
  1. 对范宽及《溪山行旅图》研究,具有现实观照之意义。

    To study Fan Kuan 's " Traveling amid Mountains and Streams " is of practical significance .

  2. 范宽作为山水画艺术的集大成者,在中国艺术史上抒写了辉煌的一页。

    Meanwhile , Fan Kuan as a master of landscape painting , he wrote a brilliant page in Chinese Art History .

  3. 郭熙是宋代杰出的画家和画论家,与李成、范宽并称北宋山水画三大家。

    Guo Xi , an outstanding painter and painting theorist of Song Dynasty , is titled " the three greatest landscape painters of Northern Song Dynasty " together with Li Cheng and Fan Kuan .

  4. 范宽的《溪山行旅图》是继魏晋以来,荆、关、李成之后理法大备的杰出之作。

    Fan Kuan 's " Traveling amid Mountains and Streams " was a consummate masterpiece just after Jing ( Jing Hao ), Guan ( Guan Tong ), Li ( Li Cheng ) in the Wei and Jin Dynasties and later .

  5. 郭熙是我国北宋中后期一位具有实践和创新精神的代表性山水画家,是继宋初李成、范宽后重要山水画家之一。

    Guo Xi was a representative landscape painter with pragmatic and innovative spirit living in the mid and late period of Northern Song Dynasty , and he was also one of the most important landscape painters after Li Cheng and Fan Kuan living in the beginning period of Song Dynasty .