
  • 网络Henry Fan
  1. 荣智健麾下任职已久的董事总经理范鸿龄(HenryFan)也已请辞。

    Mr Yung 's long-serving managing director , Henry Fan , also quit .

  2. 最初,似乎荣智健与范鸿龄都会从这起丑闻中安然脱身。

    At first it appeared that Mr Yung and Mr Fan would survive the scandal .

  3. 作为董事总经理,我乐于承担全部责任,范鸿龄补充道。

    As managing director , I am happy to take full responsibility , Mr Fan added .

  4. 去年,荣智健和范鸿龄曾表示,外汇合约是在他们不知情或未经他们核准的情况下订立的。

    Last year , Mr Yung and Mr Fan said the foreign exchange contracts were entered into without their knowledge or approval .