
  • 网络planned repair
  1. 舰船计划修理价格动态估算系统的研究

    On the dynamic estimating system of the intending reparative price of warship

  2. 用前移回归分析法预测舰船装备计划修理总经费

    A prediction for the all intending reparative cost of warship based on forward regression analysis

  3. 设备维修是指设备技术状态劣化或发生故障后,为恢复其功能而进行的技术活动,包括各类计划修理和计划外的故障修理及事故修理,又称设备修理。

    Equipment maintenance refers to the degradation or malfunction state , for restoring its function and the technical activities , including various plans to repair and unplanned repair and fault repair , in other words , equipment repair .

  4. 设备状态监测与维修工作专业性强,涉及的知识面广,文章介绍了在喷织车间应用科学检测手段,开展点检和状态计划修理,加强对进口设备的监控。

    Since the state monitoring and maintenance of equipment involve profound and extensive professional knowledge , it is necessary to adopt scientific monitoring means including spot-check so that scheduled maintenance can be carried out for the equipment in jet weaving sheds .

  5. 本文阐述了在我国推行多年的设备定期计划预防修理制的原理依据及其局限性。

    This paper describes the principle and the similation of the system of scheduled maintenance and regular for the equipment , which has been used for years in our country .

  6. 他们发起的计划包括修理咖啡馆,鼓励人们通过分享修理坏了的电子产品技能来减少垃圾,还有开放源花园,在公共场所放置装满土壤、花和植物的大盒,看看谁能照看它们。

    Their initiatives include repair caf é s that encourage people to avoid waste by sharing skills to fix defunct electronic objects , and open source gardens , where crates full of soil , flowers and plants are left in public spaces to see who takes care of them .

  7. 说到计划我想修理下院子会很不错

    Juli : Speaking of projects , I was thinking it might be cool tofix upthe yard .

  8. 他们发起的计划包括“修理咖啡馆”,鼓励人们通过分享修理坏了的电子产品技能来减少垃圾,还有“开放源花园”,在公共场所放置装满土壤、花和植物的大盒,看看谁能照看它们。

    Their initiatives include " repair caf é s " that encourage people to avoid waste by sharing skills to fix defunct electronic objects , and " open source gardens , " where crates full of soil , flowers and plants are left in public spaces to see who takes care of them .