
cáng nì
  • hide;conceal;stash;harbour;go into hiding;squirrel sth.away
藏匿 [cáng nì]
  • [conceal;squirrel sth.away] 潜藏隐匿

  • 四面包抄,无处藏匿

藏匿[cáng nì]
  1. 此外,这些武器造价便宜、容易藏匿,而且效果很明显。

    Moreover , these weapons are cheap , easy to conceal , and very effective .

  2. 盗窃或藏匿一件国宝。

    Steal or conceal a national treasure .

  3. 许多动物靠藏匿自己来避害。

    Many animals rely on concealment for protection .

  4. 我们被藏匿到房间里一个隐蔽的角落。

    We were tucked away in a secluded corner of the room

  5. 这个村子曾一度是海盗藏匿之处。

    The village was once a pirates ' lair .

  6. 我们认为她可能参与了藏匿现金。

    We believe she may have played a part in hiding the cash .

  7. 藏匿证据绝非明智之举。

    It 's never wise to withhold evidence

  8. 艺术品盗贼偷走重要艺术品后常常会把它藏匿好几年。

    Art thieves will often hide an important work for years after it has been stolen .

  9. 罪犯在远房亲戚家里藏匿了三个星期。

    The criminal remained in hiding at a distant relative 's place for three weeks .

  10. 沙发和地毯专业生产公司ScS汇编的数据显示,卧室地毯中藏匿的细菌是客厅地毯细菌的两倍多,是健身房地板上细菌的十倍。

    The data , compiled by sofa and carpet specialist ScS , found carpets in the bedroom also harbor more than double the bacteria found in a living room , and ten times that of a gym floor .

  11. 一个在地球上活了数千年的长生不老的永恒族从藏匿处现身以对抗宿敌异常族。

    An immortal6 race that has been on Earth for thousands of years comes out of hiding to battle their nemesis7 , The Deviants .

  12. 讨论了近年来病毒在基于NT技术的Windows操作系统下的藏匿和加载手段。

    This paper presents how viruses reside and execute on Windows NT operating systems . TECHNOLOGY Technology ;

  13. 留着胡须的毛拉在一座藏匿于山中的秘密核设施里监视着旋转的离心机脑海中的这幅画面听上去像是詹姆斯邦德(Jamesbond)影片里的某个场景。

    The mental image of bearded mullahs watching spinning centrifuges in a secret nuclear-facility hidden in a mountain sounds like something out of a James Bond film .

  14. 近一个世纪以来,加州内华达山脉东部的凹地中藏匿了一座男校——深泉(DeepSprings),它是一座两年学制的男校,学校中有长满苜蓿的大农场,养了些牛。

    AN ODDITY has hidden for nearly a century in a dusty bowl just east of the Sierra Nevada mountains in California . Deep Springs is a two-year college and , also , a cattle-and-alfalfa ranch .

  15. 逃税并将钱留在英国的人,将得到与英国税务及海关总署(revenue&customs)针对将钱藏匿在海外的人发布的“海外披露措施”(offshoredisclosurefacility)类似的待遇。

    People who have evaded tax and kept their money in Britain will be offered a deal similar to the " offshore disclosure facility " announced by revenue & Customs for people who have hidden money abroad .

  16. 验尸官告诉CNN,所有女子似乎都是被勒死,尸体已经分解,可能已经在这里藏匿了几周,几个月,甚至几年的时间。

    A coroner tells CNN it appears the women were all d and that their bodies could have been at the home for weeks , months , perhaps even years .

  17. 北约指挥官戴维彼得雷乌斯(davidpetraeus)将军亲口表示,最重要的是,缴获藏匿武器的数量明显增加,目前每周约为120件。

    Most significant , according to Gen David Petraeus , the NATO commander , himself , is the surge in the seizure of weapons caches , now about 120 a week .

  18. 一名验尸官告诉CNN,这几名女子都是被勒死,被肢解的尸体已经在他家中藏匿几周,几个月甚至几年的时间。

    A coroner tells CNN that it appears these women were strangled , and their decomposing bodies could have been in his home , they say , for weeks , possibly months , possibly years .

  19. 伊拉克政府官员、执政的伊拉克BAATH党成员和科学家在自己家中都藏匿有违禁物品。

    We know that Iraqi government officials , members of the ruling Baath Party and scientists have hidden prohibited items in their homes .

  20. 《唐顿庄园》(DowntonAbbey),PBS,周日播出。第五季一开始,格兰瑟姆伯爵的自尊就遭到了新打击,还有一个非婚生的婴儿藏匿在乡间小屋的情节,有些维多利亚时代的气息。

    DOWNTON ABBEY ( PBS , Sunday ) Season 5 begins with new blows to Lord Grantham 's self-esteem and the somewhat Victorian touch of an illegitimate baby hidden away in a cottage .

  21. Souvla和Nur藏匿在高楼大厦之间,从远处几乎看不到,Chachawan就在街面上,人行道如同它的门廊一般。

    While Souvla and Nur are tucked away , almost invisibly , in tall buildings , Chachawan opens wide to the street , with the sidewalk almost acting as its vestibule .

  22. 黄昏时,Murias的部队来到了格兰德河附近的一处牲口农场,他听说这儿是枪手们的一个藏匿点。

    At dusk , Murias'unit shows up at a cattle ranch near the Rio Grande that he hears is a hideout for gunmen .

  23. 警察出其不意地出现在杀人犯的藏匿处抓住了他。

    The police swooped on the murderer in his hiding place .

  24. 有时候爱情就藏匿在生活中的瞬间里头。

    Sometimes love is hiding between the seconds of your life .

  25. 警察正在追赶藏匿起来的杀人犯。

    The police are following a murderer who 's in hiding .

  26. 我们得在西区找个地方藏匿。

    We have to find a spot on the West side .

  27. 这样的体型有利于他们藏匿于床上更小的缝隙中。

    And that helpsthem hide in little cracks near a bed .

  28. 他们把那笔钱全都藏匿在阁楼上了。

    They had all that money stashed away in the loft .

  29. 对于她来说,藏匿才是更大的快乐。

    For her , more pleasure could be found in concealment .

  30. 我想马登兄弟藏匿在农场里。

    I think the Mardon brothers are hiding on a farm .