
  • 网络Old Story;Tale
  1. 又是一桩资金短缺、经营不善的老故事。

    It 's the same old story of a badly managed project with inadequate funding .

  2. 他总是以不同的方式讲他的老故事。

    He rings the changes on his old story .

  3. 躺在医院病床上,我别无选择,只能听这些乏味的老故事。

    Lying in my hospital bed , I was a captive audience to these uninteresting old stories .

  4. 老故事里不是讲到边境上那团黑影吗?

    Like a shadow on the borders of old stories ?

  5. 他那套老故事吓不着任何人的。

    He doesn 't scare anyone with his old stories .

  6. 哦,都是那些差不多的老故事。

    Oh , well the same old tired story .

  7. 萨利:都是些老故事,不过发生在不同的人身上罢了。

    Sally : The same old stories , just happening to different people .

  8. 就是些老故事

    Just some old stories I gave him .

  9. 红色的小母鸡:一个老故事

    The little red hen : an old story

  10. 这不过是相同的老故事罢了。

    It 's just the same old story .

  11. 生活还要继续,这是个老故事,为了爱和名誉而奋斗。

    But life goes on . it 's an old story , the fight for love and glory .

  12. 道教与文学互动关系个案分析&张果老故事考论

    A case analysis of the interacting relationship between Taoism and literature & Stories of Chang Kuo - lao

  13. 老故事与新环境&南京宝船厂遗址北面地块规划设计浅析

    Old Story and New Environment & Analysis on Design of Northern Land Planning of Nanjing Treasure Dockyard Relics

  14. 你只要将目光从老故事上抬起,你就会看到你生活中要做的事。

    The moment you lift your gaze from your old stories , you 'll see your life 's work .

  15. 一个流传于华尔街的老故事,用于今天的对冲基金领域恰如其分。

    THERE is an old Wall Street story that can be adapted for the modern world of hedge funds .

  16. 今天,我们将向您讲述一个老故事的新版本。

    This is the VOA Special English Development Report . Today we bring you a new take on an old tale .

  17. 《一分钟临睡前的故事》一书收的都是让忙碌的家长仅用一分钟就能讲完的老故事。

    The volume One-Minute Bedtime Stories consists of traditional stories that can be read by a busy parent in only one minute .

  18. 这其实是个老故事:正是广播和电视的兴起令报纸的发行开始走下坡路。

    It is a familiar story : It was the arrival of radio and television that started the decline of newspaper circulation .

  19. 艺术是一种自我参照,这意味着我们需要将老故事翻新。

    Art is self-referencing , which means we often have to re-imagine old stories in such a way that we make them new again .

  20. 深陷”老故事“的泥潭会通过审查感知而使学习过程停止,这是我们没有聋却听不清;没有瞎却对新信息视而不见;

    Getting bogged down in old stories stops the flow of learning by censoring our perceptions , making us functionally deaf and blind to new information .

  21. 我们现在观测的可能的宜居星球离我们有好几十光年,所以他们不太可能听得到我们的老故事。

    The potentially habitable exoplanets we 've spotted so far are dozens of light-years away , so the odds are they aren 't currently repeating our catchphrases .

  22. 即便没有别人,我们自己也会搭上那个痛苦的转盘(重复对自己讲那段老故事);可是即便在激烈的非难中,我们也能离它而去。

    We can ride the wheel of suffering when no one else is even present ( telling ourselves the same old sad story again and again ), and we can leave it even in the midst of violent persecution .

  23. 也是对许许多多蓉城老百姓故事的认可!

    Chengdu is also recognized by the people of the story !

  24. 关于一位艺术家变老的故事

    About an artist growing old

  25. 学生们围着老战士听故事。

    The students clustered around the old soldiers to hear the story .

  26. ABC电影院正在上映老北京的故事。

    Tales of Old Beijing at ABC Cinema .

  27. 当然,NBC环球也有一些好消息:《老雷斯的故事》(Dr.Seuss'TheLorax)表现出色,《藏身之所》(SafeHouse)也有不俗的成绩。

    There has been some good news at Universal Studios : Dr. Seuss ' the lorax did well , as did safe house .

  28. Barker卓有远见,早在二十世纪七十年代末,他就开始用录音带录下那些老居民的故事,现在那些故事占据了他书中最有趣的章节。

    With great foresight , in the late 1970s Mr Barker began to tape-record the old inhabitants , whose stories now fill the most interesting pages of his book .

  29. 这就是这个老妇人的故事的要旨。

    This was the substance of the old woman 's story .

  30. 不像老奶妈的故事里那样。

    It wasn 't like Old Nan 's stories .