
tái mó
  • bench formwork
台模[tái mó]
  1. 落料冲孔压凸台复合模设计

    Design of Compound Die with Blanking-Piercing-Extruding

  2. 在多台动模机组上做了大量相关试验,验证了本文所提出数学模型的正确性和有效性以及保护方案的灵敏度与可靠性。

    A large number of experiments on different generators verify that the mathematical model is correct and effective , and that the protection schemes are sensitive and reliable .

  3. 高频震实台在消失模铸造生产线上的应用

    Application of High Frequency Plain Jolter in EPC Production Line

  4. 探讨了带凸台零件用模冲的设计。

    Design of the punch with cavity is discussed .

  5. 着重介绍了当前国外步进扫描投影光刻机的工件台和掩模台的发展状况,并对套刻精度和整机精度进行了分析。

    Recent progress in technology of wafer stage and reticle stage used in step-and-scan lithography system is introduced , and the overlay accuracy and the accuracy of the overall system are analyzed .

  6. 震实台是消失模铸造必备的关键设备之一,振动紧实的效果直接影响到铸件的成品率、尺寸精度、表面质量以及产品的品质。

    Compaction system is one of the most important equipment for lost foam casting , the effects of the Compaction system influence the rate of finished products , dimensionalaccuracy , Surface quality and the quality of the products directly .

  7. 用没有粘结剂的干砂造型是消失模铸造的特点之一,而干砂的充填和紧实的质量直接影响铸件的质量,因此性能良好的造型振动台是消失模铸造的关键设备。

    Dry sand molding without binder is one of the main characteristics of the expendable pattern casting , and the casting quality is directly connected with the filling and compacting quality . Therefore , the vibration table with excellent filling and compacting properties is the dey equipment for EPC .

  8. 在此基础上研制了一台主被动锁模Nd:YAG脉冲激光器。

    On the basis of this developed a full-active mode-locked Nd : YAG laser .

  9. 描述了鼓泡式烟气脱硫原理性试验台气体流动冷模试验及结果。

    Cold model tests and test results are described of gas-liquid flows in a wet bubbling flue-gas desulfurization test rig .

  10. 我们对两台耦合的三模激光系统的混沌通信进行了数值模拟,实现了多通道传输一维信息、两维信息和两维静态图像。

    Our numerical simulations of chaotic communication in a two three-mode laser system shows that one dimensional data , two dimensional information and a static two-dimensional gray-scale image have successfully been transmitted .