
wú nénɡ zhī bèi
  • Incompetent generation;useless person;stumblebum
无能之辈 [wú néng zhī bèi]
  • [stumblebum;impotent persons] 笨拙、没有能力或容易犯错误的人

  • 他用的工作人员大多是三流人物的无能之辈

  1. 他们都是些无能之辈,老板把他们全赶走了。

    They are good-for-nothing and the boss turn them all out .

  2. 他办事没效率,倒也不完全是个无能之辈,就是不干练。

    He was ineffective , not exactly a weakling , but ineffective .

  3. 不要让他感到他在工作上是无能之辈。

    Don 't make him feel impotent about work .

  4. 我一直以为你是一个只会制造噱头的无能之辈

    l always thought you were some headline-seeking hack ...

  5. 大多数人都不笨,不懒,也不是无能之辈。

    The majority of people are not stupid , or lazy or incompetent .

  6. 管理层是些无能之辈。

    The management is an incompetent generation .

  7. 他是个无能之辈。

    He is an incapable person .

  8. 他的补偿策略并非把钱扔给无能之辈的旧式调停。

    His recovery strategy does not mean old-style intervention which just throws money at lame ducks .

  9. 选择现在辞职也许不合时宜,但为一个骗子或无能之辈再打20年工既没什么吸引力,又不太可能养家糊口。

    The timing may be inconvenient , but working for a liar or an incompetent for the next 20 years is neither attractive nor likely to bring home the bacon .

  10. 或者说,如果腐败之源、无能之辈恰好就坐在会议桌上座的话,董事会又怎能充当防范卫士呢?

    How can a board act as a safeguard against corruption or incompetence when the possible source of that corruption and incompetence is sitting at the head of the table ?

  11. 上层阶级不齿于干工业的这种历史性变化沿袭至今,其后果就是:工业管理落入了无能之辈手中,管理工作很差。

    The historic distaste of the upper classes for industry meant that , until recently at least , management was left in the hands of men who often managed poorly .