
zhī wu
  • prevaricate;haw;equivocate;hum and haw;flounder;fence
支吾 [zhī wú]
  • [prevaricate;equivocate] 用含混的话搪塞

  • 支吾回答

支吾[zhī wu]
  1. 不要支吾其辞了,罗瑞先生说。

    ' Don 't prevaricate , 'said Mr. Lorry .

  2. 印度政府则通常抵制改革,对基础设施投资支吾搪塞,同时对于一种根本不存在的印度式田园生活理想感情用事印度政府还拒绝迎合涌入城市的数千万农村移民。

    Indian governments generally resist reform , prevaricate over investing in infrastructure and - sentimental as they are about a non-existent ideal of rural Indian life - refuse to cater for the tens of millions of rural migrants flooding into the cities .

  3. “这我说不准。”他支吾说。

    ‘ I 'm not sure about it , ’ he said weakly .

  4. 他说得很流畅,毫不支吾。

    He spoke fluently and without unnecessary hesitations .

  5. 他并不是个喜欢支吾其辞的人,而又讨厌就这事作任何解释

    He was not willingly a prevaricator , and hated thoroughly to make explanations concerning it .

  6. 哦,我轻轻的支吾了一声,感觉受到了伤害和挑衅。

    Oh , I stumble slightly , feeling wounded and defiant .

  7. 不论怎样,都不要畏缩、支吾或抱歉。

    Whatever you do , don 't cower , stammer or apologize .

  8. 他点头微笑,把事情支吾过去。

    He nodded and smiled and passed the thing off .

  9. 表述在虔诚的布道中的支吾可能不再足够。

    Prevarication couched in pious homilies may no longer suffice .

  10. 你不来找我就好了,她支吾说。

    " I wish you hadn 't asked me ," she stalled .

  11. 党的回应前后不一支吾其辞。

    The party has been stumbling in its response .

  12. 她总是把我的请求支吾过去。

    My partner always put off my requirements off .

  13. 我问他发生了甚麽事时,他只是支吾以对。

    When I asked him what had happened , he just hemmed and hawed .

  14. 这个孩子此时的声音少了镇静的口吻而是变得像成人般的忧郁支吾。

    Here the child 's voice lost its self-possessed note and became falteringly human .

  15. 他支吾地说出了几句。

    He faltered out a few words .

  16. 支吾在讲话中停顿或结巴。

    A pause or faltering in speech .

  17. 乔里恩用微笑支吾过去了。

    Jolyon took refuge in a smile .

  18. 鸿渐支吾掩饰了两句,把电报给翁看了。

    Hung-chien spouted some nonsense to cover up , then showed his father the telegram .

  19. 我有点儿支吾起来了,不过,捕鲸我是一定要去的,会去的;

    I was a little staggered , but go a-whaling I must , and I would ;

  20. 他支吾了半天,也没有说出个令人信服的论点来。

    He hummed and hawed for quite a while , failing to come out with any convincing argument .

  21. 导游带着游客已经远去,我继续沉思,为何他在该问题上会如此支吾。

    The group wandered on and I asked myself why the guide had been so vague on that one point .

  22. 借这机会,她就站起来关上那扇窗,勉强把自己的支吾掩饰了过去。

    Seizing her opportunity , she stood up and closed the window , and ' so was able to disguise her hesitation .

  23. 支吾了一些借口后,第二天早上,该同事勒索我,我被迫做了他一天的私人秘书。

    The next morning , that coworker blackmailed me , and I was forced to be his personal secretary for the day .

  24. 我从他们的神态及对我的探问的支吾回答中懂得,他们对我这个美国人有所怀疑。

    I began to understand from their looks and vague answers to my tentative questions that they were suspicious of me , an American .

  25. 他支吾了几句,便离开她去园子里,珂赛特望见他在仔仔细细地检查那道铁栏门。

    He left her under some pretext , and went into the garden , and she saw him examining the gate with great attention .

  26. 别生我的气,她再一次支吾地说,接着就把脸埋进他胸怀里,情不自禁地痛哭起来。

    " Don 't be angry with me ," she faltered again , and then , breaking down , buried her face in his bosom .

  27. 达西小姐好象想说话而又缺乏勇气,只是趁着人家听不见的时候支吾一两声,也总算难得。

    Miss Darcy looked as if she wished for courage enough to join in it ; and sometimes did venture a short sentence , when there was least danger of its being heard .

  28. 我支吾地回答说:“是的……是的,我想是病了。它长了个恶性肿瘤。”我站起身来。“我很抱歉,你绝对是无能为力了。”

    I hesitated . " Yes ... yes , I 'm afraid so.She has a malignant growth . " I stood up . " There 's absolutely nothing you can do . I 'm sorry . "

  29. 所以他们会支吾,因为没有想要加入的组织做足背景调查或进行相关材料阅读。

    So that they err they haven 't done the background checking on the organisation they want to work with so they haven 't bothered to check the website of the company or read some additional material .

  30. 腓力斯本是详细晓得这道、就支吾他们说、且等千夫长吕西亚下来、我要审断你们的事。

    But felix , who had a more detailed knowledge of the way , put them off , saying , when lysias , the chief captain , comes down , I will give attention to your business .