
cánɡ shū piào
  • Library ticket;book-collector's stamp
  1. 此外还由芬兰藏书票Aboensis组织有选择地分别在Naantali、Raisio和Turku城市展示。

    Furthermore , bookplates will be selectively shown in several exhibitions that will be arranged by Exlibris Aboensis .

  2. 北京藏书票研究会秘书长;曾任2008年第32届国际藏书票双年展副秘书长。

    He was Deputy Secretary-General of200832nd International Biennial of Exlibris .

  3. 藏书票上写着她的名字——霍丽丝·梅内尔。

    Her name was on the bookplate : Hollis Meynell .

  4. 有些人将它们留作贴花哨的藏书票用。

    Some people reserve them for a fancy bookplate .

  5. 藏书票对大学生素质教育提升的作用

    Exlibris and development of college students ' qualities

  6. 方寸之间的藏书票看似小,其不然,对书和藏书人有很深远的影响。

    Bookplate seems to be small , but its implication is very profound to books and book collectors .

  7. 它涉及的实用面很广,需要处理图形、文字、色彩、编排及现代印刷等方面的综合问题,而版画藏书票画面虽小,也具有这一功能。

    It connected with most synthetic problems , such as graphs , words , colors , arrangements and printing .

  8. 藏书票艺术不同于其他艺术形式,运用版画的制作技法,同时又独立于版画。

    Art of Exlibris , which is different from other art forms , uses the method of printmaking , while , independent of printmaking .

  9. 现为中国美术家协会藏书票研究会常务理事。

    Joined in Chinese Exlibris Research Institute , China Artists Society ( 2008 ) . Executive member of Chinese Exlibris Research Institute , China Artists Society .

  10. 文章会从藏书票的起源发展、创作思路、艺术价值、版画家对藏书票发展的影响以及中国藏书票与国外藏书票的不同特色等方面进行阐述。

    Article devided into several aspects expounds from origin and development of Exlibris , creation ideas , art value , the influence by printmaking artists to the difference between Chinese Exlibris and Foreign Exlibris .

  11. 论文最后总结了书籍与藏书票一体化设计的发展趋势,藏书票的实用与艺术品双重价值体现在书籍整体价值中,具有一定的意义。

    Paper concluded the integration of the collection of votes , and books on design trend , collection of double tickets for the practicality and value of art is reflected in the overall value of the book has a certain significance .

  12. 论文介绍了藏书票这一艺术品的定义、起源及其在国内外的发展历史,指出了收藏藏书票和藏书一样,是一种高品位收藏。

    This paper introduces definition , origination as well as development history at home and abroad of ownership stamps-an artwork . It puts forward that similar to the collection of books , the collection of ownership stamps is a kind of high grade collection .