
zhī piào duì xiàn
  • cash a check
  1. 支票兑现可能需要一个星期。

    Clearance of this check could take a week .

  2. 我要将这张支票兑现。

    I 'm gonna need to get this check cashed .

  3. 我们可以到免下车的银行去将支票兑现。

    We can go to the drive-in bank to cash the check .

  4. 能不能请您把这张旅行支票兑现?

    Could you cash this traveler 's cheque , please ?

  5. 请你把这张一百美元的旅行支票兑现好吗?

    Would you cash this one hundred dollar traveler 's check please ?

  6. 有关服务将于支票兑现后提供。

    The service will only be provided upon clearance of the enclosed cheque .

  7. 可以请你帮我把支票兑现吗?

    Could you cash this check for me please ?

  8. 所以你要这张支票兑现

    That 's why you have to cash this ,

  9. 我在哪可以将旅行支票兑现?

    Where can I cash my traveller 's cheque ?

  10. 比如沃尔玛和凯马特等大型零售商就提供支票兑现服务。

    Big retailers like Walmart and K-mart have cheque-cashing services , for instance .

  11. A:我想把这些旅行支票兑现。

    A : I would like to cash these traveler 's checks , please .

  12. 银行会将你的五十元美金支票兑现。

    The bank will cash your 50-dollar check .

  13. 为什么要有清算银行?银行为他的支票兑现。

    Why must there be the clearing banks ? The bank honoured his check .

  14. 那么我怎样将这张支票兑现呢?

    How do I cash this check then ?

  15. (给某人)把支票兑现。

    Cash a cheque ( for sb )

  16. 我能把这张支票兑现吗?

    Can I get this check cashed ?

  17. 那么,我能把每张100美圆的3张支票兑现吗?

    C : Well , may I cash these three checks for $ 100 each ?

  18. 银行为他的支票兑现。

    The bank honoured his check .

  19. 支票兑现将被停止,定期存款将被锁定。

    The cashing of cheques would be halted and fixed term deposits would be locked down .

  20. 在你的银行帐户未把你的支票兑现之前,我们不能发给你机票。

    We can 't issue the tickets for your flight until your cheque has been cleared .

  21. 在美国,没有一个平民区完全没有支票兑现行和现金转帐中介。

    NO INNER-CITY area in America is complete without a sprinkling of cheque-cashing shops and money-transfer agents .

  22. 他正在要求东银行外汇部门的职员将这张支票兑现。

    He is asking the clerk at the Foreign Exchange Department of the Higashi Bank to cash it .

  23. 莫里斯:我想把我母亲寄给我的这张支票兑现,出纳员让我把支票交到这里。

    Morris : I wanted to cash this check from my mother , but the teller told me to bring it here .

  24. 那样我们就可以很快地将支票兑现,但是您需要支付电汇费用。

    We could then cash it for you very quickly , but you would have to pay the charges for the cable .

  25. 斯蒂芬・金一直没有将达拉邦特给他的5000美元电影改编权支票兑现。

    Mr. King never cashed the $ 5000 check Mr. Darabont sent him for the right to turn his story into a movie .

  26. 某些客户或许无法遵从这些要求,并有可能被迫使用诸如支票兑现服务等较不正规且成本更高的中介方式。

    Some customers may not be able to comply and may be forced into using less formal and more costly intermediaries such as cheque-cashing services .

  27. 我们常常会在发薪水时就赶忙把支票兑现,一直担心会被退票!

    We used to run out and cash our checks as soon as we got paid and were always afraid that they were going to bounce !

  28. 该法案还把针对贷款的监管扩大到众多不受联邦层面监管的实体,包括抵押贷款机构、支票兑现机构、工资日贷款发放机构以及其它机构。

    It also extends regulation over loans to a host of entities that are unregulated at the federal level including mortgage lenders , check cashers , payday lenders and others .

  29. 一旦开了这样的账户,即应该在银行里保持足够的存款,以使自己开出的支票兑现。

    Once students have established such an account it is very important that they maintain an adequate balance in it , so that any checks drawn on it will be covered .

  30. 这里有美国到处都能看到的一模一样的汽车经销商、快餐店和支票兑现设施,但除此之外还有棕榈树、蓝色的天空、船只修理处和渔具店。

    It contains the identikit car dealers , fast food outlets and cheque-cashing facilities visible in so many parts of the US , but with the addition of palm trees , blue skies and boat repair and tackle shops .