
  • 网络wear resistance;abrasion resistance
  1. 通过加入补强树脂AD-1600、补强树脂OD-60和10份TPI均可提高NR/SBR硫化胶的撕裂强度、耐磨耗性。

    The tear strength and abrasion resistance of NR / SBR vulcanizates were improved by joining the reinforcing resin AD-1600 , reinforcing resin OD-60 and 10 phr TPI .

  2. GB/T12721-1991橡胶软管外胶层耐磨耗性能的测定

    Rubber hoses-Determination of abrasion resistance of the outer cover

  3. 介绍了填充PTFE(聚四氟乙烯)制品的成型工艺,PTFE中加入填充剂可明显提高其耐磨耗性、抗蠕变性、硬度等性能,拓宽PTFE的应用领域。

    The moulding technology of filled PTFE products was presented . It was proved that addition filler into PTFE could improve obviously its wear resistance , creep resistance and hardness , and widen its application .

  4. 用量0~3%的纳米Al2O3提高了PTFE材料的拉伸强度和断裂伸长率,用量3%的纳米SiO2显著改善了PTFE材料的耐磨耗性能;

    The tensile strength and elongation at break of the PTFE composite modified with 0 ~ 3wt % nano-meter Al_2O_3 were improved , the abrasion resistance of the PTFE composite modified with 3wt % nano-meter SiO_2 material was greatly improved , too .

  5. 乳液共沉胶的拉伸强度、撕裂强度、硬度、回弹性等与SBR1502基本相当,扯断伸长率和压缩永久变形有所增大,耐磨耗性能大幅度提高;

    The SBR / OMMT nanocomposites had similar tensile strength , tear strength , hardness and resilience to SBR1502 , while the elongation at break , compression set and abrasion properties were higher .

  6. 旋转式压缩机曲轴耐磨耗涂层处理技术

    The Processing Technology of Crankshaft Wear-resistant Coat for Rotary Compressor

  7. 道路钢纤维混凝土力学性能及耐磨耗性能的研究

    Study of Mechanics Performance and Wear-ability of Steel Fiber Concrete in Road

  8. 机械强度高、耐重压、耐冲击、耐磨耗。

    High mechanical strength , resistance to press , impact resistance to abrasion .

  9. 胎面轮廓形状优化技术研究&提高轮胎耐磨耗性能

    Improve the Wear Resistance Performance of Vehicle Wheel Tyre-Research on Optimization Technology for Tread Profile

  10. 高铬成份,耐磨耗耐龟裂性能优良,焊后硬度较高,机械加工困难。

    High chrome component , abrasion resistance , resistance to crack excellent performance after welding , machining difficulty high hardness .

  11. 熔敷金属具有高硬度的马氏体组织,耐磨耗耐冲击性能优良,硬度HRC55~58。

    Deposited metal of martensite with high hardness , good abrasion resistance , impact resistant performance of hardness HRC55 ~ 58 .

  12. 提高连铸结晶器耐磨耗性能的Ni&Fe合金单层电镀技术的研究

    A Study on the Improvement of Wear Resistance of A Crystallizer Used in Continuous Casting by Single-layer Plating Technique of Ni-Fe Alloy

  13. 胎面轮廓形状对轮胎的耐磨耗性能影响很大,因此对其进行优化很有意义。

    Optimizing the tyre tread profile is very significant because the tread profile has a big effect on wear resistance performance of vehicle wheel tyre .

  14. 研究了一种新型的钙云母为主相高强度的可切削玻璃陶瓷的力学性能、可加工性、表面耐腐蚀性、耐磨耗性。

    Mechanical strength , machinability , surface corrosive and wear abrasion of a new type glass ceramic composed of fluorophlgopite Ca-mice were studied in this article .

  15. 特别是,一些高钴烧结材料由于耐磨耗与耐热性高而广泛用作排气阀座圈材料。

    Especially several high cobalt containing sintered materials are used as exhaust valve seat insert materials because ( it 's ) high wear and heat resistant properties .

  16. 轻型横走式上下手臂使用著名品牌高刚性线性滑轨,耐磨耗。

    Light weight sidle upperlower robots adopt famous brand of linear slide rail with high strength , which is wear resistant sufficiently because of high-strength aluminum alloy structure .

  17. 淬火钢轨的强韧性,对钢轨的耐磨耗和耐剥离性有着直接的关系。

    Also , the content and shape of inclusions , the strength and toughness are all related to the properties of both wear and shell resistance of quenched rails .

  18. 但因单组份水性聚氨酯结构中交联程度较低,且引入了亲水扩链剂,使其涂膜的耐水性、机械性能、耐磨耗等性能较差。

    Because of hydrophilic extender and lower degree of crosslinking , properties of water resistence , mechanical behavior and abrasion resistance of film of the one-component waterborne polyurethane is poor .

  19. 研究了适合于连铸结晶器Ni&Fe合金单层电镀技术的工艺及配方,并对镀层的硬度、耐磨耗性能、耐热性能及耐热冲击性能进行了研究。

    The process parameters and the bath composition of Ni-Fe alloy plating for a crystallizer of continuous casting were studied . And the test results of hardness , wear resistance .

  20. 水泥混凝土路面作为一种高级路面结构形式,以其强度高、稳定性和耐久性好、耐高温、耐磨耗以及养护费用少等优点而得到了广泛的应用。

    Concrete pavement as a high-level road structure , with its high strength , well stability and durability , bear heat and bear to wear , less maintenance costs and other advantages have been extensive application .

  21. 应用于结晶器上的耐磨机理后,提出了进一步提高其耐磨耗性能的措施。

    Measures for improving the wear-resistance are proposed according to the wear mechanism of nickel-iron coating .

  22. 属细晶粒合金,其耐磨性较好,适用于制作成形刀,耐磨耗零部件等。

    Fine grade alloy , with good wear resistance , used for processing blades , wear resistance parts etc.