
  • 网络metering pump;dosing pump;seko
  1. 协议转换器在计量泵智能控制系统中的应用

    Application of Protocol Converter in Metering Pump Intelligent Control System

  2. 计量泵N轴受力分析及结构设计

    The force analysis and structure design on N shaft of metering pump

  3. 隔膜式计量泵在F(22)反应中的应用

    Application of Diaphragm Metering Pump in F_ ( 22 ) Synthesis

  4. 系统采用PLC→变频调速器→同步电动机→计量泵的控制方式。

    The system adopted the control sequence of PLC , frequency regulator , synchronous motor and metering pump .

  5. 详细介绍了PlantScape软硬件的配置,以及如何和调度联网,又介绍了自控系统方面操纵台,计量泵的改造。

    This paper describes the software and hardware configuration of plant scape and how to connect the dispatching network . It also describes the modification of console and metering pump .

  6. 基于对隔膜计量泵运行机理的分析研究,根据实际情况针对J-ZDM100/0.63Ⅷ型泵设计不合理处进行改进,使该泵恢复正常运行。

    Through study and analysis of operation mechanism of diaphragm meter pump some unreasonable parts of J-ZDM 1000 . 63 pump in design , according to practice conditions , have been improved . Therefore the pump re - operates normally .

  7. 详细介绍了供水自控系统中智能加矾的控制过程,即采用多参数复合环PID控制方式对加矾计量泵进行前馈控制、反馈控制、智能控制和辅助控制。

    The process of intellective adding alum in the automatic water supply system is introduced in detail , which uses multi-parameter composite loop PID to adjust the pump of adding alum by means of proceding feedback control , feedback control , wise control and accessorial control .

  8. 针对组件结构、计量泵规格对FDY产品的影响,研究原料及各项工艺条件对产品质量的影响。

    According to the effect of spinning pack structure and metering pump specification on FDY product , the influence of raw material and various technological conditions on product quality are studied .

  9. 针对这一情况,本文以美国MILTONROY公司生产的LMI系列电磁隔膜计量泵为例,提出了一种新型计量泵驱动装置及其控制器的分析和设计方法。

    Aiming at this situation , a new designing method for the drive system of metering pump is proposed in this thesis , based on the EDMP of LMI series produced by MILTON ROY .

  10. 根据计量泵的运行特点,本文根据输入量误差量E和误差变化量EC设计一个二维模糊控制器,并加入一个调整因子,针对不同的误差值,自动调整模糊规则。

    Due to the working peculiarity of the metric pump , this job designs a two-dimension fuzzy controller , which based on the input items E and EC . The controller adds an adjusting gene to adjust the fuzzy rule aiming at the new value of error .

  11. 介绍了氯碱生产中采用的屏蔽泵、磁力泵、计量泵、漩涡泵、液环泵、AHR型渣浆泵的结构、特点、适用范围、应用实例及使用中的注意事项。

    The structure , characteristics , application scope , application examples and points for attention of such pumps in chlor-alkali production are introduced as canyon-type pumps , magnetic pumps , measuring pumps , vortex pumps , liquid-ring pumps and residual-slurry pumps .

  12. 实践经验表明:分纤喷丝板的设计是设备改造的关键,增加纺丝头数,更换计量泵,及其它相应的改造,并调整工艺参数,十二头纺可生产出质量优良的56dtex/24f涤纶FDY。

    The results showed that the key to equipment innovation was the design of dividing spinneret . PET FDY of 56 dtex / 24f with splendid quality can be produced via 12-end spinning by increasing spinneret , changing metering pump , conducting other corresponding innovation and adjusting the process parameters .

  13. 作者在LEWA(大连)公司从事计量泵营销工作多年,对于本行业的市场情况和营销方式有着充分的了解,并有多年的工作中实践经验。

    The author has been responsible for metering pump marketing for several years in LEWA , a competent understanding of the market situation of this industry and the marketing method and the experience from these years of working .

  14. 改造方案为:直径为150mm的螺杆、2.6mL×4的计量泵,组件等不作变动,而主要对喷丝板向下作双丝路处理。

    The reformation plan is that the diameter of the screw is 150 mm , the capacity of the meter pump is 2.6 mL × 4 and the spinning pack is not changed . The spinneret is moved downward for the double filament path treatment .

  15. 烟气二氧化硫分析仪采样计量泵的研制与应用

    Design and applications of the precise metering pump sampling Flue gases

  16. 基于安全联锁的计量泵自动控制系统的研究

    The research on control system of metric pump based safety interlocking

  17. 螺丝位置在计量泵的背面。

    Screw position at the back of the metering pump .

  18. 行星式计量泵板类零件磨孔工装改进

    Design Improvement of Plate Hole Grinding Processing Equipment for Planetary Metering Pump

  19. 计量泵流量检验的计算机应用

    Study of the computer appliance in the test of flow-rate of spinning-pump

  20. 熔体计量泵变频控制方式的改造

    Modification of the converter control mode for melt dosing pump

  21. 隔膜式、济型结构紧凑的计量泵。

    Diaphragm , economic , robust , compact metering pump .

  22. 微机控制计量泵参数测试系统

    Parameter of Measure Pump Test System Controlled by Micro Computer

  23. 长丝计量泵功率和扭矩的影响因素分析

    Analysis on effective factors of spinning pump power and torque

  24. 提高化纤纺丝机计量泵安装精度的方法

    The Ways for Improving Mounting Accuracy of Metering Pump for Filature Machine

  25. 基于单片机的计量泵流量控制系统的研制

    Research on Single Chip-based Metric Pump Flux Control System

  26. 计量泵单片机控制系统的研究

    Development of Computer Control System for Metric - pump

  27. 计量泵的计算机控制系统及通信方法的研究

    Computer Control System of Metric Pump and Communication Methods

  28. 液体软包装机计量泵单向阀的设计

    Design of the One-direction Valve of Measuring Pump for the Liquid Soft-packaged Machine

  29. 仍使用现有的计量泵。

    The existing metering pump will still be used .

  30. 介绍了一种对普通计量泵进行改造的简捷、可靠的方法。

    This paper introduces a simple and reliable method to transform commonmetering pumps .