
  • 网络cobalt-rich crust;Cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts;Cobalt-ch ferromanganese crusts
  1. 洋底富钴结壳矿床微地形和物理特性

    Microtopography and Physical Properties of Seabed Cobalt-rich Crust Deposit

  2. 酸浸&萃取工艺从富钴结壳矿中提取钴、镍、铜、锰

    Recovering co , ni , cu and Mn from Ocean Cobalt-Rich Crust by acid leaching and solvent extraction

  3. 中太平洋富钴结壳Co元素地球化学特征

    Cobalt geochemistry features in Co-rich crust in the central Pacific Ocean

  4. 富钴结壳中Ti的富集及其资源潜力

    Enrichment and resources potential of titanium in cobalt-rich crust

  5. 大洋富钴结壳开采控制系统的参数模糊自整定PID设计

    Design of Parameter Fuzzy Self-adjusting PID Controller of the Control System for Ocean Cobalt-Rich Crusts Exploitation

  6. 普通X射线荧光光谱法用于中太平洋富钴结壳中锰价态的定量分析

    Quantitative Analysis of Valences for Manganese in Cobalt-rich Crust Samples from the Central Pacific Ocean by X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry

  7. 地处中太平洋的CL海山是大洋富钴结壳广泛分布的重点地区。

    As an important part of the Middle Pacific seamounts area , Co-rich crusts distribute widely in CL Seamount .

  8. 麦哲伦海山区MA、MC海山富钴结壳元素间关系及成因意义

    Interelement relationships and their implications for crust genesis in cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts from the Ma and MC seamounts of the Magellan Seamounts

  9. 研究改性大洋富钴结壳对铜的吸附过程,测定改性大洋富钴结壳对Cu2+的吸附容量,考察介质pH、初始浓度、吸附时间等因素对吸附过程的影响。

    The adsorption process of copper with modified oceanic cobalt-rich crust is investigated . And the influences of medium pH , initial concentration of copper , retention time etc. on adsorption process are studied .

  10. CMB改性大洋富钴结壳尾矿对重金属离子的选择性吸附

    Selective Adsorption of Heavy Metal Ions by CMB Modified Gangue of Oceanic Cobalt-rich Crust

  11. 西太平洋Lamont海山中新世以来富钴结壳成矿环境的演化

    Evolution of Ore-forming Condition of Co-rich Crusts From Lamont Guyot in the Western Pacific Since the Miocene

  12. 193nmArf准分子激光剥蚀等离子体质谱测定富钴结壳中的稀土元素

    Determination of Rare Earth Elements in Rich-Co Crust by 193 nm ArF Excimer Laser Ablation-Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry

  13. 对东太平洋海盆C-C区海底多金属结核及西太平洋马绍尔地区富钴结壳的He同位素组成进行了对比研究。

    A comparative study of helium isotope for polymetallic nodules from C-C zone of the east Pacific basin and cobalt crusts from Marshall Island was reported .

  14. 富钴结壳铂族元素超细标准物质的研制脉冲镀Ni-Co合金镀层内应力及钴含量的研究

    Preparation and Study of Two Seamount Co-rich Crust PGEs Ultra-fine Reference Materials : MCPt-1 and MCPt-2 Internal Stress and Co Content of Pulse Electrodeposited Ni-Co Alloy Coatings

  15. 选取采自中太平洋海山、具有多层构造的富钴结壳(样品号MHD79)进行分析。

    We selected a Co-rich crust sample ( MHD79 ), which has multi-layer structure and was gathered from central Pacific MH seamount .

  16. 对“大洋一号”调查船在中太平洋采集的N115和N5E062个富钴结壳样品进行了钙质超微化石及其生物地层学的研究与分析。

    Calcareous nannofossils in2 Co-rich ferromanganese crusts , N1-15 and N5E-06 , from the central Pacific seamounts were analyzed in order to estimate their depositional ages .

  17. 对取自西太平洋麦哲伦海山区一厚度为10cm的富钴结壳样品,自顶至底以5mm间距采取了20个分层样品进行了成矿元素和稀土元素分析。

    Sampling from top to bottom of a 10 cm thick sample dredged from Magellan seamount , NW Pacific , was conducted at an interval of 5 mm . The concentrations of ore forming and rare earth elements in 20 subsamples were determined .

  18. 中太平洋北部锰结核沉积化学的研究中太平洋YJC海山富钴结壳矿物组成与元素地球化学

    THE STUDY OF SEDIMENTARY GEOCHEMISTRY OF MANGANESE NODULES IN THE NORTHERN PART OF THE CENTRAL PACIFIC OCEAN Mineral composition and element geochemistry of Co-rich crust from the YJC sea mount in the Central Pacific Ocean

  19. 大洋富钴结壳成因机制的探讨&水成因证据

    Cobalt - rich ferromanganese crusts formation & Evidences of hydrogenous origin

  20. 富钴结壳采集头切削特性相似实验研究

    Similarity Experiment Study on Cutting Characteristics of Cobalt-Rich Crust Mining Head

  21. 富钴结壳湿法冶金工艺中硫化渣的加压浸出

    Study on Sulfurized Residue from Cobalt-crust by Acid Leaching under Pressure

  22. 富钴结壳资源评价和圈矿方法探讨

    Method approach of resource assessment and ore delineation for cobalt-rich crust

  23. 海山富钴结壳的圈矿方法

    A method for finding the ore block of Co-rich crusts on seamounts

  24. 西太平洋海山富钴结壳特点及物质来源研究

    Characteristics and Genesis Studying of Co - Rich Crust from West Pacific

  25. 西太平洋富钴结壳成矿系统

    The Metallogenic System of Co-rich Manganese Crusts in Western Pacific

  26. 结核状及砾状大洋富钴结壳浮选工艺研究

    Research on Flotation of Cored and Gravel Cobalt-rich Crust from Pacific Ocean

  27. 富钴结壳资源量评估参数的分形特征研究

    Fractal characters of the evaluation parameters of resource quantity of cobalt-rich crust

  28. 板状大洋富钴结壳浮选工艺研究

    Research on Flotation of Board Cobalt-rich Crust from Pacific Ocean

  29. 富钴结壳破碎细观机理实验研究

    Experimental research on fragmentation microscopic mechanism of cobalt - rich manganese crusts

  30. 磷酸盐化对中太平洋海山富钴结壳物质组分的影响

    Effects of Phosphatization on Composition of Co-rich Crusts on Central Pacific Seamounts