
  1. 人们经常会问你是否到过或者是否知道他们的城市或者出生地,例如DoyouknowNanjing?

    People often ask if you have been to – or know – their city or place of birth , e.g.

  2. 讽刺的是,200年前,拜占庭人就是利用这个门从十字军(theCrusaders)手中夺回了他们的城市。

    Ironically , this was the same gate the Byzantines used to retake their city from the Crusaders 200 years previously .

  3. Trent表示,SantaCruz市也于本周表示愿意将他们的城市废水用于一项在太平洋上的示范性试验项目。

    This week , the city of Santa Cruz expressed support for letting its municipal waste water be used in a pilot demonstration project in the Pacific Ocean , Trent said .

  4. 近那不勒斯Terzigno当地居民,抗议意大利在他们的城市一个新的垃圾堆。

    Local residents of Terzigno near Naples , Italy protesting against a new rubbish dump in their town .

  5. 守卫者这会相信他们的城市是劫数难逃了。

    The defenders were now convinced that their city was doomed .

  6. 柏林人正期待着在他们的城市里举行一些激动人心的赛事。

    Berliners are looking forward to some exciting games in their city .

  7. 成千上万架飞机将炸毁他们的城市。

    Thousands of airplanes would bave shattered their cities .

  8. 政府正忙于准备向世界展示他们的城市。

    The government is busy preparing to show their cities to the world .

  9. 人们必须关心他们的城市,以保护城市遗产。

    People have to care about their city in order to preserve its heritage .

  10. 它的成本就在乔治城一英亩很多比他们的城市家庭少。

    It cost less than their city home on a one-acre lot in Georgetown .

  11. 我们建造他们的城市,操作他们的机器,残杀于他们的战争。

    We build theircities , we run their machines , we fight their wars .

  12. 对于巴塞罗纳人来说,谈论他们的城市是一种很好的消遣。

    Talking about their city is one of the favorite pastimes for the people of Barcelona .

  13. 他们的城市被包围了。

    Their city was under siege .

  14. 自行车共享计划是一个战略方式,以增加他们的城市存在研究。

    Bike sharing schemes are a strategic way for them to increase their presence in cities .

  15. 本文以合肥市流动人口为研究对象,探究他们的城市适应问题。

    The thesis explores how the migrants to the City of Hefei adapt to the city .

  16. 居民喜欢说他们的城市是世界上生态环境最好的城市。

    The inhabitants like to say that theirs is the most ecological city in the world .

  17. 把他们的城市联系起来。

    and draw their cities together .

  18. 在凯恩血蹄的领导下,牛头人保卫他们的城市雷霆崖。

    Under their leader , Cairne Bloodhoof , the Tauren protect their city of Thunder Bluff ;

  19. 那个城市的人们争辩到他们的城市是世界上最富有生机的城市。

    People in that city argue that their city is the most lively city in the world .

  20. 从现在开始,谁能够阻止法国人看到他们的城市正在向什么方向转变?

    Who from now on can prevent the French from seeing what their cities have been transformed into ?

  21. 几乎所有的人都乐于在波特兰,他们的城市的新商场,是开放的。

    Almost all the people in Portland are happy that their city 's new shopping mall is open .

  22. 他们的城市重重地压在它的背上;人们的嘈杂声,如捶鼓似地传入了它的耳朵;

    Their cities became a heavy burden on his back , and the noises they made drummed in his ears .

  23. 他们的城市加沙、迦特、阿什多、阿斯克隆和雅法成功地抵挡住了希伯来人的进攻。

    And their cities , Gaza , Gath , Ashdod , Ascalon and Joppa , successfully withstood the Hebrew attack .

  24. 敌国被灭尽,永远荒废;他们的城市你拔毁其根;他们令人怀念的遗迹也都灭没。

    Endless ruin has overtaken the enemy , you have uprooted their cities ; even the memory of them has perished .

  25. 雅加达市民如今意识到,他们的城市是多么的落后,即便相对亚洲其他首都而言也是如此。

    The citizens of Jakarta are aware how backwards their city had become , even in relation to its Asian peers .

  26. 还有一种方法可以给人留下良好印象,同时又能让对方张口谈自己或他们的城市。

    Another good way to make a good first impression is to get that person talking about themselves or their city .

  27. 在丹麦馆,游客可以租借自行车,并像丹麦人在他们的城市里骑车一样,可以到各处骑。

    In the pavilion visitors will be able to borrow bicycles and cycle throughout just as the Danes do in their cities .

  28. 其实,能结识新朋友并用全新的目光参观他们的城市是件非常有趣的事情。

    It 's actually incredibly fun for hosts to meet new people and be able to see their city through new eyes .

  29. 随着这个群体在内地城市规模的不断扩大,他们的城市生存与适应问题也逐渐凸显。

    As the size of this group continues to expand in mainland cities , the problem of adaptation and survival prominently increased .

  30. 温哥华的人们慷慨地打开了他们的城市和他们的心并且在快乐比赛的来宾上做了一个优秀印象。

    The people of Vancouver generously opened their city and their hearts and made an excellent impression on the visitors to gay games .