
  • 网络computer port
  1. 通用端口的使用允许应用程序的不同部分使用相同的计算机端口连接到ESB。

    The use of Universal Ports will allow different parts of the application to connect to the ESB using the same computer port .

  2. 并提出串口通信需要考虑的问题,包括计算机端口隔离保护、通信速率与距离的关系等。

    Some techniques of serial communication are presented , including isolation protection of computer port , relationship between communication speed and distance , and so on .

  3. 计算机端口扫描模块分析了端口扫描的几种主流技术,探讨了多线程技术和数据包捕获技术在其中的应用,从而快速分辨已安装和未安装该软件的计算机,进一步提高了系统的敏捷性。

    In computer port scanned module , it analyzes several kinds of common technologies of port scanned , and discusses the application of multi-thread technology and data packet captured technology in port scanned , thus enhances the system agility .

  4. 根据IP地址和端口号来区分会话,IP地址指定了参与会话的计算机,端口号则表示计算机上的程序。

    A session is identified by IP addresses , which specify the computers that participate in it , and port numbers , which identify the programs on those computers .

  5. 该NIM插件可同时记录30路ECL输入信号,采用增强型计算机并行端口读入方式,数据传输率达到2Mb/s。

    The scaler can scale 30 ECL inputs at the same time . With the EPP ( Enhanced Parallel Port ) modes of the Parallel Port , the transmitted rate of data is 2MB / s.

  6. 在LabWindows/CVI中实现计算机并行端口通信

    Implement of computer printer port communication based on LabWindows / CVI

  7. 计算机I/O端口病毒的诊断与消除

    Diagnosing and cleaning for I / O port virus

  8. 计算机并行端口实验装置研制

    Development of an Experimental Device for Computer Parallel Port

  9. 对目标计算机进行端口扫描,能得到许多有用的信息。

    It may get a lots of useful information by scan target computer 's ports .

  10. 给出了这一方法的软件实现和硬件实现,并通过计算机并行端口与可编程逻辑控制器进行通信,实现了数控线切割机床的计算机控制。

    The WEDM computer control is realized by communicating with PLC through parallel computer ports .

  11. 如果在不同的计算机或端口上运行服务,请确保对此地址进行相应的更改。

    Make sure you change this address if you are running the server on a different computer or port .

  12. 像教科书里所说的,键盘是连到计算机串行端口上的而非并行端口。

    As mentioned in the lecture , keyboard is connected to a serial port , instead of a parallel one .

  13. 主要讨论微型自适应光学系统中的计算机并行端口与微型变形镜的高压驱动器数据通信问题。

    This paper introduces the data communication between the micro-deformable mirror and the high voltage digital driver in micro-adaptive optical system .

  14. 访存相关和访存冲突是向量计算机多端口存储器设计中所要解决的关键问题。

    The access dependence and access conflict are the key problems to solve in the design of multiport memory of vector computers .

  15. 该公司已经采取措施,包括封闭计算机的端口,来阻止利用U盘复制资料的行为。

    The company has taken measures , including sealing its computers'ports here , to prevent the easy use of flash drives to record data .

  16. 直接把吸尘器接入你的笔记本电脑或计算机的USB端口。

    Simply connect the Vacuum to the USB port of your laptop or Computer .

  17. 通用端口的工作原理类似于计算机的USB端口,USB将各种类型的设备连接到计算机。

    A Universal Port works analogous to the USB port of a computer , which is to connect devices of varied kind to connect to the computer .

  18. 由于各端口背后的代码都可能是相同的,因此惟一重要的配置要素就是将通用端口与运行ESB的机器或计算机上的端口相关联。

    Since code behind each would be the same , the only important configuration element will be to associate a Universal port with the port on the Machine or Computer on which the ESB is running .

  19. 编码器接口显示计算机名和端口号。

    The encoder interface displays the computer name and port number .

  20. 用个人计算机串行通讯端口的控制端接收串行信号

    A Special Method to Receive Serial Digital Signals by Using Control Port ( DSR ) of RS-232-C of PC

  21. 没有拨号音。请确保电话线已插入计算机和电话端口。

    There is no dial tone . Please make sure that your telephone cable is plugged in to your computer and your telephone outlet .

  22. 您的计算机没有游戏控制器端口。

    Your computer does not have a game controller port .

  23. 微计算机控制的五端口反射仪

    A microcomputer operated " five port " reflectometer

  24. 步进电机可以直接和计算机通过并行通信端口相连接,接受数字信号。

    Stepper motors can connect to computer throught the computer parallel communication ports , accepting the numerical signal .

  25. 在该测试系统中,由计算机通过串行通讯端口向微控制器发送指令,微控制器与芯片间通过串行外围设备端口进行通讯,由微控制器向芯片发送指令并接受芯片的响应。

    During test system , the computer can send command to MCU through RS232 . MCU send instructions to IC which was tested through SPI and accepted respond .

  26. 系统分为四个模块:计算机在线检测模块、计算机端口扫描模块、远程安装模块、网络数据包控制模块。

    The system divides into four modules : on-line computer examination module , computer port scanned module , remote installation module and network control module .

  27. 本研究采用计算机直接数字控制方式,对动态水果图像进行实时采集,并通过计算机的打印端口输出图像处理结果,实现同时对多个执行器的动作状态进行控制。

    A direct digital control ( DDC ) system was adopted , which can grab the dynamic image of fruits in real time , and send the results of image processing to the parallel port of computer , then control several step motors ' status at the same time .