
  • 网络Best Business Schools;The Best B Schools
  1. 不仅伦敦商学院(LBS)再次摘得欧洲最佳商学院的桂冠,还有其他3所英国商学院的排名取得了自去年以来的最大幅度上升。

    Not only has London Business School ( LBS ) kept its crown as the best business school in Europe but three other schools in Britain have achieved the biggest rises since last year .

  2. 在欧洲的85所最佳商学院当中,巴黎高等商学院(HECParis)依然排名第二,仅次于伦敦商学院,而总部位于法国枫丹白露的国际商学院——欧洲工商管理学院(Insead)的排名攀升两位,至第三名。

    In the field of the best 85 business schools in Europe , HEC Paris remains in second place behind LBS , while Insead , the international school based in Fontainebleau , France , climbs two places to third .

  3. 这不仅是该学院首次跻身前5名,而且还是伦敦商学院在这个榜单上首次失去英国最佳商学院这个头衔。

    Not only is it the first time it has broken into the top five , but it is also the first occasion that LBS is not the top-placed UK school in the MBA ranking .