- computing power;numeracy

On the computing power of ordered Petri nets
The apple II of 1980 has more computing power than was used in the entire Apollo moon landing program .
As with urban crime , failing urban schools are preoccupying countries the world over .
The data analysis can be done , with MATLAB 's powerful data calculate capability .
With the development of Arm technology , calculation ability of embedded equipment increases significantly .
Research on Intensifying Numerical Computation Ability in VB Based on MATLAB Function Library
DNA sequencing is more about computer power and data mining than it is about breakthroughs in laboratories , investors say .
NC machining path of sculptured surfaces in CAD / CAM systems plays a key role in manufacture .
According as the demand of complex system , this paper designs a feasible implement project that is multi-DSP scheme .
Matlab has powerful ability in mathematical calculation and its optimization tool box provide a very convenient way for optimization calculation .
Therefore , the P2P technology can improve the computing power and the utilization of network bandwidth effectively .
Through this method , we can integrate the object programming of VC + + and the ability of analysis of MATLAB .
Amazon wants to become a vendor of on-demand computing power to small and medium-size businesses .
It was the early2000s when projects like SETI @ home and the Human Genome Project harnessed the power of thousands of computers to work on complex problems .
Again , making people do pencil-and-paper CPU benchmarks is a phenomenally silly way to measure human computing power .
It implemented multi-channel reconstruction and fully utilized GPU 's computing capacity .
As a new type of wireless mobile networks , ad hoc networks enjoys cooperative and trustful domain nodes without centralized control unit .
It runs on top of Amazon EC2 , so computing power can expand elastically .
But Visual C + + is weaker than MATLAB in handling data . MATLAB has strong ability of science calculation and is applied in engineering field widely .
MPI parallel computing technology is applied to improve the computing performance of the simulation system .
Facing the development of GPUs and multi-cores , the traditional serial programming model cannot meet the requirements .
It was recognized that the enhancing of capacity of computing by increasing the reaction vessel is meaningless for the development of DNA computing in theory unless the unexpected level of reaction can be performed .
To utilize the natural numerous merit of Java ( such as distributed ^ architecture neutral , portable ) can breaks through these obstacles to add strong computing power into isomer interlinked environment .
However , scientists recently find that a lot of real networks are not random network but scale-free network .
Peer-to-Peer network exploits vacant compute ability and available resource of each node on the network . It raises the share action on the Internet to a higher level , and has great advantage .
P2P has been used in distributed storage , collaborative work environment , computing and file sharing , application layer multicast , Internet indirection infrastructure , streaming media technology , search technology and other aspects .
The inherited high speed and standard network ability of UNIX workstation made it possible that the over all system performance of instrument has been greatly improved .
Wireless data communication between nodes expose in wireless channels , and wireless nodes limit in storage and computing capabilities , both making the need to protect the security of wireless Mesh network protocols .
It is unlikely that any reasoning software can support every feature of OWL Full , as it offers maximum expressiveness and the syntactic freedom of RDF with no computational guarantees .
While the development of Internet technology lets the technical means and carriers of information management to revolutionary change . the openness and distributivity of Internet , and the huge computing power based on Internet break through the restrictions of time and space .