
  • 网络retaining structure
  1. 水泥土复合式支挡结构的机理分析

    Analysis of the mechanism of cement-soil composite braced retaining structure

  2. 从平面滑动思考滑坡支挡结构荷载计算

    Calculation of earth load on landslide retaining structure based on planar sliding

  3. 采用VISUALBASIC语言编制了预应力肋梁柱锚杆支挡结构设计计算程序。

    The program of the design and calculation of the pre-stressed anchor supporting structure with beam and column is written with the language Visual Basic .

  4. 基于MATLAB神经网络工具箱及文献犤1犦的挡墙离心模型试验结果,建立了一个可用于加筋支挡结构设计高度预测的GRNN网络。

    Based on MATLAB neural network toolbox and centrifuge test data , a generalized regression neural network ( GRNN ) was designed for predicting the design height of reinforced retaining walls , which can give better prediction results with fewer training specimen data .

  5. 通过比较同济启明星深基坑支挡结构分析计算软件(FRWS)与搅拌桩墙计算规范之间计算原理的共同点与不同点,让设计者使用能够准确分析结果。

    Compared the common and different aspects of FRWS with mixing pile walls calculate criterion on calculate principle , made the result more reliable and exact .

  6. 抗滑支挡结构离心模型试验与计算分析

    Centrifugal Model Test and Calculation Analysis of the Anti-Slide Retaining Structure

  7. 支挡结构位移与土体应力相互作用研究

    Study of the Relationship of Support Structure Displacement and Earth Pressure

  8. 重力式挡墙是各种支挡结构中最为常用的。

    Gravity retaining wall is the universal structure in slope protection .

  9. 支挡结构粘性土土压力的时变特性效应

    The time-dependent property of cohesive soil pressure of retaining structures

  10. 高轻型支挡结构在山区高速公路上的应用研究

    Application Research on the High-Light-Retaining Structures for Highway Slope in Mountainous Area

  11. 路基悬锚式挡土墙是一种新型的支挡结构。

    Subgrade cantilever-anchor retaining is a new type retaining structure .

  12. 侧向位移是影响加筋土支挡结构应力状态的重要因素。

    Lateral displacement greatly affects the stress state of reinforced retaining structure .

  13. 边坡支挡结构锚索张拉工艺研究

    Research of prestressed anchor rope drawing craft about reinforced structure on Slop

  14. 基坑支挡结构设计专家系统的开发与研制

    An Expert System Application to the Selection and Design of Retaining Structures

  15. 三峡库区特高人工筑填路基边坡支挡结构方案优化设计

    Retaining Structure Optimize Design for Artifical Ultrahigh Embankment in Three Gorges Reservoir

  16. 支挡结构抗震设计的2个关键技术问题

    Discussions on Two Key Technical Problems for Seismic Design of Retaining Structures

  17. 两种支挡结构的实测和计算土压力

    Measurement and computation of earth pressures on two retaining structures

  18. 滑坡支挡结构荷载取值问题研究

    A new method for calculation of the earth load on landslide retaining structures

  19. 岩石高边坡开挖松驰区及加固支挡结构研究

    Analysis on Relaxation Zone and Some Stabilizing Structures in High Rock Slope Projects

  20. 单锚预应力支挡结构锚杆设置的相互作用分析

    Analysis of Interaction of Bolt Allocation in Prestressed Supporting Structure with Single Bolt

  21. 高路堤新型支挡结构力学特性的试验研究

    Testing Study on Stress of New Type Support Structure of High Fill Embankment

  22. 桩板墙是一种已得到广泛应用的新型支挡结构。

    The sheet-pile wall is a new kind of retaining structure used widely .

  23. 锚杆支挡结构理论与工程实践

    Structural theory and engineering practice on anchor bolt support

  24. 公路路基支挡结构物加固技术研究

    Studies on reinforcement technique of bracing structures of roadbed

  25. 公路边坡病害治理的轻型支挡结构

    The Light retaining Structures for Controlling Damaged Highway Slope

  26. 支挡结构中锚杆抗拔承载力分析

    Analysis of Anti-pull-force for Anchored Bars in Retaining Structures

  27. 边坡支挡结构可靠性设计探讨

    Discussion on Routine Design of Slope Supporting Structure

  28. 南昆铁路新型、轻型支挡结构的设计与施工

    Design and Construction of The New Light Shoring Structure for The Nan Kun Railway

  29. 人工非土支挡结构的最优设计

    Optimum Design of Artificial Non-Earth Retaining Structure

  30. 水泥土搅拌桩基坑支挡结构工程实录

    Construction practice of cement clay mixing pile in supporting and retaining structure of foundation pit