
  1. 紧急情况处置中减少护患纠纷的对策

    Countermeasures to reduce nurse-patient disputes in handling emergent situation

  2. 对于异常交易情况处置,我国现行的立法规定缺乏系统性的设计。

    The current legislative provisions on disposal of abnormal transactions is lack of systematic design .

  3. 我切身了解情况处置失当会引发的种种问题。

    I know at first hand the problems that could arise if the situation is mismanaged .

  4. 建立内部控制,可以促使证券交易所异常交易情况处置权的合理合法行使。

    Establishment of internal control can promote abnormal transactions disposal right of the stock exchange reasonable and legitimate .

  5. 本文选取与证券交易所异常交易情况处置权联系较紧的几个重要理论问题和实践难题,作为研究重点。

    This Paper selects several important theoretical issues and practical problems related to the stock exchanges abnormal transactions right to dispose as the research priority .

  6. 当前需要围绕如何构建行政监管部门与证券交易所在异常交易情况处置方面的关系进行完善。

    There is an urgency on building a sound relationship between the administrative regulatory authorities and the stock exchanges in the disposal of unusual transactions .

  7. 在异常交易情况处置时,证券交易所作为证券交易服务提供者和证券交易监管者的身份存在较为紧张的关系。

    Disposal of abnormal trading , the stock exchange , There is an intensive relationship for the stock exchange both as a trading services provider and regulator .

  8. 在异常交易情况处置方面,证券行政监管部门存在一定程度的缺位,交易所的异常交易处置权与证券行政监管权之间出现了断裂。

    In terms of disposal of unusual transactions , there is a certain degree of absence of the securities administrative supervision department , and there is a fracture between the stock exchange and the administrative supervision department .

  9. 三峡库区公路、水路运输治安问题基本情况及处置对策带锁髓内钉治疗股骨干骨折的并发症与处理对策

    The Public Order Situation of Road and Shipping Transportation in the Three Gorges Area and Countermeasures ; Management the complications of fracture of femur with interlocking intramedullary nail

  10. 协助组织异常情况现场处置和突发事故应急救援,保证系统正常和人员、设备安全。

    Assist the workshop director to organize field disposal in case of abnormities and emergency rescue of accidents , so as to ensure normal operation of system as well as staff and equipment safety .

  11. 药物动力学表明,此药在更高剂量的情况下对处置表达CD56的肿瘤细胞更有效。

    Pharmacokinetics showed that drug was able to tackle tumour cells expressing CD56 more effectively at the higher doses .

  12. 关于液化石油气贮罐泄漏、火灾情况下的处置措施

    The Handling of the Leakage of LPG Tank and LPG Fire

  13. 指出污泥的减量化、资源化和无害化是符合我国的实际情况的污泥处置方法。

    It pointed out that the sludge volume reduction , use as resources and innoxiousness is the suitable way for sludge disposal in China .

  14. 介绍了污泥脱水的基本理论、性能指标及其测定,分析了污泥脱水方法及特点,论述了国内给水厂污泥脱水设备使用情况和污泥处置情况。

    This paper introduces the basic theories , the performance indexes of sludge dewatering and their measurement , analyzes on the methods and characteristics of sludge dewatering , and discusses on the use of sludge dewatering equipment and the sludge processing in domestic water-supply plant .

  15. 你可以根据情况机动灵活地处置。

    You can deal with it flexibly as you see fit .