
tái jiē
  • footstep;step;altar;bench;flight of steps leading up to a house;chance to extricate oneself from an awkward position;sidestep
台阶 [tái jiē]
  • (1) [flight of steps leading up to a house]

  • (2) 供人上下行走的建筑物,因一阶一阶的,故称为台阶

  • (3) 在土山坡、岩石或冰坡上凿出的踏脚点

  • (4) [chance to extricate oneself from an awkward position]∶比喻避免因僵持而受窘的途径或机会

  • 给他个台阶下

台阶[tái jiē]
  1. 使深圳市的咪表管理水平不断地走上新的台阶。

    Make Parking metres management standard of Shenzhen city constantly walk the new footstep .

  2. 你小心别在台阶上绊倒了。

    Be careful you don 't trip up on the step .

  3. 上几磴台阶就到了门口。

    A short flight of steps led up to the door .

  4. 一段台阶往上通向正门。

    A flight of steps led upwards to the front door .

  5. 我的脚趾踢在了台阶上。

    I stubbed my toe on the step .

  6. 成千上万的朝圣者把台阶踏得磨损了。

    The steps had been worn away by the feet of thousands of pilgrims .

  7. 她爬上了那段台阶。

    She climbed up the flight of steps .

  8. 这些石头台阶被磨平破裂了。

    The stone steps were worn and broken .

  9. 注意台阶!

    Mind that step !

  10. 8月份这个国家的平均收入又上了一个台阶。

    Average earnings in the economy moved up another notch in August

  11. 这个小房间在沿着走廊再下几级台阶的地方。

    This little room was along a passage and down some steps

  12. 我小步跑下台阶,奔向外面的小屋。

    I trotted down the steps and out to the shed

  13. 只听他咣当一声,摔在了金属台阶上。

    He hit the metal steps with a ringing crash .

  14. 他跳着上了台阶,按下了门铃。

    He bounded up the steps and pushed the bell of the door

  15. 她在海伦妮前面迈上台阶,进了旅馆。

    She walked ahead of Helene up the steps into the hotel .

  16. 一段短短的台阶通向一个气派的大门口。

    A short flight of steps led to a grand doorway

  17. 尼科利尼一步两个台阶地噔噔跑上楼。

    Niccolini was thundering up the stairs , taking them two at a time

  18. 他跑下台阶来到泳池露台,纵身跳进池里。

    He ran down the steps to the pool terrace and plunged in .

  19. 卢埃林登上台阶,走进城堡主楼。

    Llewelyn was mounting the stairs up into the keep

  20. 他的脚噔噔噔地踩在木头台阶上。

    His feet clunked on the wooden steps .

  21. 台阶通向低处的花园。

    Steps lead down to the sunken garden

  22. 她跑向楼梯,一步两级地奔下台阶。

    She ran for the staircase and down the steps , taking them two at a time

  23. “好吧,”我边说边紧张不安地把香烟在花岗岩台阶上捻灭。

    ' Well , ' I said , grinding my cigarette nervously into the granite step .

  24. 我单脚跳下了3级台阶。

    I hopped down three steps

  25. 有人搞恶作剧整她,在最高的台阶上拉了一根绳子。

    Someone had played a trick on her , stretched a piece of string at the top of those steps

  26. 看到一个熟悉的高大身影沿着俱乐部的台阶无精打采地走下来,他高兴极了。

    To his delight a familiar , tall , languid figure lowered itself down the steps of a club .

  27. 她从博物馆出来,小跑着下台阶。

    She came trotting down the steps from the museum .

  28. 这位老太太慢慢走下台阶。

    The old lady slowly descended the stairs .

  29. 他一步两个台阶地飞奔跑上楼。

    He tore up the stairs two steps at a time .

  30. 给他们找个台阶下吧。

    Give them an out .