
  1. 昆钢2000m~3高炉PHD上位计算机系统应用

    The Application of PHD Host Computer in 2000m ~ 3 Blast Furnace of Kunming Iron & Steel Works

  2. 植物生长模拟计算机系统应用试验简报

    Preliminary Report on Computer System Application on Model Plant Growth

  3. 电缆制造设备中的微计算机系统应用的讨论

    Discussion on the application of PC system in cable machinery

  4. 电厂计算机系统应用语音报警软件的研究

    Research on Accomplishing Common Sound Alarm by Software in Computer System for Power Plant

  5. 计算机系统应用中的可靠性问题

    On reliability in application of computer systems

  6. 在多机系统中,处理器之间的高效通信对于提高系统的性能十分重要,于是,研究多机系统结构上的路由技术成为高性能计算机系统应用的实际需要。

    In multicomputer system , the efficient communication between computers is very important to improve the system 's performance .

  7. 若将陆用微型计算机系统应用到远洋船舶上,往往会遇到系统不适应海上复杂环境的问题。

    Applied to an ocean-going ship , a land-based microcomputer system usually does not fit into the complicated conditions at sea .

  8. 阐述了高炉炉顶计算机系统应用软件、硬件配置性能与组成,叙述了主要生产工艺的控制流程。

    To describe the configuration function and the composition of software and hardware of the computer system for the BF top , and relate the main technology and control procedure .

  9. 第五章是桥梁维修加固计算机系统应用,介绍了系统在实际应用中的主要步骤及数据统计处理的方式,并以两座桥为例说明系统的应用过程;

    The fifth chapter is the application of the system . The main steps in use and the way of dealing data are expressly presented in cite of the application of tow bridges ;

  10. 本文所反应的笔者的主要工作包括:再加热炉过程控制计算机系统应用软件的结构概要分析、生产过程跟踪的软件处理流程描述;

    The author 's work presented in this thesis mainly includes : outline analysis of reheating furnace process application software structure , descriptions of production process software flowchart in reheating furnace process computer system ;

  11. QCS生料质量计算机控制系统应用体会

    The application ami experience on QCS raw meal quality computer controlling system

  12. PDP-11计算机电力系统应用程序开发研究

    Developing Application Programming for Electric Power System on PDP-11 Computer

  13. 而几乎所有的CPU和外部设备都会提供PCI总线的接口,PCI总线已经是计算机系统中应用最为广泛、最为通用的总线标准。

    Almost all of the CPU and peripheral equipments offer PCI bus interface , because that PCI bus has been the most extensive and tne most universal bus standard in computer system .

  14. 为高速密码模块在服务器以及高端的计算机系统的应用提供了最基本的高速通道。(3)DMA控制模块模块引入。

    High speed cryptographic module provides the most basic high-speed channel at the server and high-end computer system . ( 3 ) the introduced of the DMA control module .

  15. 本论文紧密围绕提高大规模并行计算机系统和应用的可用性这一中心目标,对实现高可用MPI并行编程环境的相关问题展开研究,包括性能、可扩展性和容错能力。

    Focusing on how to improve the availability of large parallel computing systems and applications , this thesis studies some key problems in implementing high availability MPI parallel programming environment , including performance , scalability and fault tolerance .

  16. 以宁夏中宁电厂2×330MW扩建工程中计算机监控系统应用为背景,对发电厂电气系统所用计算机监控系统的功能、控制范围、功能实现等方面作了介绍。

    Based on the application of computer monitoring system in 2 × 330MW expanding project of Zhongning Power Plant , introduces the function , controlling scope , function realization of computer monitoring system used by electrical system in power plant .

  17. 合纤工业计算机控制系统应用比较及发展

    Comparison and development of computer control system application in synthetic fiber industry

  18. 视频监控在过程控制计算机系统的应用

    Application of Video Frequency Monitoring in Process Control Computer Systems

  19. 特大型水力发电厂计算机监控系统应用技术

    Application Technology of Computer Monitoring and Control System for Giant Hydropower Plants

  20. 面向21世纪的嵌入式计算机系统及应用

    Embedded Computer System and Application in the 21st Century

  21. 计算机系统的应用已经深入到社会的各行各业甚至家庭。

    Application of computer systems have in-depth sectors of society and even family .

  22. 计算机监视系统应用分析与发展趋势

    Application Analysis And Development Trend of Computer Monitoring Systems

  23. 目前,该计算机系统已应用到某热轧中宽带生产实际。

    Now , the automatic gauge control system is used in a hot rolling .

  24. 客户机/服务器模型(Client/Server)是当前计算机网络系统应用最广泛的模型。

    The Client / Server model is the most popular model for the network .

  25. 中国电信业务计算机管理系统应用互联的一种设计方法

    An Approach to Design Application Interconnection of China Telecommunication Vocational Work Computer Management System

  26. 计算机代数系统应用研究

    On Applying Research of Computer Algebra System

  27. 工业控制计算机系统及应用

    Industry Control Computer System and Its Applications

  28. 坪上输水工程水泉湾泵站计算机监控系统应用柴湾(海水)抽水站

    Computer Monitoring System Application in Shuiquan Bay Pumping Station for Level Ground Water Diversion Project

  29. 宝钢1号高炉计算机系统的应用和改进

    Application and Improvement of Computer System at No.1 Blast Furnace of Baoshan Iron and Steel Works

  30. 为解决油库没备管理技术落后问题,基于面向对象技术(ObjectOrientedTchnique)的油库设备计算机管理系统应用而生。

    Purpose of Computer management system of oil depot equipment based on Object Oriented Technique is to solve technique problems in oil depot equipment management .