热处理与模具制造工艺和修模等进行了讨论。

    A typical mother board section GDX 11 was studied as an example to analyze the die configuration parameters and dimensions of large section .

  14. 在实际生产中,可通过修模、调试配方、更换原辅料等措施来解决。

    In practical production , the red stripes phenomenon of products could be solved through repairing the mould , debugging formula or changing the feedstock and additives .

  15. 以某型铝合金车轮的模具设计为例,证明了该模拟方法能够指导模具结构优化,减少反复修模、试模所造成的能源浪费,提高工艺成品率。

    This simulation method can conduct die structure optimization , and reduce repeat die repair and waste of die trial energy , and improve rate of finished product .

  16. 模具补偿是矫正复杂曲面冲压件回弹的有效方法,但它需要正确的回弹评价指导修模。

    Mould compensation is an effective way to rectify the springback of complex surface sheet metal stamping , it needed an accurate springback evaluation to direct modifying die surfaces .

  17. 针对精铸空心涡轮叶片的精确控形问题,开展模具型腔优化设计中的虚拟修模技术研究。

    This article presents a study of the technology of virtual mold-repair for the optimal design of the mold cavity of a hollow turbine blade to precisely control its shape .

  18. 考虑到大型注塑模与一般注塑模在尺寸、重量上的巨大差异,给制造、运输、安装、修模与使用带来诸多困难,造成其价格出奇的昂贵。

    Because the differences between large-scale injection mold and common injection mold in size and weight caused many difficulties to manufacture , transport , which leads to the expensive price .

  19. 通常浇注系统的设计是依靠设计人员的经验,通过现场不断的试模、修模来调整浇口、流道的尺寸,以找到符合需求的设计。

    Usually , designers determine runner system by their experiment , and adjust the dimension of gate and runner by die trial and die repairing constantly to find the best plan .

  20. 在生产形状较为复杂的铝合金空心型材时,仅仅依靠修改工作带结构有时并不能很好的控制金属流动速度,往往要经过多次的试模-修模的重复过程。

    In the production of complex aluminum alloy hollow profiles , it is not easy to control the metal flow velocity by just modifying the structure and size of the die bearing .

  21. 研究确定修模原则:定径带长度应根据拉拔材料、模具材料、润滑粉和拉拔工艺并通过试验确定;

    The principles of wire drawing die repairing are researched and confirmed : the sizing zone length is confirmed according to drawing materials , die materials , lubricants , drawing process and test ;

  22. 本文通过对硬质聚氯乙烯异型材挤出成型模具的设计,较具体地论述了硬质聚氯乙烯异型材挤出成型模具的设计、计算、试模及修模等过程,提出了自己的见解。

    The design , calculation , mold proving and mold repairing of the extrusion mold for rigid PVC irregular-shaped materials were particularly introduced through the mold design , and the writer 's own understanding was put forward .

  23. 为了提高涡轮叶片的成形质量,减少模具的修模次数,提出了一种基于反变形原理的模具优化设计方法。

    In order to improve the forming quality of turbine blade and reduce the time of modifying mould , it provides a new method of mould optimization design based on the principle of anti - deforming in precision casting .

  24. 对挤压模具参数进行优化设计,可以减少试模、修模的工作量,提高模具质量,缩短设计制造周期,降低生产成本。

    The optimization design of the extrusion die parameters can cut down the workload of die setting and mending , upgrade the die qualities and reduce the design cycle and manufacture cycle . And it can result in cost reduction .

  25. 实践证明该方案提高了模具加工的可行性,减少了修模次数,确保产品质量的稳定,对此类零件的级进模设计有参考价值。

    Practical using proves that the scheme improves the feasibility of die processing , and reduces times of repairing die , and ensures the stability of product quality , which has reference value to the kind of progressive die design .

  26. 在传统工艺分析和模具设计中,主要是依靠工程类比和设计经验,经过反复试模修模、调整工艺参数,消除成形过程中的这些缺陷。

    In the traditional process analysis and die design , mainly rely on analog engineering and design experience , through repeated trial-mode repair mode , adjust the process parameters , the elimination of these defects in the process of forming .

  27. 从建立拉丝模管理制度和工作程序出发,加强拉丝模在生产过程、仓库保管、修模过程中的管理,达到保证生产、提高质量、降低成本、提高经济效益的目的。

    Establish management rule and operation procedures for drawing die , strengthen the management of drawing die in the procedure of production , warehouse keeping and repairing to ensure production stability , improve quality , lower cost and raise economic efficiency .

  28. 传统注塑模的设计与制造主要依赖设计人员的经验和工艺人员的技巧,设计合理与否只有通过试模才知道,制造的缺陷主要依靠反复修模来纠正。

    Traditional injection mold design and manufacture mainly relies on designers ' experience and staffs ' skills . Only through mold testing can know if the design reasonable or not , and the correcting of manufacturing defects mainly depends on repeatedly repairing the mold .

  29. 铝型材挤压模具是实现型材生产的关键技术装备,目前我国型材挤压模具的设计主要依赖类比设计和经验设计方法,所设计的模具必须经过反复的试模和修模才能满足工艺要求。

    Extrusion die is the key equipment of aluminum profile extrusion production . At present , design of profile extrusion die is mainly based on engineering analogy and experience accumulation in our nation , the designed die has to be tested and repaired frequently in order to adjust process parameters .

  30. 驾驶室大型覆盖件修边模加工工艺

    Trimming Die Technology of A Large of Automobile Cover Parts