
wú xiàn
  • infinite;limitless;boundless;immeasurable;know no bounds;boundless limitless
无限 [wú xiàn]
  • [infinite;immeasurable;boundless limitless] 没有尽头;没有限量

  • 前程无限

无限[wú xiàn]
  1. 大自然最让人惊叹的是它的无限多样性。

    The most amazing thing about nature is its infinite variety .

  2. 显然,没有哪个公司的资源是无限的。

    Obviously , no company has infinite resources .

  3. 她的女儿是她无限快乐的源泉。

    Her daughter was a continual source of delight to her .

  4. 这笔钱无限期借出。

    The money was lent for an undefined period of time .

  5. 他们好像一心要把谈判无限期地拖下去。

    They seem determined to string the talks out for an indefinite period .

  6. 她的眼泪博得观众的无限同情。

    Her tears elicited great sympathy from her audience .

  7. 此案无限期延迟审理。

    The case was adjourned sine die .

  8. 审讯无限期延迟。

    The trial was postponed indefinitely .

  9. 他有无限热情。

    His enthusiasm knew no bounds .

  10. 葡萄酒无限量供应。

    The wine flowed freely .

  11. 本合同是无限期的。

    The contract is open-ended .

  12. 我们遗憾地通知您,您将要无限期地在家待岗。

    We regret to inform you that you are being furloughed indefinitely

  13. 他被转到了肖尔溪精神病院,要在那里无限期地呆下去。

    He was transferred to Shoal Creek Mental Institution for an indefinite period

  14. 最初的计划是无限期停工。

    The original plan was to hold an indefinite stoppage

  15. 审判被无限期推迟。

    The trial was adjourned for an indefinite period .

  16. 基层和中层公务员已承诺要加入到无限期罢工中来。

    Junior and middle-ranking civil servants have pledged to join the indefinite strike .

  17. 他有无穷的精力和无限的耐心。

    His energy was unbounded and his patience inexhaustible .

  18. 这种工作需要具备无限的精力和夸张的想象力。

    The work demanded boundless energy and theatrical imagination

  19. 我不能无限期地呆在那里。

    I couldn 't stay there indefinitely .

  20. 当时我无限深爱他。

    I felt an immeasurable love for him

  21. 他对于改革热情无限。

    His reforming zeal was boundless .

  22. 机会无限。

    The opportunities are limitless .

  23. 午餐很丰盛,有肉、蔬菜、奶酪、酸奶、水果,酒无限量供应。

    Lunch was a feast of meat and vegetables , cheese , yoghurt and fruit , with unlimited wine

  24. 每个孩子都有无限的成功潜能。

    Every child has limitless / boundless potential for success .

  25. 未来有着无限的希望。

    The future holds limitless / boundless promise .

  26. 群众有无限的创造力。

    The masses have boundless creative power .

  27. 他无限的慷慨深深感动了我们。

    His boundless generosity moved us deeply .

  28. 可能性几乎是无限的。

    The possibilities are almost endless .

  29. 她对于改革热情无限。

    Her reforming zeal was boundless .

  30. 我立即陷入无限的愁思之中。

    All at once I fell into a state of profound melancholy .