
  • 网络Shenzhen Economic Daily
  1. 《深圳商报》房地产广告整合营销传播研究

    The Integrated Marketing Communication Research of Shenzhen Economic Daily Real Estate Advertisement

  2. 根据《深圳商报》的一则报道,库克是在当地一个创新活动中与深圳市高官磋商时宣布该计划的。

    Mr Cook announced the plan during discussions with senior city officials at a local innovation event , according to a report in the Shenzhen Economic Daily .

  3. 在《深圳特区报》或《深圳商报》或其它省级以上报纸三次登载合并公告的报刊原件各1份;

    Original of each announcement about the merger for three times in Shenzhen Special Zone Daily or Shenzhen Business Newspaper or other newspaper of provincial level or above ;