
  • 网络troubleshooting
  1. FT-80A核磁共振波谱仪的原理及故障修理

    The Principle and the Repair of FT-80A NMR Spectrometer

  2. FJ-367型通用闪烁检测器无信号输出故障修理

    Repair No Output Signal on Universal Scintillation Detector FJ-367

  3. 开关电源监控接口电路及故障修理

    Monitoring Interface Circuits of Switching Mode Power Supply and Failure Handling

  4. 相对于产品的采购、销售和库存管理而言,产品的售后服务特别是次品及故障修理品的管理往往缺少系统管理。

    Comparing with products ' purchasing , selling , and stocking , the after services lack systematic management .

  5. 从而,根据实测到的不同种类的丝故障修理时间分布及故障发生间隔分布,导出了理论丝故障数分布。

    The theoretical distribution of the number of reeling thread troubles has been derived consequently , according to the practical measurement that the different kinds of distribution of repairing time and the occurrences of time-interval of reeling thread troubles .

  6. 谈谈出租车计价器常见故障及修理

    Talk about the Common a Breakdown of the Taximeter and Repair

  7. 接地电阻测量仪常见故障及修理

    Ground Connection Electric Resistance Measures an Instrument Frequently Seeing Malfunction Reach Mending

  8. 油锯导板加工铣床的故障与修理

    The fault in milling machine for saw bar processing and its maintenance

  9. 载重汽车平衡悬架常见故障及其修理

    Usual Malfunctions and Maintenance of Balanced Suspension in Medium Truck

  10. 特殊故障特殊修理的四状态可修系统

    A Four-Mode Repairable System With Special Repar under Special Failure

  11. 故障部件修理具有管理延迟的两同型部件并联可修系统。

    A two identical components paralleled repairable system with administrative delay in repair .

  12. 我船无线电发射台发生故障需要修理。

    Please be advised that our radio transmitter broke down and needs repairing .

  13. 水泥辅助设备(一套)的原理、常见故障及修理

    The Principle and Common Stoppages and Repairs of a Series of Cement Supplementary Equipment

  14. 火焰光度计特殊故障的修理

    Repairing the special malfunction of flame spectrophotometer

  15. 本文以此为例介绍其常见故障与修理。

    Taking this article for example , its familiar malfunction and repair have been described .

  16. 根据目前世界经济发展的新特点,提出了可修系统中一个具有实际意义的模型:特殊故障特殊修理的可修系统。

    According to the character of current world economic development , a new model on repairable system is advanced .

  17. 本文采用船舶上的故障和修理报告作为故障调查依据,得到了主要故障的发生频率和维修费用的基本情况。

    Based on the fault reports and the repair reports on board , we get the frequencies and the repair expenses of the major faults of the refrigerating unit .

  18. 从基本理论出发,以JZ2型晶体管指零仪为实例,通过对其组成部分工作原理的分析,简要介绍了几例晶体管指零仪常见故障的修理和调试方法。

    Starting from the basic theory , the article introduces taking model JZ 2 transistor zero pointing meter as an actual example via analysis on its consisting components working principle , several examples of transistor zero pointing meter 's normal break-down repairing and commissioning methods .

  19. n个同型部件和两个修理设备组成的冷贮备可修系统中,假设部件的寿命和部件故障后的修理时间都服从指数分布。

    This paper considers a n-unit cold standby repairable system with two repair facility .

  20. 西门子840D系统的几例故障分析及修理

    Several Failures Analysis of SIEMENS 840D System and its Repairing

  21. 而对指针式万用表常见故障的业余修理也是广大技术人员经常碰到的事。

    The common issue for technicians is to repair common failures .

  22. 百分表的常见故障分析以及修理方法

    The Analysis of Normal Faults and Repairing Methords in Dial Indicator

  23. 电动切土豆机电气故障,需修理。

    There is electricity trouble of electric potato peeler to be repaired .

  24. 分配式喷油泵的故障排除与修理调试

    Trouble Shooting and Service of Distributer Type Injection Pumps

  25. 隔爆型电动机的故障诊断与修理

    Diagnosis and Repair of Fault of Flame-Proof Motor

  26. 如果在一年内有故障,免费修理。

    If it breaks down within one year , we service it without charge .

  27. 故障拍摄和修理工妆间

    Working hours of failure shooting and repair

  28. 提出并研究了特殊故障需要特殊修理的四状态可修系统。

    This paper studies a four mode repairable system with special repair under special failure .

  29. 海底光缆的故障现象及修理程序

    Submarine Cable Fault and Repair Procedures

  30. 解读了电器控制部分的原理,并对电子管电路常见和复杂故障的基本修理方法作了分析说明。

    Principle of electric control , basic repair of tube and usual and complex fault have been analyzed .