
  1. 研究了CGA560增强助磨剂在水泥粉磨中对台时产量和水泥质量的影响。

    The effect of CGA560 reinforced grinding aids on the output and quality in cement grinding was studied .

  2. 研制开发出ZSC-901煮茧专用助剂及配套的添加装置,可提高蚕茧解舒率,降低缫折,提高台时产量。

    The newly-developed special agent ZSC-901 for cocoon cooking and feeder can improve reelability percentage and silk yielding with cocoon consumption reduced .

  3. 提高风扫磨台时产量的有效途径

    Effective approach of improving yield of the wind swept milling

  4. 机立窑的台时产量和水泥磨产量均有明显提高。

    Increased mechanized shaft kiln and cement mill productivity .

  5. 提高磨机台时产量稳定选别指标的实践

    Practice for Stabilizing the Concentrating Indexes and Boosting the Machine - Hour Capacity of Mill

  6. 在提高煤粉台时产量的同时,大幅度地降低运行成本。

    The operating cost is greatly reduced at the same time of increasing the output of coal powder .

  7. 提高425~水泥早期强度及台时产量研究

    A Study on Improving Early Strength of 425 # Cement and Productivity of shengli Mine Cement Factory of Fushun

  8. 提高干法中空窑快转率、增加台时产量是降低白水泥能耗的有效途径。

    Increasing high-operating ratio and output of ordinary dry kilns are main ways to reduce power consumption of white cement .

  9. 进而,分起运量、台时产量、成本等三部分具体分析了海口港件杂货装卸系统。

    And then , it analyzes Haikou port general cargo handling system on three aspects such as inducement , output per machine hour and cost .

  10. 本文研究了熟料率值变化对新型干法窑台时产量、熟料物理性能、水泥减水剂相容性、水化热、水泥胶砂抗冲击性的影响。

    Research is made on the influence of clinker modular value on rotary kiln capacity , clinker physical property , water reducer compatibility , hydration heat and impact resistance of cement mortar .

  11. 从水泥生产实践出发,分析总结了影响水泥磨机台时产量、细度合格率的主要原因,并阐述了技改措施。

    On the basis of production practice , this paper not only analyzes and summaries the main reason of effective output and qualified rate of fine but also elaborates some methods to settle them .

  12. 文章从提高水泥磨的粉磨效率,进而提高水泥磨的台时产量,提高水泥成品细度入手,列举了几种提高水泥磨产质量的技术措施。

    This article , considering that grinding efficiency improvement of cement grinders can lead to production improvement per grinder , and starting with improving the fineness of finished products , has listed several measures to improve the production and quality of cement grinders .