
qínɡ bào chuán dì
  • intelligence transmission;intelligence dissemination
  1. 然后笔者构建了基于人际关系的竞争情报获取的通用模型,并着重分析了企业与客户、员工建立关系的过程和搭建的竞争情报传递通道。

    Then , the thesis makes up a model of general purpose for intelligence collection based on guanxi , and the process how enterprises establish relationship with customers and staff , build channels of competitive intelligence transmission are analyzed emphatically .

  2. 例如,卢克伍德是卢多·巴格曼父亲的老朋友,巴格曼把情报传递给了他,显然是相当无辜的。

    For example , Rookwood was an old friend of Ludo Bagman 's father , and Bagman passed him information , apparently quite innocently .

  3. 可能最重要的组成部分是现行情报的传递和评价。

    Probably the most important component is the delivery and evaluation of current information .

  4. 美联社的一份报告称,彼得雷乌斯和博德维使用了高科技的情报秘密传递点。

    According to an AP report , Petraeus and Broadwell used a high-tech version of this technique .

  5. 论情报的传递功能

    On Transfer Function of Information

  6. 通过电子媒介的现代情报的传递,对农业界的所有部门越来越重要。

    Up-to-date information delivery through the electronic media is becoming important to all segments of the agricultural community .

  7. 加强信息情报研究,传递、流通和利用;

    We should strengthen the research , transmission , circulation and use of information .

  8. 文献传递服务满足率之探讨&以中国科学院文献情报中心文献传递服务为例

    A Discussion on the Satisfied Rate of Document Delivery Services & A Case Study of Library of Chinese Academy of Sciences

  9. 它是为了控制或延缓企业核心情报向外界传递而采用的掩蔽和迷惑的手段,以保护企业关键信息不被竞争对手获得。

    We can use some methods to control or delay the dissemination of enterprise core competitive intelligence to the outside world .

  10. 另外一个是罗德岛的首席法官麦卡夫包勒尔,这人曾把情报秘密地传递给英军司令亨利克林顿爵士。

    Another was chief justice Metcalf bowler of Rhode Island who secretly passed on information to the British commander , Sir Henry clinton .

  11. 因为仅发现了知识不够,被掘取出来的知识如果不能用来传递也不能称之为情报,因为情报是用来传递的知识,传递性也是情报的基本属性之一。

    Because only finding out knowledge is not enough and knowledge which has been explored and can not be transmitted also can not be called intelligence , because intelligence is knowledge which can be transmitted and transmissibility is one of the basic characteristic of intelligence .

  12. 随着企业越来越重视通过不同途径来获取竞争情报,一种新的情报组织与传递模式&人际情报网络发展起来。

    With more and more emphasis on acquiring the competitive intelligence through different approaches from enterprises , a new model of intelligence organization and transmission-social intelligence network have been developing .

  13. 他们不仅使用化名,还采取了情报机构非常熟悉的手段,即情报秘密传递点。

    Not only were they using pseudonyms , they were also using a method known in the intelligence community as the dead drop .

  14. 他们不仅使用化名,还采取了情报机构非常熟悉的手段,即“情报秘密传递点”。

    Not only were they using pseudonyms , they were also using a method known in the intelligence community as the " dead drop . "

  15. 大力加强情报资料工作的建设的构想包括反黑情报的机构、情报收集、情报存储、情报传递等。

    Information work construction is to strengthen with effort the construction of material and information work , including collecting , storing and transmitting intelligence against organized crimes .

  16. 详述了美军情报搜集主要特点,即海陆空天综合一体的情报搜集、广泛设置处理机构和分散式的情报处理、实时互通的情报传递。

    Describe the main characteristics of USF information collection in detail , ie the information collects integrated in the sea , ground , air and space , processing as well as mutual information transferring in real time .