
  1. 本研究即针对台湾高等教育扩张前期的1992年与后期的2001年两个时点,利用Mincer的“薪资所得函数”加以扩充,来解释当前台湾人力资本投资与薪资所得之间的关系。

    This research utilizes " income function of the wages " of Mince to explain the relationship between present human capital investment and wages in Taiwan .

  2. 台湾高等教育评鉴制度的构建及启示

    Construction and Enlightenment of Evaluation System in Taiwan 's Higher Education

  3. 21世纪初,台湾高等教育面临着十大问题。

    Higher education in Taiwan is facing ten major problems .

  4. 21世纪初台湾高等教育改革述评

    Review of Taiwan Higher Education at the Beginning of the 21st Century

  5. 台湾高等教育的世纪回眸与前瞻

    Century Review and Prospect of Higher Education in Chinese Taiwan

  6. 这一趋势将对台湾高等教育产生较大的影响。

    This trend will eventually have a greater impact on Taiwanese higher education .

  7. 内地、香港和台湾高等教育若干问题的比较与借鉴

    Higher Education in Mainland , Hongkong and Taiwan

  8. 20世纪下半叶台湾高等教育办学体制的变革

    The Operating System Transformation of Taiwan Higher Education During the Second Half of 20th Century

  9. 转型之下的台湾高等教育

    Taiwan 's Higher Education in Transition

  10. 台湾高等教育考察报告

    Report on Higher Education in Taiwan

  11. 追求卓越,提升品质,已成为台湾高等教育迫切的时代需求。

    To pursue excellence and promote quality has become the urgent demand of higher education in Taiwan .

  12. 三十年来的台湾高等教育

    Higher education in Taiwan

  13. 近年来,台湾高等教育扩张中,数量增加最快的教育层级为研究生教育,特别是硕士班的教育。

    Recent expansion of higher education in Taiwan has focused on the graduate-level programs , especially at the master 's degree level .

  14. 台湾高等教育国际化发展比大陆早三十年,在留学生策略和国际学生策略方面发展较为完善,并有可取之处。

    Internationalization of higher education in Taiwan than the mainland three decades earlier , students for Strategic and International Student Strategy development more perfect , and there is merit .

  15. 本文通过对台湾高等教育的考察,对台湾的教师教育、高校国际化、高校机构设置等情况作了介绍,着重分析了对大陆高校所具有的借鉴意义。

    This paper , based on an investigation of the higher education in Taiwan , introduces Taiwan 's teacher education , college internationalization and structural establishment , putting emphasis on their referential value to the Mainland higher-learning institutions .

  16. 从金融危机看我国台湾地区高等教育的改革与发展

    Higher education reform and development in Taiwan in the view of financial crisis

  17. 影响台湾高等职业教育发展因素的钜观分析

    Macroscopic analysis on the influence of the high job educational development factor in Taiwan

  18. 美国与台湾地区高等教育利用社会捐赠问题之比较

    A Comparative Study of Social Donation for Universities in the US and Chinese Taiwan

  19. 高等职业技术教育是台湾地区高等教育体系中非常重要的组成部分。

    Higher technical education is an important part of the higher education system in Taiwan .

  20. 台湾私立高等教育的组织结构、法规法规、经费管理、品质保证、专业设置、学生管理、人事管理体系方面,特色鲜明,已经形成较为完整的体系。

    The system of organization , laws , funds management , quality guarantee , major development , student management and human resources management have become complete .

  21. 如今,台湾私立高等教育已经占据半壁河山,对岛内的社会与经济发展产生了积极的作用。

    Nowadays , Taiwan private higher education has become one half of the whole higher education and a positive factor to the society and economy within the island .

  22. 然后以高等教育为主,说明资本主义对于高等教育的影响,尤其以台湾地区高等教育学术评鉴为倒说明;

    Thirdly , the paper discusses the influence of global capitalism on higher education , particularly based on the example of the criteria of academic evaluation in Taiwan 's higher education .

  23. 台湾高等技职教育体制对大陆高职教育的启示

    Inspiration to Mainland 's Higher Vocational Education by Taiwan 's Technical & Vocational Education

  24. 台湾地区高等医学教育的发展改革与启示

    Developing and Reforming of Advanced Medical Education in Taiwan and Giving Enlightenment to Mainland

  25. 台湾高等技术及职业教育发展特色研究

    A Study on the Characteristic of Development of Higher Technological and Vocational Education in Taiwan

  26. 略论台湾地区各级各类高等教育的衔接与沟通&基于课程与制度的视角

    On Connection between All Levels & Types of Higher Education In Taiwan Based on Curriculum and System Perspective

  27. 了解我国台湾地区高等职业技术教育的发展状况和特点,对于推进祖国大陆高等职业技术教育体制创新具有一定的借鉴意义。

    So understanding the situation of development and characteristics of higher technical education in Taiwan has certain referential meanings to promote the innovation of higher technical education system in Mainland .

  28. 自20世纪50年代以来,经济结构中产业关系的不断调整,以及劳动力市场需求的不断变化,构成了台湾高等学校专业设置的重要背景,引发了台湾高等教育专业结构的多次调整。

    Since the 1950s , the continual readjustment of industrial relations in the economic structure , as well as the unceasing change of labor market demand , have constituted the important background of Taiwan Speciality establishment and caused adjustment of Taiwan Speciality for many times .