
  • 网络Deep sea technology;Deep Ocean Technology;DOT;Deep Marine Technology
  1. 为了维护我国开发国际海底资源的应有权益,必须大力发展深海技术。

    In order to protect our country 's rights and interests to exploit them , we must develop deep ocean technology actively .

  2. 课题来源于中国大洋协会十五深海技术发展项目钴结壳采集模型机关键技术及装备研究(DY105-3-2)。

    The topic comes from the 15th deep-sea development project of the Ocean Mineral Resource Research and Development Association of China .

  3. 一种不同于常规的新型起吊方式&水下起吊正被发展中的深海技术考虑采用。

    A new lifting method called the underwater lifting , which is different from the traditional lifting method on water surface , is becoming a part of the developing deep-sea technology .

  4. 那时候深海采矿技术还不成熟。

    The technology of undersea mining was then undeveloped .

  5. 深海采矿技术发展现状讨论会

    Seminar on Current Status of Developments in Deepsea Mining Technology

  6. 德国深海采矿技术的研究

    Study of Deep - sea Mining Technique in Germany

  7. 中国深海采矿技术的发展

    Development of Deep - sea Mining Technology in China

  8. 随着深海工程技术的发展,深海环境对金属材料的耐腐蚀性能的影响受到越来越多的关注。

    With the development of deep-sea engineering , deep-sea environment on the corrosion resistance of metal materials has drawn more attention .

  9. 本文首先介绍了国内外升沉补偿相关技术,以及深海采矿技术的发展现状。

    First , the technology of inner and outer heave compensation are introduced , the deep-sea mining technology development is summed up .

  10. 在解析发展背景、总结技术进步的基础上,对如何加快我国发展深海采矿技术提出了新的见解。

    Based on describing the development background of deep-sea mining and summing up its technical advancements , author provides some new viewpoints for how to quicken development of China 's deep-sea mining technology .

  11. 随着航天及深海探测技术的发展,遥操作机器人技术的应用越来越广泛,因此针对遥操作机器人的研究也逐渐成为了控制理论研究的热点之一。

    Comparing with the development of space technology and sea exploration , tele-robotics technology has been widely used , and the research about tele-robotics systems has gained more attention from the researchers all over the world .

  12. 现在,随着现代深海探测技术的发展,研究人员可以深入到海底660英尺,即200米以下,发现大量种类繁多的海底生物。

    Now , with the benefit of technology that allows for deeper exploration , researchers have uncovered a remarkable array of species inhabiting the ocean floor at the depths of more than 660 feet , or about 200 meters .

  13. 介绍了国际海底区域的战略地位与战略竞争,在新世纪以后,区域将成为自然资源和深海高技术的战略开发基地。

    An introduction was made on the strategic position and strategic competition of international sea-bed area . From the new century on , the " area " will become the strategic development base of natural resources and deep-sea high technology .

  14. 随着陆上石油资源日趋枯竭,海洋石油成为人类重要的能源来源之一,深海平台技术开发已经成为国际海洋工程界的一个热点。

    As the oil overland is gradually exhausted , Ocean Oil will become one of the most important sources of energy in the world . And along with it , deep ocean platform technology will be a focal point in the international ocean engineering .

  15. 以海水为工作介质可以使作业机械具有系统结构简单、使用维护方便和环保等优点。因此,海水液压传动技术是当前深海作业技术及装备的研究热点。

    Using seawater as the medium of fluid power transmission is the hot-spot in the field of the deep-sea underwater work machinery . The seawater hydraulic technology not only simplify the structure , maintenance and operation of machinery , but also is compatible with ocean environment .

  16. 深海资源开采技术的研究现状

    Current Study Status of Exploiting Technology to Deep-Ocean Resource

  17. 深海集矿技术的评价

    An assessment of collection technology in deepsea mining

  18. 深海腐蚀试验技术

    Deep sea corrosion test technique

  19. 本课题研究的深海取样钻机技术属于深海探测与大洋钻探技术领域。

    Sampling technique of deep-sea drilling machine was introduced in this paper ; it belongs to field of deep-sea exploration technology and ocean drilling technology .

  20. 随着海洋工程、深海采矿等技术的发展,人类对海洋的探索已逐渐由浅海转向深海。

    As the development of ocean engineering and deep-sea mining , the exploration of ocean has turned from the shallow sea to the deep sea .

  21. 本文针对传统补偿技术的缺点,提出一种新型的主动式电液伺服补偿系统,该系统的成功研制为我国在锁定的太平洋海域的深海采矿提供技术储备。

    This paper aimed at the shortcoming of traditional compensation technology and put forward a new type of an active electro-hydraulic servo compensation system . The successful develop of this system provide the technology accumulate for the deep mining in the Sea area for our country .

  22. 深海沉积物保真采样技术及应用

    Pressure tight sampling technique for deep-sea sediment and its application

  23. 深海锰结核处理技术及其发展趋势

    Technologies for processing deep-sea manganese nodules and their developmental trends

  24. 深海采矿车控制技术研究

    Review of Deep-sea Miner Control Techniques Buying a Car

  25. 深海探测与作业技术是海洋技术研究的重要领域之一。

    Deep sea exploration and operation technology is one of the key research fields for ocean research and development .

  26. 我国矿产资源所面临的严峻形势要求我们需要大力发展深海矿产资源开采技术。

    The severe situation that Chinese mineral resources faced need us to develop the technology of deep-sea mineral resources exploitation .

  27. 开展深海资源图像处理技术的研究,对于提升深海采矿车的环境辨识能力有着重要的研究意义。

    Researching on the deep-sea resource image processing is very important for improving the capacity of environment recognition about mine vehicle .

  28. 介绍了国外大洋锰结核深海开采扬矿技术与关键设备的研究开发状况和我国扬矿技术研究现状。

    The development status of lifting technologies and some key equipment at home and abroad for mining deep-sea manganese nodules has been introduced .

  29. 21世纪是人类向海洋进军的世纪,深海探测与作业技术是海洋开发研究的重要领域之一。

    The 21st century is the century of ocean development . Deep-ocean survey and operation is one of the most important techniques in ocean development and research field .

  30. 对我国十年来深海采矿集矿机技术的发展作了回顾,总结了攻关解决的一系列关键技术。

    This paper reviews the development of nodule collecting technique in deep-sea mining , and summarizes many key techniques resolved through tackling key problems in China during past ten years .