
cánɡ shū shì
  • library
  1. [Williamsetsupaboardusedforironingthenewspaper.]藏书室打扫干净了吗?

    Hughes : Is the library tidy ?

  2. Thomas在藏书室刚好老夫人从花园过来

    Thomas was in the library when old Violet came in from the garden .

  3. William把茶水送到藏书室了但夫人还没下来

    William 's laid tea in the library , but her Ladyship hasn 't come down .

  4. 欧阳修的藏书室有1o,000册图书,还有大量的文学典藏和古代留下的考古学记录。

    His Iibrary consisted of 10000 books and a large collection of literary artifacts and archaeological records from ancient times .

  5. 她在藏书室里又发现了一件宝物。

    She made another discovery of a treasure-trove in the library .

  6. 他们大部分都逗留在藏书室那边。

    Most of them seem to remain in the library itself .

  7. 人们应该把他们自己看作是佛罗伦萨的巴尔迪藏书室的沐恩人。

    Men should own themselves debtors to the Bardi Library in Florence .

  8. 最终,这些书集聚成为一间很好的藏书室。

    Eventually , these books will build up into a fine library .

  9. 他让我随意进他的藏书室。

    He gave me free access to his library .

  10. 但是藏书室不是被限制出入吗?

    But ain 't the library still off limits ?

  11. 这个藏书室代表了他对于求知和真理的信念。

    This library came to stand for his belief in learning and truth .

  12. 请您立刻到藏书室去

    You 're needed at once in the library .

  13. 别别看什么客厅藏书室

    Not all those drawing rooms and libraries .

  14. 如果我到你的个人藏书室去看看,我会看到些什么?

    If I was able to look in your library , what would I find ?

  15. 您的藏书室好大

    You 've got a wonderful library .

  16. 他正在藏书室里看书。

    He was reading in the library .

  17. 在美国上学就很正常你到藏书室等我让爸爸过去

    If you wait in the library , I 'll tell Papa you 're here .

  18. 楼角藏书室里只留下了老头子、汤姆-黑根和迈克尔三人。

    He left the Don , Tom Hagen and Michael alone in the corner library room .

  19. 你知道了吗,史东。德国佬把藏书室给隔离的密不通风。

    As you 'll be aware , stone , Jerry keeps the library out of bounds .

  20. 在我成长的那幢房子里,有一间被我们称为“藏书室”的屋子。

    In the house where I grew up , we had a room we called the library .

  21. 杜布斯说,现在,它是一个兼具藏书室、电视室和支票签发室功能的房间。

    It is now a combination library , television , and ' check-writing room , ' said Ms. Dubbs .

  22. 当然,那(不过)是摆放着一台电视机的小屋,并不是真正的“藏书室”。

    It wasn 't a real library , of course , it was just a small room dominated by a TV set .

  23. 曼丽请求使用尼日斐花园的藏书室,吉蒂硬要她每年冬天在那儿开几次跳舞会。

    Mary petitioned for the use of the library at Netherfield ; and Kitty begged very hard for a few balls there every winter .

  24. 暴风雨使车道上乱摆着棍棒和碎片;他的藏书室很乱,椅子上放着一堆堆的书。

    The storm left the driveway littered with sticks and debris ; his library was a cluttered room with piles of books on every chair .

  25. 长官,还有一件事情。我发现有一个囚犯离开限制区域,鬼鬼祟祟的到藏书室的上面去。

    Sir , there was one other thing . I noticed a prisoner leaving the authorised area and moving in a furtive manner above the library .

  26. 在藏书室里,三十人轻松了,只有一家人在一起才能如此轻松。

    In the library the three men had relaxed as only people can who have lived years together in the same house , in the same family .

  27. 如果你有自己的藏书室的话,把别人能发现的书的种类写下来,或者你希望在书房里放些什么书。

    If you have a library , write down the types of books we would find in your library , or the kinds of books that you wish were in your library .

  28. 那位州长非常殷勤地招待我,带我参观他的藏书室,那是一个很大的藏书室,我们谈了许多关于书籍和作家的话。

    The gov' r.treated me with great civility , show 'd me his library , which was a very large one , and we had a good deal of conversation about books and authors .

  29. 在引我进入了我的办公室并带我参观了藏书室后,她将我交给了其中一位公司合伙人,并告诉我,她将与我共进午餐。

    After showing me my office and giving me a tour of the library , she handed me off to one of the partners and told me that she would meet me for lunch .

  30. 现在,一些豪宅业主干脆彻底将餐厅的空间设计成了藏书室、小书房和偶尔作为就餐区的生活馆。

    Now , some luxury home owners are eliminating their dining rooms altogether , instead using the space for libraries , dens and ' living pavilions ' & in which dinner may sometimes be served .