
  • 网络Elderly care
  1. 老人护理和儿童服务是2011年至2016年间澳大利亚增长最快的就业领域,这促使社会和文化类专业的热度达到了顶峰。

    Care for the Aged1 and Children ’ s Services are two of the fastest growing sub-categories in Australia for the years from 2011 to 2016 , which helps the Society and Culture sector2 to arrive at an over-all peak .

  2. 在护理中心或养老院从事日常护理工作。主要是老人护理看护工作。

    Perform nursing services at nursing homes and caring centres , mostly are geriatriccaring .

  3. 老人护理服务工作小组

    Working Party on Elderly Nursing Care Services

  4. 上下肢血压差在高龄老人护理中的价值

    Value of Nursing Observation on Blood Pressure Difference Between Upper and Lower Extremities in Venerable Age Group

  5. 因为此前一年,她的神经系统失常,住进了一家老人护理院,从此永远脱离了社会生活。

    The circuitry of her brain had collapsed the year before , and she was in a nursing home , out of touch with life forevermore .

  6. 老人护理护士的需求量相当大。你的资历可以帮住你在医院、老院及酒店找到职位。

    Aged Care Nurses are in great demand . With your qualification you can apply for a position in hospitals , residential aged care facilities or hostels .

  7. 对国内外老人护理的现状、养老机构护理分级研究进展进行综述,旨在为护理管理者提供借鉴。

    It reviewed both the status quo of nursing care of senile people and nursing grading of Benefit to the Aged institutions at home and in abroad , so as to provide some evidences for nursing administrators .

  8. 老人住宿护理工作小组化学加工,化学处理

    Working Party on Residential Nursing Care for the Elderly chemical processing

  9. 因此针对截瘫老人的护理设备产品的设计研究就显得尤为重要。

    In short the design research of nursing equipment for paralysed old people is very important .

  10. 社区老人长期护理需要的调查与护理探讨

    An investigation of long term care needs by old people in Shanghai 's communities and the corresponding nursing

  11. 居家护理服务是指政府依靠社会的力量,主要是依靠社区,为在家的老人提供护理服务。

    Home care services is that the government provides care for the elderly at home relies on the strength of the society , mainly relying on the community .

  12. 护理服务价位高、老年人生活来源单一以及城市较高的生活压力,使得老人的护理服务需求因负担成本过高,而得不到有效满足。

    The high price of nursing service , the single source of life as wellas the high stress in your life has curbed the effective demand of nursing services .

  13. 正相反,中国内地也需要思考如何为本土老人提供护理服务;到2050年,老年人占中国内地总人口的比例将上升至约四分之一。

    Indeed , mainland China will have to consider how it cares for its own elderly , who are set to grow to almost a quarter of the population by 2050 .

  14. 北京市210例脑血管疾患老人的家庭护理需求

    Home care needs of 210 elderly patients with cerebrovascular disease in Beijing

  15. 农村老人对家庭护理需求现状的调查分析

    Investigation of the demands for family nursing of the rural elderly and its influencing factor

  16. 结论:依据脑血管疾患老人对家庭护理的需求,确定我国家庭护理的服务对象、服务项目,以及宣传对象,从而开发出符合我国具体实际的家庭护理模式。

    Conclusion : It 's of great need to establish an efficient and practical home care nursing system in China for CVD elderly .

  17. 与此同时,家庭结构小型化、独居老人增多、护理费用的增加等问题的出现使得我国的老年人长期护理负担问题变得异常严峻。

    At the same time , smaller family structure , more and more elderly that living alone , increasing care cost and other problems made long-term care issues enormous .

  18. 护理人员应深入社区和家庭,及时掌握高龄老人的健康和护理需求的动态变化,提供有效的护理服务,以指导居家养老。

    Nursing personnel should get more involved into the community and families , understand health condition of elderly patients and their change of need for nursing and supply effective nursing service in order to help them to live a healthy old life .

  19. 目的了解城乡空巢老人健康状况和社区护理需求,为制定我国空巢老人社区护理发展策略提供依据。

    Objective To understand the policy and strategy for the development of community nursing of the elderly in empty-nest family by investigating healthy status and community nursing need among the elderly in empty-nest family .