
  • 网络supporting electrolyte;electrolyte;supported electrolyte
  1. 研究了乙酸、苯甲酸、酒石酸和柠檬酸对几种污染土中Cu的解吸及介质条件(如pH值、支持电解质)对其解吸的影响。

    Effect of four organic acids on Cu desorption in contaminated soil and the medium conditions ( such as pH value , supporting electrolyte ) was studied .

  2. 以0.5M溴化钾作为支持电解质。

    0.5M potassium bromide was used as supporting electrolyte .

  3. 考察外加电压,电解时间,初始pH值以及支持电解质浓度等工艺条件对电解效果的影响。

    The effects of applied cell voltage , electrolysis lime , pH value and the electrolyte on electrolysis were investigated .

  4. 结果表明:支持电解质对COD的去除率影响较大。

    The results showed that the effect of the supporting electrolytes on COD removal rate was more marked ;

  5. 以NaCl为支持电解质时,在30mA/cm~2电流密度下,反应约10min后ARB和COD的去除率分别达到90%和30%左右;

    When the support electrolyte is NaCl , they are 90 % and 30 % after 10 minute respectively ;

  6. 对电流密度、pH值、通氧流量、支持电解质浓度和极间距等主要参数对生成H2O2的影响进行了单因素轮换试验研究,并采用正交试验方法对这些因素进行了分析。

    The main influencing factors of the H2O2 in situ generation , including current density , oxygen flow , concentration of supporting electrolyte and electrode distance , had been examined and analyzed in this work .

  7. 支持电解质的卤素负离子对紫精化合物的还原电位有影响,其影响能力的顺序为:I ̄->Br ̄->Cl ̄->F ̄-。

    The halogen anions of supporting electrolytes influence the reduction potentials of viologen compounds , the order is I  ̄ - > Br  ̄ - > Cl  ̄ - > F  ̄ - .

  8. 本文研究了以0.5M溴化钠为支持电解质、N,N&二甲基甲酰胺(DMF)为溶剂的体系中电解法合成二茂铁的主要条件。

    In the paper primary conditions of electrolytical synthesis of ferrocene were studies in this system , 0.5M NaBr used as supporting electrolyte , N. N-dimethylformamide ( DMF ) as solvent .

  9. 在H型电解槽中,以苯为原料,硫酸为支持电解质,二氧化铅为阳极,石墨为阴极,直接电氧化合成对苯醌。

    In an H type of electrolytic cell , with benzene as the starting material , H_2SO_4 as the supporting electrolyte , PbO_2 as the anode material , graphite as the cathode material , para quinone was synthesized by means of the direct electrooxidation technique .

  10. 以水为溶剂、对甲苯磺酸钠为支持电解质,在不锈钢电极上用电化学法合成了聚吡咯膜(PPY膜),发现苯磺酸的存在能更有效地提高PPY膜的电导率。

    This paper deals with electrochemical synthetic polypyrrole ( PPY ) fims prepared by utilizing supporting electrolyte of sodium p_ toluenesulfonate in aqueous solution on stainless steel electrodes .

  11. 对催化铁内电解法处理酸性橙Ⅱ废水的脱色降解进行了研究,考察了进水pH值、搅拌速率、进水浓度、铁铜比、支持电解质浓度、进水温度等因素对脱色降解的影响。

    The decoloration of orange ⅱ by Fe Cu Inner Electrolysis Method has been studied . In the Fe-Cu Inner Electrolysis of orange ⅱ, the effects of initial pH , rate of stirring , concentration of dye , concentration of electrolyte , water temperature were tested .

  12. 以Pt为阳极,石墨碳棒为阴极,Na2SO4为支持电解质,实验探讨了电化学原位产生H2O2的规律。

    In an electrochemical reactor using Pt as anode , graphite as cathode and Na_ 2 SO_ 4 as supporting electrolyte , the in situ generation of H_ 2 O_ 2 electrochemically was investigated .

  13. 进一步研究了支持电解质种类、pH值、扫速、富集电位、富集时间等对尿酸氧化信号的影响,获得了最佳的测试条件,建立了一种测定尿酸的新方法。

    Further , the influence of supporting electrolyte , pH , scan rate , accumulation potential and accumulation time was examined on the electrochemical response of uric acid . After obtaining the optimized parameters , a highly sensitive and convenient electrochemical method was established for the determination of uric acid .

  14. 极谱法测定锌时,可用1N(NH4)2SO4和0.6NNH4OH作为支持电解质。

    In the polarographic determination of zinc , a supporting electrolyte composed of 1N ( NH_4 ) _2 SO_4 and 0.6N NH_4OH can be used .

  15. 采用以光学多道分析仪(OMA)作为信号检测器的拉曼谱仪,进行了不同支持电解质中SCN~-在银电极上电化学吸附的时间分辨拉曼光谱研究。

    Optical multichannel analyzer ( OMA ) as the detctor was applied in in-situ time-resolved Raman spectroscopic studies on electrochemical adsorp - tion of thiocyanate at silver electrode in different supporting electrolytes .

  16. 考察了支持电解质种类及pH值、介孔SiO2用量、富集时间对二者氧化信号的影响,获得了最佳的测定条件,建立了一种同时测定和厚朴酚与厚朴酚的新方法。

    The effects of pH value , amount of mesoporous SiO2 and accumulation time on the oxidation signals of honokiol and magnolol were studied , and the optimized parameters were achieved . Therefore , a new method for the simultaneous determination of honokiol and magnolol was developed .

  17. 实验结果表明:在所选定的支持电解质中,AFc表现出良好的电化f学氧化还原准可逆性,氧化还原峰电位差ΔE≈70mV,峰电流比Ipa/Ipc≈1.1;

    Electrochemistry experimental results showed that , AFc exhibits well defined reversible redox , the peak potential differences ,Δ Ep and the ratio of the peak currents , Ipa / Ipc were 70 mV and 1.1 , respectively .

  18. 研究了不同种类支持电解质阳极氧化降解水体中的苯酚时,电解质种类与浓度、电流密度、苯酚初始浓度等对苯酚去除率、槽电压和COD去除率的影响。

    The degradation of phenol in water by anode electric chemical process was studied and the effect of the kinds and concentration of supporting electrolytes , current density and initial phenol concentration on the removal rate of phenol , pond voltage , and COD removal rate were investigated .

  19. 支持电解质的离子强度影响淌度的大小,但不改变等电点(IEP)。

    The ionic strength of the supporting electrolytes affects the value of the electrophoretic mobility , but does not change the IEP ( Iso-electric point ) of a given kind of particle .

  20. 电化学实验结果表明乙酰胆碱酯酶/Nafion/普鲁士蓝/玻碳电极对有机农药的响应与固定在电极上的乙酰胆碱酯酶、普鲁士蓝、Nafion以及支持电解质的pH值密切相关。

    The electrochemistry results showed that the response of AChE / Nafion / PB / GCE for the carbaryl pesticide depended strongly on the amount of AChE adsorbed on electrode , the deposited time of PB , the amount of Nafion and pH of the supporting electrolyte solution .

  21. 在Au(Ⅲ)与Cu(Ⅱ)存在下,1.2MHClO4作为支持电解质,用玻璃碳电极阳极溶出伏安法测定HCl及工业废水中As(Ⅲ)及无机砷总量。

    In the presence of Au (ⅲ) and Cu (ⅱ), 1.2M HClO_4 was used as a supporting electrolyte . Anodic stripping voltammetry at a glassy carbon electrode for the quantitative determination of As (ⅲ) and the total inorganic arsenic in HCL and industrial waste water has been proposed .

  22. 以氢氟酸为支持电解质,用阳极氧化法在钛片上直接制备出TiO2纳米管电极,纳米管顶部开口,分布均匀,管径为60-90nm。

    Vertically aligned nanotubes arrays of titanium oxide are fabricated on the surface of titanium substrate by direct anode oxidation with HF being the supporting electrolyte . The top-opened TiO_2 nanotubes are well aligned and organized into high-density uniform arrays , with diameter from 60 to 90 nm .

  23. 最恰当的支持电解质为40%H2SO4,1.8%酒石酸溶夜,0.01%铜铁灵溶液。

    The most suitable supporting electrolyte is composed of 40 % sulfuric acid , 1 . 8 % tartaric acid , and 0 . 01 % cupferron .

  24. 咪唑离子液体在反应过程中起着绿色溶剂及NHCs前驱体的双重作用,避免了有毒易挥发有机溶剂及支持电解质的使用。

    Ionic liquid plays a dual role of green solvent and NHCs precursor in the reaction process , avoiding the use of toxic volatile organic solvent and supporting electrolyte .

  25. 在2%H2SO4&0.0024%溴邻苯三酚红-0.0012%Cu~(2+)的支持电解质中,我们得到一个灵敏的锑的络合物吸附波。

    In a supporting electrolyte containing 2 % H_2SO_4 · 0.0024 % bromopyrogallol red and 0.0012 % Cu ~ ( 2 + ), we obtained a sensitive absorptive complex wave of the antimony .

  26. 支持电解质对邻二氮菲铁配合物稳定常数的影响

    The effect of the support electrolytes on the complex stable constant

  27. 研究了肾上腺素在不同支持电解质中的电化学行为。

    Additionally , the electrochemical behavior of epinephrine in different supporting electrolytes was studied .

  28. 一甲基硫脲与支持电解质的阴离子在银电极上共吸附的拉曼光谱研究

    Raman Spectroscopy Study on Coadsorption of 1 Methyl 2 Thiourea with Electrolyte Anions at Ag Electrodes

  29. 在不同浓度支持电解质条件下,利用滴定方法研究黄土样品的表面酸碱属性。

    Titration was used to study the surface acid-base characteristics of a Chinese loess sample at different concentrations of supporting electrolyte .

  30. 但是电解时,支持电解质四乙基氯化铵也发生了部分分解,生成了氯乙烷和乙胺,这还需在以后的实验中进一步选择。

    Meanwhile the supporting electrolyte , i.e. tetraethylammonium is decomposed to chloroethane and ethylamine , so the supporting electrolyte should be improved in future .